Chapter 807

What Tianyou said was so serious, he put his face together and only looked at the skinny guy with trepidation.

"You two are interesting."

The thin man couldn't stand it.Qin Ruo's coercion was hidden, and with Tianyou's eyes looking at him, he felt that his body and mind had been greatly devastated, "Senior brother, hurry up and say something." The person Qin Ruo scared was not him, so that fat man was able to Watching a good show with a relaxed face?It can be considered that he was unfavorable at the beginning of the teacher. He thought that the Qing Dynasty was a waste, so he dared to be arrogant.

The fat man stood forward with a smile and bowed again.This time, the two times in a row were directed at Qin Ruo, so it can be seen that Qin Ruo is the only one who is really afraid of this person.

"Miss, the two of us have been ordered by the Lord to investigate the town where Shuanglong shed tears. Please forgive me if I offend you." In Xiaqing, the emphasis is still on strength.Fatty looks kind and is indeed a shrewd man.The first time I saw Qin Ruo again, I knew that this girl had some origins. Just now, he secretly hinted to the senior brother, so that the skinny man said that.Even if you want to try Qin Ruo's skills.Seeing that Qin Ruo's moves were as fast as lightning, although he was shocked and his face was half hidden, he put on a kind face at this moment.

"Oh? Which master?"

"Naturally, my lord Demon King."

There is nothing wrong with these two sentences at first glance.This place is the land of his demon clan, Shuanglong shed tears, they have seen it before the gate of the town.

Qin Ruo's hand loosened twice, and he still had some doubts. "Since we were investigating Ssangyong and shed tears, why did you say that you have lost your children and grandchildren?" It's only been so long, and it's impossible for her to remember the thin man's words wrongly.

"When the two of us came out, my lord had ordered people to keep this matter low-key. So my senior brother just found an excuse to prevaricate the girl."

If the people of the Mozu found something strange in the town like they did, they would definitely send someone to investigate, Qin Ruo firmly believed in this.But this is really not a sign of good luck. If I were to check it myself, I would be more low-key.After figuring this out, the credibility of their words has increased a bit.

"Then what did you find out?" Tianyou leaned on Qin Ruo, seemed to be interested, and looked over with raised eyebrows.At this moment, Fatty only thought that he had fooled the past, and the two of them believed in their words.

Therefore, his speech is much more relaxed than before. "My brothers and I have just arrived in the town. They turned into ordinary merchants and stayed here. They just want to hear what the people in the city have to say." When encountering such a thing, they seem to have no clue. If they really want to inquire about the news, I'm afraid I can only watch and listen to some gossip, and touch the door.

Qin Ruo's evil spirit dissipated, and the thin man's words were not pleasant, but she had already slapped him twice as punishment.At this moment, they came to this town just to get together with the old devil, so even if it was a casual favor, Qin Ruo was not prepared to make things difficult for the two of them.

Bai Mu refused to come over for a long time, until the two of them had finished talking with them, and then slowly came, holding Mu Yu's hand.

"Do you believe what they said?" Qin Ruo's eyes turned on Tianyou. There was nothing wrong with what the two said, but for some reason, she always felt that something was wrong.

"Believe it. Why don't you believe it." Tianyou pulled his cuffs, didn't lift his head, and answered even more casually.

At this time, Bai Mu, who just came over, only said a few words to Qin Ruo, "There is no brother in the demon race." Although there were two steps away, he could still hear their conversation clearly.Qin Ruo and Tianyou only picked faults on the two of them, and he was so meticulous that he also carefully filtered through what he said.

Yes.The girl suddenly raised her head, how could the demons be called brothers.

Seeing that the old god was still there, Tianyou covered his mouth with his sleeve listlessly, yawned, and then said: "If they weren't from the demon clan, where else could they have come from? Forget it, don't care what they are People, as long as we don't spoil our important affairs." His important affairs, it seems, only one at present, which is to seek favor from the old devil.

The road to the Qing Dynasty is far away.He lazily looked at the sky, when will he be able to stand above the heavens and avenge Su Hai?

"If you want me to say, no matter what happens in this town, we'd better leave it alone." Tianyou not only behaved lazily, but also kept his thoughts in what he said. "It's a big deal, it's better for us to meet the old devil, so we can understand everything."

He had never experienced the loss of children in Bailong Town back then, and he couldn't imagine the methods of the demons to handle affairs. Even Bailong Town, which is the foundation, they never relentlessly attacked.

According to his thinking, no matter how good the outside world is, it is not as comfortable as staying in Wanyao Mountain, so the strange things in this town should be troubled by the old devil himself. "Doesn't that old guy like to go crazy? Where do you think we can find him?" It seems that only when something related to his plan is mentioned, Tianyou's spirit can barely be scored.No, asking a question still revolves around that old guy.

But his question obviously couldn't resonate with the two of them.The two people in front of him changed into preoccupied expressions.

Tianyou only took a glance at them, and then fell silent. "Okay. Don't think about it. I bet, that old man might be in a casino somewhere." The demon master is notoriously crazy, and he will join in wherever there is excitement, where there are many people Where is he going.What can there be in town?If the old man is really in the town, he can't think of a second place that suits the old man's taste other than the casino.

At this time, the snow was sparsely falling, showing signs of stopping.On the wet street, someone closed the umbrella again.What Tianyou saw was like the word "gamble" written on an oil umbrella.

Qin Ruo thought, it's not because of this that this guy said that the old man was in the casino.

In view of Tianyou's recent behavior, Qin Ruo decided to let her provide clues. "I won't be here. If you really want to find him, you might as well go out with us to find him." As someone who has personally met the old devil, Qin Ruo definitely has the right to speak.As for the matter in the town, she still intends to take care of it, and just wait until she finds time to come to the town after she has lured Tianyou to meet him.

Qin Ruo thought simply.

But I really came to the land of the demons back then, and I was stunned.

That crazy old man was lying in a pool of blood at this moment, with a hideous expression on his face.And the child they had seen was dismembered beside him.As for the old devil's two children, they were not spared either, and they all fell to the ground.The scene was horrible.

At this moment, Qin Ruo suddenly understood... the tears of the two dragons were clearly heralding the fall of the demon master.

"Damn!" Tianyou couldn't help but cursed out.His last hope!Just lying in front of him like this?How embarrassing for him.The most annoying thing is that apparently they just missed the time with the murderer by a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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