Chapter 101 You Are Working Hard Too
Due to the fact that there were other people around, Aisa didn't finish speaking, and raised her hand to slap Shu Yao generously.

"I'll go first, let's eat together tonight." Aisa said a declarative sentence.

The file knocked on Shu Yao again, and Aisa quickly walked down the steps and got into the long-awaited Ferrari.

Seeing Aisa's figure disappear in front of her eyes, Shu Yao returned to her calm appearance.

The assistants around him didn't dare to neglect, and walked ahead to lead the way.

Lead all the way until Shu Yao is brought to the only floor in the middle of the building, this floor belongs to Shu Yao.

There is an open line of sight on all sides, and the buildings in the urban area of ​​S country are all in sight, towering in the clouds.

"Miss, if you need anything, just tell me." Aisa's assistant nodded.

Although I don't know Shu Yao's origin, judging by Aisa's attitude, Shu Yao must be a big deal.

The eldest lady of her family, Aisa, is a well-known chief pianist in country S.

Others may have worked so hard to start a small company and earn a few million, or a project only made tens of millions.

Aisha's casual song is worth tens of millions.

Moreover, Aisa was born in a famous noble family, backed by a big family, and has never been short of money.

Come to think of it, Isa's friends are not bad either.

"It's nothing, you can go down." Shu Yao looked around, still very satisfied.

Aisa is a very smart and strong woman. She is unique, unique, and a strong woman.

The degree of completion is very high, and everything needed to explain to Aisa is readily available.

In the past, Shu Yao was docile and weak, and Aisa often quarreled with her because of this.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

"Miss, your friend is here."

The assistant unlocked the floor lock, and the fully automatic glass door opened automatically.

Wen Wan and Ari were welcomed, and the assistant tactfully left after seeing this, leaving the three of them alone.

For the first time to come to such a place, Wen Wan seemed a little at a loss, and she looked around anxiously.

Shu Yao beckoned, and Wen Wan couldn't wait to come to her.

"This is...?" Wen Wan frowned.

Ari looked around, and said in a low voice: "It's so gorgeous, my God, the rent here is not cheap."

The unfamiliar environment made the already experienced gentleness very uneasy, and I didn't like this sense of uncertainty.

Wen Wan felt a strong anxiety, she unconsciously grabbed her arm and rubbed it up and down.

"Do you want to train here?"

"Yes, there are still a few days, maybe you have to work harder these days."

"The coach?"

"I'm your coach. Although I'm not very good, I can barely pass."

Originally, the contestants were a few days later, so Wen Wan didn't need to come so early, but Shu Yao informed in advance.

It turns out that Shu Yao is the coach, that's okay, there is no need to adapt to another new person.

Wen Wan came to country S for special training in advance. Wen Wan is not a professional model, so she must be weak in this area.

Shu Yao nodded and pointed to the changing room, "It's a training room, let's change your clothes first."

Wen Wan's clothes are inconvenient for walking, they are cumbersome, and the shoes are not right.

At least the high heels should be 8 to 12 centimeters high, and the heels Wen Wan wears are really too short.

The catwalk contest held by the jewelry family in country S must be more formal and grand, more professional and responsible than the one in Yecheng.

She also had to train Wen Wan with professional and high-end requirements.

"Hmm." Although Wen Wan was afraid, she also understood the importance of this competition.

The opportunity never comes again, Wen Wan has already missed some of it.

Now Shu Yao once again gave her the chance to become popular, the rest is all up to her, everything is artificial.

Soon, Wen Wan changed her clothes, stood in front of the stage, and showed Shu Yao a demonstration.

"Okay, let's go—!"

Shu Yao sat under the stage, staring intently at Wen Wan in front of the stage.

Ari looked at Shu Yao frequently from the side, as if there was a brand new Shu Yao by her side.

"Use the crotch to drive the legs, and don't twist the body."

Go through it all.

"Sway your hands more naturally, not stiffly."


"Keep your whole body in a straight line, don't tense up, wait—"

Shu Yao stood up, she picked up a book and placed it on top of Wen Wan's head.

Wen Wan looked up in surprise, "This..."

"Keep your stability. These days, you have to work harder." Shu Yao smiled wryly, but she couldn't help it.

the end.

Worried that Wen Wan would be angry with her, Shu Yao said softly, "At worst, I'll treat you to something delicious."

"Pfft, but I can't walk anymore when I'm fat." Wen Wan laughed, and she felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, it was already a great kindness for Shu Yao to treat her so meticulously, and to consider her feelings so carefully.

Wen Wan will not be angry, she is very grateful, and the best way to repay her gratitude may be to get good grades this time.

Not only for Shu Yao, but also for herself.

After that, Wen Wan walked for an unknown number of times.

Over and over again, except for the intermission and lunch break, Wen Wan kept walking repeatedly.

Shu Yao either sat down, or rehearsed for her.

Until the sky outside became dark, and finally stepped on the last step firmly, Shu Yao yelled to stop.

"Very tired." Shu Yao walked quickly to Wen Wan's side.

She knelt down halfway to remove Hen Tiangao for Wen Wan, watching Wen Wan's feet turn red.

Sourness is inevitable after such a day. It’s okay now, but it will definitely be more painful and more obvious tomorrow.

Shu Yao pursed her lips, feeling a little distressed, "You have to do a good massage at night to relax your muscles."

One hand lightly pressed Shu Yao, and that hand covered the back of her hand.

Warm, with a refreshing temperature.

"Shu Yao, are you working hard too?" Wen Wan asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, Shu Yao froze.

Wen Wan knew that it was not easy for Shu Yao, she just didn't say anything.

Shu Yao's walking is very good, even those professional models on TV can't compare, she is so professional in pointing out.

This level is definitely not something that can be cultivated overnight, so this kind of progress can be done in a day.

How many days and nights did Shu Yao go before she stepped out of this level.

Wen Wan lowered her eyes slightly, and said softly, "I'm not working hard, she bullies you, I hope I can help you."

Because you also helped me, Wen Wan didn't say anything, she was grateful in her heart, and always remembered this kindness.

Shu's farce is known to almost everyone in Yecheng, and everyone knows it.

Those people, Shu's wealthy wolves will swallow Shu Yao one by one.

Wen Wan thought that she was inferior to Shu Yao. If she had half of Shu Yao's brave strategy, the Wen family would not have fallen.

"Sister Yao, your professional level is comparable to that of a supermodel..." Ari also stepped up to intervene.

Ari was also very surprised this day, he didn't expect Shu Yao to hide so deeply and have such high attainments.

What kind of level is it that can make Wen Wan so diligent in such a short day.

Shu Yao, how deep is she hiding?
I think of a simple and short experience in my previous experience, that I once studied abroad.

Studying abroad, how many things did Shu Yao learn?
Shu Yao blinked slowly, with a faint smile on her lips, "No one can bully me."

of course.

Besides raising the guy at home, she allowed it was another matter.

In the past, Ari didn't believe it very much, but now Ari believes it.

(End of this chapter)

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