Reborn as Lingzhi

Come to visit

Come to visit
Laughter abbreviated on Zhang You's face, this fellow Taoist who had only met them once, was getting close to them with good intentions at this moment.

"Come on, come on, there's so much nonsense, the three of us will enjoy ourselves today." Zhang You put Tianyou's shoulders on his shoulders, and came into the room.He didn't know the slightest taboo, whether there was a girl like Qin Ruo in the house.

Raising his eyes, when he saw Qin Ruo, his brows relaxed, and another smile appeared on his face. "Girl! You two are here to enjoy the blessings. I don't know how unlucky my old Zhang's family is."

In other words, it turned out that Qin Ruo and the others were not the most pitiful ones when they were exiled.Zhang You, a mediocre commoner among the children of aristocratic families, is really distressed and self-aware.Let’s just say that he went up the mountain for a few days, and it was just about accommodation. He had quarreled with several people, and he almost had a big fight with Mr. Yu, the king who was still in the medicine bottle.At this moment, seeing Qin Ruo these two, even though he was exiled at the foot of the mountain, he felt indescribably leisurely, and he had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, and he just wanted to find Ming and Qing and also asked to move here.

Qin Ruo took the spoiled chicken from Tianyou's hand, stuffed it secretly into the small world, took out another one, and tidied the chicken up and down on the plate. come up.

Zhang You was still complaining, he just missed holding Tianyou's thigh.

"Zhang Daoyou, what you said is wrong. They look down on people, so they did it themselves. You just pretend that they don't exist." Don't talk about Zhang You, Tianyou and Qin Ruo, which one is not? Belittled by those people?Just because the two came from Xiaqing, they have to go through the days of cleansing and exile. They bear the title of new disciples of Emperor Qingguan, but they live with the air every day in this hut at the foot of the mountain. Qingguan's most basic method of exhaling and breathing has not even touched the edge.With these differences in treatment, who did the two of them complain to?Different attitudes, different perspectives on problems.

The more Zhang You spoke, the more excited he became, his face was red and his voice was getting louder.

He was the only one in the room to talk loudly.

"Fellow Taoist! You don't know, these days are miserable. I want to go home, Lao Zhang." Even though he is the only one at home, it is better to be at ease, no matter what kind of cultivation, just the little house he built In any case, I have lived there for hundreds of years, and I have deep feelings for it.He came here today out of good intentions, wanting to comfort the two fellows who were more miserable than him, but he didn't expect it to become his own complaint.

Tianyou gave up the most comfortable chair in the room because Zhang You didn't seem to have a better life than them.

From the small world, I picked some fresh vegetables, melons and fruits along the way, and with that chicken, I finally put together four dishes of dishes.

"Come on, let's talk over here." Qin Ruo served the dishes on the plate and led the two of them into the hall.

Seeing the four dishes on the table, Zhang Youdan almost burst into tears.

In other words, we don't understand the life of a bachelor.We don't even understand the life of ordinary people with ordinary heads and being single for 200 years.

Zhang You didn't need to be urged at all, he only saw green vegetables and red meat, and he just sat on the stool, as if no one would stop me.

But I have to say whether it is true, especially when Zhang You was still very excited. He raised his eyes and saw Tianyou and Qin Ruozheng looking at him with a smile, his chest felt hot, and he said, "You two are really at ease, fellow Taoist! The daughter-in-law is well married."

He won't talk about the life of those bachelors in the mountains.But even Mr. Yu, like himself, lives on those melons and fruits, who would want to have a serious meal?The only thing that exists between them is the competition of cultivation.Zhang You started late, and he didn't have a strong and powerful backing behind him, so he didn't like the Ming and Qing Dynasties at all.The days are extremely desolate, but who would have thought that these two people are at ease like gods.

The children of the aristocratic families on the mountain looked down on others, and when they talked about these two people from the Qing Dynasty, they always wore colored glasses, thinking that their life at the bottom of the mountain was getting worse.Zhang You heard about it once or twice, and then he moved to visit the suffering compatriots.

Zhang sat down with one ass, and grabbed the sliced ​​chicken on the table with his hands.

"Well, I didn't expect my craftsmanship to improve so much." His cheeks were puffy, and he couldn't stop this guy from saying.What he can do best is roast a chicken, a rabbit and the like.As for that little chicken, do you really think it would be easy to find it in a place like Diqingguan where immortality is everywhere?That was the result of his whole day of searching in the mountains yesterday.Originally thinking, the three of them were the ones who suffered, and there was nothing delicious to eat at the foot of the mountain, so he relied on this chicken to comfort and comfort the two of them.

Looking at the steaming dishes on the small table in front of him, Zhang You regretted it even more.

"You wait, after this meal, I will propose by myself, let Ming and Qing send me here too."

Picking up a chicken leg, Zhang You hugged it and gnawed it.

After Qin Ruo tidied up the house, she sat next to her and listened quietly to Zhang Youda's complaints.

Tianyou laughed, and took out a bottle of soju like a magic trick. "Fellow Daoist is in such a good mood, how can I do without some wine to cheer me up?"

The two talked while eating, and most of the time, Zhang and the other talked about things on the mountain.

As he drank and drank, Zhang You's spirit of drinking came up.

"That stinky Taoist priest in the Ming and Qing Dynasties tossed me in the mountains every day. But it was the method of breathing. He specially ordered me to go up to practice every day. If something was wrong, he would just sneer at me. I was very annoyed." Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Zhang You had the heart to vomit these words.For a person who is used to being seen clearly like this, he is most reluctant to reveal his weaknesses, which hurts his self-esteem very much.

"Oh? I thought that the method of breathing that the masters of the Ming and Qing Dynasties taught us to understand was not particular at all." Tianyou didn't care about what he said. Regarding the method of Di Qingguan, in fact, he still played it hard. I can't see it in my heart.He didn't have time to read all of Su Hai's books.With the words Ming and Qing self-enlightenment, who can really understand what?Being sent to this place, everyone understands each other very well, it's just that Ming and Qing look down on them and don't want to see them fend for themselves.

Zhang You still published a booklet, "No, it's just such a broken thing. I can make me spit, but I really don't know how to spit it out."

Ming and Qing can be regarded as their introductory masters, but this master treats one more than another, and all his patience and good temper are used on Mr. Yu and others.A book of breathing is the entry rule and the most basic of Emperor Qing's practice.But those who teach are not careful, those who learn are not careful, good exercises are wasted between the two of them.

Qin Ruo flipped through two pages, and her eyes lit up.

The author of the book obviously put a lot of thought into this booklet.

(End of this chapter)

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