Chapter 842
As the wind was raging, he drew out his long sword and slashed at Qin Ruo at a speed that no one could see clearly.

If he can't get her, let her perish!

With the determination to destroy the world, he only wanted Qin Ruo to disappear from his sight.

There is no right or wrong between him and her.The only thing left between them is hatred.No one can resolve the eternal hatred.To him, she is just a regret that will never be obtained, and to her, he is the resentment engraved in the blood.When he looked down at the whole Xiaqing, he would only think of her well from time to time, and then he thought of getting her again.For others, perhaps such an act is nothing, but for him, this is his love, a person who cannot share joys and sorrows, who can only appear when he thinks about it.He did so many things that hurt her, but he was always able to deceive himself and others, using all kinds of insincere excuses to forgive himself.

How could Qin Ruo never tire of it?How can you not hate?

How long has it been since she was reborn to today?In so many hundred years of reincarnation, Qi Tao never even said sorry.It's not that she didn't want to let him go.

Today, he raised his knife at her.How could she let him go?

In the back valley, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom.Every drop of dew produces abundant aura.

Groups of ghosts, after panicking, the first thing they think of is to go to the valley to find spiritual energy. As long as they have sufficient spiritual energy, they will be able to fight these foreign invaders!
The dark people in the mountain are still standing on the cloud head, as long as their masters get rid of the demon king of the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain, they will fly over the cloud head and burn, kill and loot this place wantonly.Qi Tao used similar methods to regain every disobedient sect he faced.What he wants is not the unwilling surrender, but the fear of him!Only the high-pressure policy will let the ignorant people understand that only he is their king, their heaven, and their land.

In the nick of time, the sword came through the air, like a dragon swimming in water, this set of swordsmanship has long been practiced by Qi Tao to perfection, at this moment, the heart can move freely, and the mind can follow the heart.Just one swing and one slash is the essence of his century-old sword intent.No one has ever made him so concentrated, and no one has ever made him so concentrated, his sword intent is his mind.Kill, let Qin Ruo die by his own sword!
Faster than wind, faster than electricity.

When that sword came out, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Because the sword intent was too sharp, it brought out a shimmering brilliance on the tip of the sword.Carrying the brilliance of his whole body skill.

His eyes were ruthless, and his sword intent was ruthless.That white ray of light is like a shooting star, drawing the most beautiful arc in front of people's eyes in an instant.

All the killing intent chased Qin Ruo.

What stunned everyone was that the sword didn't even touch Qin Ruo's body.

The ordinary woman in the black cloak held down all his sharp edges with just one finger.

The children of the Qi family on the top of the cloud suddenly changed their expressions.Looking in their direction, all that could be seen was a woman.What kind of woman can block the master's full blow?The people who were still in the air did not hear Qi Yun's words just now.They didn't know that it was this woman who beheaded Qi Tao's most powerful twelve servants in the mountain stream long before they entered the mountain.

The light on the sword has not dissipated for a long time.

Qin Ruo's cloak was torn apart by the sword energy.

A beautiful face that is not like ordinary dust is exposed in front of everyone.Her long hair was blown by the wind and fell behind her.Every frame can make these ordinary people think about it for a lifetime.

All the tense atmosphere changed because of this accident.The children of the Qi family above Yunding had obsession in their eyes.

Sword Qi eroded her cloak.The black cloak that was always on her body began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The same white flowing fairy dress shared two realms with the black one. She let the sword energy sweep across her face, like a statue that has not moved for thousands of years.

One hit.

Not even the slightest harm was done to her people.

Ling Qi Tao narrowed his eyes.

"Is this what you're capable of?" Her voice was still the same as before, always making him happy.It doesn't matter the tone, just because the person who speaks is her.

Many, many memories flow back, and he can see their beginnings in the long river.

She stood in the peach forest in Yunyang Mountain, her face was crimson and childish.The peach blossom petals on the ground made her look like a delicate peach blossom.

It was the initial throbbing that made him wishful thinking about her.

When he returned home, his father asked him how sure he was of winning Yunyang.But he could only recall Qin Ruo in the peach forest.

After one blow, he didn't need anyone to tell him, he knew that he was not Qin Ruo's opponent at all.

She was still smiling, and the only thing that changed on her face was the look in her eyes.

His lips moved, he wanted to say so many things to her, but he knew that he didn't even have the final qualifications.

She was standing in front of him, and now she was no longer the little peach blossom in the peach forest, but a star that he would never be able to pick again.

Qin Ruo's fingertips gradually gathered demon power.

Following the long sword he stabbed, counterattacked away.

This blow was beyond everyone's expectations, even Qi Tao himself did not expect it.

He had thought that Qin Ruo would have many, many grievances and told himself that although he was going to die, he would only after hearing her reprimands.

But she didn't, the only sentence was just mocking his strength.It turned out that they had already reached the point where they had nothing to say.

Her resentment was only vented in the most primitive way.

The feeling of the evil spirit attacking the body is painful and cold.His narrowed eyes gradually lost their expression.In a daze, she returned to Yunyang, where the two had made love back then, and she asked him with a smile, "Will you treat me so well for the rest of your life?"

He swears, satisfies all her fantasies, and uses unsmiling words to disguise his seriousness.He paused every word, and answered resolutely and thoroughly, "If I, Qi Tao, betray you, let me die in your hands."

Yes, one day, he could fulfill his promise and die in her hands.

The people on the top of the cloud heard the sound of Qi Tao falling to the ground, and realized that their master had died in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain.

An Yu looked at Qin Ruo with deep eyes.

Before crossing Ruohe, he thought this woman was a waste.All these years, what kind of master has been hiding beside them?
An Yu, who is also a heaven rank, can't fail to see that Qin Ruo has already entered the breakthrough stage at this moment, and is only waiting for the final enlightenment.That is to say, even if such a Qin Ruo is placed in Shangqing, he is still qualified to fight against him.

His body gradually relaxed.

I'm afraid I don't have to do anything myself today.

The children of the Qi family who were densely packed in the sky were running and running in an instant.

It was precisely because of Qi Tao's way of killing these sects that they thought that everyone would treat the loser like this.

The woman below, they were still marveling at her beauty just now, but now they think she is a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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