Chapter 810

"As for Brother Qin, isn't there a wife in his family who loves each other?" Qin Ruo said all the facts she knew at this moment.Those "facts" that Bai Mu and Qin Feng have shown in front of her many times.

"You're talking about Xiao Yu?" Mu Yu's eyes twitched, Xiao Yu skipped Po La, even he didn't like this kid, so how could Big Brother Qin like him. "Brother Qin is only surrounded by Xiao Yu, yes, you must be talking about Xiao Yu." The Qin family in the small town now has a big family and a big business.Brother Qin was in charge, so he felt that the gate of the Qin family was like a bottomless pit for absorbing money, and he was almost envious of him. "But Xiao Yu is obviously just Brother Qin's girl. Because Brother Qin is in poor health, she stayed by her side to take care of her." Mu Yu had recognized Qin Feng as her brother in the past few years. That villain is a hundred times stronger.

Qin Ruo's eyes wandered.The little girl next to Qin Feng, she can't remember wrongly, she is definitely the girl from back then.No, it is a mistake to say that Xiao Yu is a girl now, since I haven't seen her in ten years, the girl has already become a woman.She recalled that when she saw Xiao Yu, that person's attire did not seem to be that of a married woman.In an instant, all that came out of her heart was hatred for Xiao Yu.Qin Feng wanted to live a peaceful life, but she retreated and avoided it.Turned the two people's years of relationship into that mole of tears, but what did Qin Feng get?Is Xiaoyu not even willing to marry him?So what's the point of what she did?

"Tell me a few more words, is Xiao Yu unwilling to marry Brother Qin, or are they delayed by something?" Qin Ruo's best idea is to ask Mu Yu for information.Little Mu Yu couldn't hide what Bai Mu couldn't say.How can a child who has the heart to get close to Qin Ruo know what her intentions are.

Mu Yu was very distressed and thought about it, "As far as I can remember, Xiao Yu is Brother Qin's girl. When did they reach the point of talking about marriage?" Obviously, hearing Qin Ruo's words, he was more serious than Qin Ruo. surprise. "I heard from Xiao Yu that Brother Qin has someone in his heart." When he finished speaking, he added another sentence.

what on earth is it? !
"Bai Mu, is Qin Feng really dead?" The two had no contact with each other in the mountains, and Mu Yu was the one who spread the word.Qin Ruo appeared in front of Bai Mu's door, and Bai Mu was really surprised.

This man has his story, and he also has good intentions to hide from Qin Ruo.But when it comes to matters related to Qin Feng, he can really touch his conscience and feel that he is worthy of Qin Feng.He pointed to the bed in the house, "That day, when I saw him for the last time, I was already powerless." Qin Feng was not Qin Ruo, Qin Feng who had lost his cultivation, was fragile and weak. In his eyes, it was half-life stolen.He didn't want to think about it, that scene hit him too hard.

"Didn't you stay by his side all the time, treating him?" Qin Ruo grabbed his chest. It was rare to see such an excited Qin Ruo, Bai Mu thought silently.He still remembered that when he had nowhere to go to find Qin Ruo that morning, she was so indifferent.He thought that it was Qin Feng's indifference all these years that made her completely heartbroken. "Do you care about him?" He looked directly into her eyes, wanting to find the answer from them.

The tear mole at the corner of her eye was so painful that she could hardly keep her eyes open.How could you not care!Her indifference, her composure, are all fake.God knows how much she misses Qin Feng.

"Why didn't Qin Feng want to recognize me back then?" This woman tore off her mask, she was still just an ordinary little woman who would be hurt by her love and sad for her lover's departure.She is no different from ordinary girls.Bai Mu looked at her, and instantly stopped his thought of getting out completely.That's right, since Qin Feng has already gone, does he want to make Qin Ruo feel bad again?Experience the pain of losing a loved one?
After all, he loves her dearly.

"He was ill, but my medical skills were not good enough to bring him back from life and death." The truth was not like this, it was his fault!It was all his own fault!He drank too much, impulsively vomited all the grievances he had accumulated for many years in front of Qin Feng, and only then did he get the results that day.He turned his head, no matter how he looked into Qin Ruo's eyes, he couldn't make up these words.

"Then what's the matter with Xiao Yu? What's the matter with no one by his side for ten years?" No matter how harsh the words were, Qin Ruo had heard them from Bai Mu.Those emotional wounds pulled her nerves again and again.When the pain gradually turned into numbness, she would no longer be the same as before when she heard any words, just a little girl who would cry to vent her feelings.She asked rationally and impulsively, and the questions that haunted her every day, as well as the little rain between her and Qin Feng, seemed to be just her own guesses.What is the real situation?She came to him just to know the truth.

The man pulled Qin Ruo's hand away from the front of his clothes, "You know everything, and you know all the truth. Even if you come to listen to me again now, will you be able to change? Qin Feng is dead, He's already dead. Isn't it pointless to pursue the original question now!" Bai Mu couldn't make it up anymore, he was eloquent, and he did the same thing that destroyed other people's feelings in the incident between Qin Feng and Qin Ruo time and time again. the bad guys.Such a self is enough to make him loathe himself.He couldn't make it up anymore, he just begged Qin Ruo to leave quickly.

"Qin Feng, is he really dead?" It seemed that Qin Ruo had a sense of reality at this moment.The last time Bai Mu came, he brought the news of Qin Feng's death.But she took the initiative to choose not to believe it. She thought a lot and said to herself with a trace of clarity that Qin Feng would not die so easily.She firmly believed and was unwilling to face up to the result.This was the second time she had heard about Qin Feng's death, and suddenly she realized that all the previous events were just wishful thinking, and he was really dead.

"He had been ill for a long time, and the wind and cold covered his body that day. I tried my best to let him linger on for two days. I think that he chose to end his life in that way in the end, just because those pains took away all his life. Hope." Every time Bai Mu gets together, he has to experience that scene in his heart again, and he can only bear the obscure troubles during the period.But one thing, he was right.Only he understands Qin Feng's world, because he is a person who knows the truth.It was the lack of hope that made his final decision.

Qin Ruo stepped into the vast sea of ​​grass, and disappeared from his eyes like moths to the flame.

He sighed silently, playing tricks on people.Melancholy in my heart.

That night, Qin Ruo went straight to the Nether Palace.When meeting Yinrong, she was still in a dream.She grabbed Yinrong's hand, like a lost child, just begging him. "Yinrong, help me, help me."

(End of this chapter)

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