Chapter 840
Behind Qi Tao, the twelve servants stood silently.

Since the tragedy many years ago, God Bless has already set up a steep stone wall outside the flat trail in front of the mountain.People standing in front, at first glance, would think this is a smooth mountain mirror.In Qi Tao's eyes, it's not an exaggeration to say that such a way of doing things is like a gangster.

When An Yu passed on God's Blessing, Qi Tao had already passed the mountain mirror with his twelve servants and stood on the trail.

The misty mist in the middle of the mountain is its second barrier.In Yingying Zhuozhong, her naked eyes were reduced to the limit, and she could only see a few meters away in front of her.Qi Tao is facing such a situation.

The misty mist blocked his sight. For a moment, looking at the long-lasting mist, Qi Tao suddenly had doubts in his heart: Can the current self take down Wanyao Mountain?

This kind of self-question has not appeared in the past few years.That's because even if Tianyou got the order to break the halberd, Qi Tao's Fenglei faction also became the well-deserved ruler in Xia Qingzhong.Clear up all the territory, spread his troops, and his influence.That year, Qi Tao, who went to Mu's house by a bad move, had a vague premonition that the whereabouts of the halberd order was in the hands of Tianyou.It happened to be fifteen at that time, and he knew in his heart that he would not be able to catch up, so he felt indulgent during the year.Thinking back to Tianyou back then, he was just a lonely person.The mountain is covered with fog, and under the cover of thick fog, what kind of Wanyao Mountain is it?


Qi Yun asked softly.

Seeing Qi Tao standing on the footpath, as long as he took a step forward, he could enter the real core of Wanyao Mountain, but he stopped, as if in a daze.

Qi Tao was pulled back to reality by the voice, looking up at Wan Yao Mountain. "Twelve attendants obey orders." There was a deepness in his eyes.

Qi Yun and the others quietly listened to Qi Tao's one after another killing instructions.After he finished his orders, Fang led a thousand of his men and made a detour behind the mountain.

In the Wanyao Mountain, the group of monsters who were gathering suddenly felt the ground shaking and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Tianyou sat up again, but said lightly: "The earth dragon has moved. Everyone go back and wait for a moment."

There was no trace of panic on that scarred face.

The demons obviously didn't know the urgency of the situation, they only thought that what the demon king said was the truth, and they left the square in groups of three or four.

All of a sudden, the square was filled with people in darkness.

Fenglei's master stood on the top of the cloud, his eyes full of murderous aura.

Tianyou stood up slowly, above the clouds, the most conspicuous one was Qi Tao.Among thousands of troops, he is always all in white.But who knows, his heart has long been blackened into thick ink.

An Yu took a step aside, intending to protect her.

Tianyou obviously had no sense of fear, he raised his head, and smiled at the person on the top of the cloud at this moment. "Long time no see, Head Qi."

In the hundreds of years, the number of times the two have met can be counted on the fingers.Every greeting seems to be this sentence.

In the empty square, only Tianyou and Anyu stood there, like two living targets.

Qi Tao clothed the top of the cloud, and walked towards him step by step, every step of his feet was filled with thunder.

He is the overlord of the Xiaqing, and no one can take away this eternal achievement from him.

"The gate of the mountain has been broken, and the twelve servants will arrive soon. Don't you know that today is your day of death?"

Tianyou looked at the densely packed figures on the top of the cloud, and thought absurdly, if these people all fell from the top of the cloud, wouldn't they want to fill up the square of Wan Yao Mountain?Smiling back: "Master Qi, how many times have you issued killing orders in five years, but which time have you seen my head brought before you?" It was ridicule and provocation.Except for An Yu who was by his side, Qin Ruo was the only one who knew how many times he had gone through dangers in the past five years.

They are in a weak position, and what they have to face every day is the killing of the children of the Qi family.

72 An Yu, because of Qi Tao's relationship, withered until now there are only 30 people left.

Just crossing Ruohe once, 20 people were lost.

It was also that time that Tianyou was most impressed.

That day, he and Qin Ruo were already the smallest inn they could find incognito.But he was still discovered by Qi Tao's dense spy network.That night, before crossing the Ruohe River, people were devastated.The whole town was buried for God's blessing, and under the protection of An Yu, they bit the bullet and fled in the direction of Du Ruohe.

Qin Ruo supported him and stood on the edge of the Duruo River.

Crossing Ruohe is the watershed that separates the two mountains.

He stood on the side of the mountain, looking at the rushing river, thinking that he might die here.

Qin Ruo's nails hurt him.He looked back at her in a trance, suddenly filled with infinite fighting spirit.

She accompanied him, little by little until today.As long as they can cross the river, they can shake off Qi Tao's pursuers.In an instant, arrogance filled his chest.

He held her back hard, "Are you afraid?"

The woman just smiled slightly, "What are you talking about."

Her starry eyes are bright, and her smile is as warm and pleasant as the wind in May.He took her hand and jumped down.

The Duruo River, known as the natural danger, was surging under their feet.

Behind him, 72 An Yu became a living target for the two of them.For those who were chasing them, after every shot, one of the dark feathers would fall down.

The cold wind howled in his ears, the howling in the mountain stream and the wind and thunder behind him interweaved into the sonata of that day, echoing in his heart for a long time.

He was exhausted, struggling above Du Ruohe, looking at Qin Ruo foolishly.

not dead?He can't believe it.

Crossing the two worlds of Ruohe is the natural enemy of the Yaozu.All the monsters here can't use their aura at all.

The remaining dark feathers came one after another.Thankfully they survived.

"Yeah, you didn't die when you crossed Ruohe." That was also the time Qi Tao felt most confident.

Qi Tao finally walked in front of him, this person will one day stand at the border of Wanyao Mountain and stand in front of Tianyou.There are too many doubts in his heart, and he can't hear the answer today.After crossing Ruohe, he always thought, how did Tianyou escape?But today he will not ask, and there will be no Tianyou to tell him in the future.That can only become an eternal mystery in his heart.Who cares?As long as he got what he wanted today, that was enough.

The wind moved, Qi Tao's long hair fluttered in the wind.

Qin Ruo hurried over quietly.I was shocked to see the suave young man standing in front of Yunyang Gate back then.

The sun cast a golden halo on his body, and his appearance has not changed at all for many years.

An Yu's whole body began to tense, just waiting to receive Qi Tao's fatal sword.

A drop of dew from the valley fell to the ground.

The bloody Wan Yao Mountain is still sleeping in the embrace of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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