Chapter 812 God Bless Returns
This person, how can she make him change his barking habit.

In deja vu, that person always called her "daughter-in-law" affectionately, and she turned around, "Don't call me wife!" The voice was loud and clear.

Tianyou was stunned.

"Ruoruo, I'll bring it for you." Tianyou waited for a long time, like an innocent child, with the hairpin in his hand, he still rubbed against her.This was a very common behavior, no matter how bad Qin Ruo was in a bad mood, he really couldn't tell what was wrong with him.Do you want him to not even call Ruo Ruo?
"Ruoruo, your hair looks really good." Tianyou saw that Qin Ruo didn't mean to be angry with him anymore, and immediately smiled again.He ran his fingertips through her long hair and sighed.

"Put the hairpin on, let me have a good look at it." Regardless of Tianyou's sloppy words, unexpectedly, he was as gentle as possible to Qin Ruo's long hair. He had grown long hair himself for a long time, so naturally Know how to take care of it.Soon, he pinned the hairpin in his hair.The style of the flowers seems to be blooming in Qin Ruo's long black hair, which has a special taste.

"Not bad, very good." Tianyou looked at it for a long time, "From now on, you can keep this hairpin with you, it can be regarded as a keepsake for both of us."

He clapped his hands and relaxed.

keepsake?Qin Ruo narrowed her eyes.

"I don't want it." If anything hurts people the most, it must be Qin Ruo's mouth.Tianyou's kindness, she would not accept at all.

Tianyou seemed to be inadvertent, as if he didn't hear Qin Ruo's words at all, and still said what he wanted to say slowly. "In fact, I envy the lives of ordinary people in the mortal world. Give my daughter-in-law a gift, and the husband and wife will live happily in a small house. If we have free time in the future, we will live in the mortal world for a few days. Day, how do you look?"

The taste of this gift is really good.Even if Qin Ruo's performance was completely different from the young couple he saw secretly, he still enjoyed it.

Well, Qin Ruo has something of her own, why does it feel so good.

He snickered, "Ruoruo, you should tell me something." The hairpin was not conspicuous at all, but he was just happy!

"What do you want me to say?"

"Of course..." Tianyou turned his gaze and landed on her many hairpins. Next time, he should buy a simpler one for his wife. This one is also a bit eye-catching. How could Qin Ruoren be better than Huajiao? , which is not good. "Whatever I say, Ruoruo will agree with it." He smiled smugly.

Qin Ruo turned around and didn't look at him.This person doesn't know how to laugh every day.

Go dreaming.She returned him quietly in her heart, but her face was still cold, so Tianyou couldn't see any clues.

"Where's Bai Mu, where's Mu Yu?" Tianyou pinned the hairpin on Qin Ruo's head, and couldn't wait to ask Qin Ruo about the whereabouts of the two of them.Scanning the room, the empty room appeared to be very clean, with no sign of anyone living in it at all.

"They lived in the valley, where it was back then." Tianyou provided Bai Mu's residence back then.

"He didn't come here?" During the days when he was out, he was frightened and comforted himself secretly.Bai Mu is a gentleman, a real gentleman, and it was only at this moment that he really felt at ease in his heart.

"Ruoruo, I've gained a lot from this trip." Bai Mu and Qin Ruo walked farther and farther, he let go of the last bit of anxiety, and went straight to the bed in the house.Sitting by the bed, he took off his shoes to reveal the fluffy socks inside, and crossed his legs. "Do you know that the three old families of the Qing Dynasty were old, but this time, this king went to meet that reclusive wealthy family." He laughed loudly, in a particularly good mood. "I didn't even expect that the head of their family was more anxious than me to come back and revive the family."

Qin Ruo was obviously not as optimistic as Tianyou after hearing this. "What does their revival have to do with us?" This is what Qin Ruo never understood.

"Hehe. Do you really think those people above have nothing to do with us? As for the downfall of Yunyang and the Mozu, do you think only Fenglei is in the way?" For countless years, he just thought about all the details carefully. , each of which is a large-scale cleansing of forces. "There is nothing in the world that can escape the word right. Those people manipulated secretly to give Qi Tao a chance."

For the first time, he spoke so thoroughly.

"You mean, who were involved in the destruction of Yunyang back then?"

Tianyou blinked his eyes, momentarily forgetting that Qin Ruo was born in Yunyang, and thought about it. "That's the reason." The little tea tree was very nostalgic.

It turned out that this move was just a game of chess played by those above.In their eyes, Yunyang's extermination is as simple as strangling an ant.

"The sects of the Shangqing check and balance each other. When Qi Tao asked me for help, when I think about it carefully, it was just for me to express my opinion. If I refused at that time, I am afraid that Wanyao Mountain was not destroyed ten years ago, but followed Yunyang went together... Fenglei found a good backer, so he can dominate the family."

Is that right?What are they doing to control the Qing situation?The pattern that had never been shaken for thousands of years was suddenly broken for some reason.

"Then what are you going to do?" For the first time, Qin Ruo was eager to know Tianyou's specific plan.

He finally took off the cloak, and inside was a beautiful boa robe, which almost blinded people's eyes.Then, the boy leaned against the head of the bed and was about to lie down.

A leaf flew out at an angle.Tianyou looked at the severed long hair and sat up straight. "What else? I lived in seclusion, but I just received news. They can exist because of the acquiescence of those people."

"Okay, it's all empty talk on paper. In two days, the Patriarch's birthday is over there. Let's go there and you'll understand everything." Tianyou made a conclusion. "In just these two days, we will get married, and I can send Bai Mu away."

Listen to this plan, it is well calculated.Who should be there when and where.God Bless knows everything.

Qin Ruo was thinking, the first thing she thought of back then was Mu Ye, after so many years, it seemed that she was struggling in a circle, and she still wanted to go to Mu Ye in the end.Oh, that's okay, the grievances and grievances of many years have come together in one place.

Wuxin was listening to Tianyou, "Let's just take this opportunity to get to know people from Shangqing, why are we in such a hurry to get married."

"Well," Tianyou smiled, the spring flowers were blooming.It was very different from the casual look just now, "Mu Ye pays attention to family values, and the old man especially likes steady men who have become relatives. I used this excuse to meet him in person this time." They were in Game, playing tricks in front of those above.Tianyou has a lot of tricks, and even in this aspect, he tried his best to be comprehensive.

(End of this chapter)

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