Chapter 104 Jiang Yunrong

"do not know."

"He doesn't know anything."

Because Shu Yao hadn't thought of how to tell him, too many things were involved.

Aisa relaxed a little, and asked anxiously, "Then do you know who he is?"

It seems that Qin Jiuxiao is not very old, with an attractive face and simple and casual clothes, he must have picked it up somewhere.

Just pick it up and forget it. After this meal, Aisa can see that he is not simple.

"Could it be that you picked it up at some cowherd's shop?" Aisa asked after thinking about it.

In those high-end clubs, it is not impossible for customized cowherd boyfriends to have such a good quality of education.

Maybe it's the top card.

Shu Yao was startled, then laughed, "What are you thinking? Of course not, he is me..."

Is it my childhood sweetheart that I can't remember clearly, or he just met later.

Seeing this, Aisa didn't ask any more questions, but said, "Shu Yao, I just hope he isn't the second Fu Jingzhen."

Back then when Shu Yao gave up everything here and rushed back to China, what she lost was all her honor.

If it wasn't for Fu Jingzhen's repeated instigation, the current Shu Yao would have stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking everyone.


Not long after leaving, Qin Jiuxiao got out of the car.

The car didn't even go very far.

"Come here." Someone said in the dark, the voice was soft and seductive.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, with some displeasure on his face, but it passed.

The person in the dark came out gradually, it was a slender woman, her face was no longer young.

But compared with their peers, women's facial features are superior, beautiful and delicate, and they can't tell their age.

The woman waved her hand impatiently, and ordered to go on, "Okay, don't follow me, I won't run away."

We've been together for so many years, the kids are so old, and that guy is still worried about her running away.

The shadow standing in the dark behind the woman rustled and disappeared gradually.

Seeing this, the woman quickly stepped forward on her high heels, grabbed Qin Jiuxiao and looked at her for a long time.

"Xiao Jiu, I haven't seen you in a few years, you look so good." The woman smiled, captivating her soul.

The beauty is not as good as it used to be, but the beauty is still thrilling.

Qin Jiuxiao backed away a little, but couldn't resist the woman's opening her mouth, and sprayed smoke all over her face.

Under the smog, the woman laughed arrogantly.

"Mother." Qin Jiuxiao parted her thin lips lightly, reminding her of her identity in a cold voice.

Not bad.

The ageless woman in front of her is Qin Jiuxiao's mother, Jiang Yunrong.

Not seen for many years, Jiang Yunrong is still the same as the memory.

Jiang Yunrong smiled softly, her phoenix eyes looked behind him, "Xiao Jiu, where is my daughter-in-law?"

Receive domestic wind.

Xiaojiu seemed to have someone he liked, which attracted Jiang Yunrong to come and see him.

It's a pity that the kid didn't bring anyone with him.

Qin Jiuxiao said lightly, his eyes were cold but still gentle, "Shopping."

It seemed that they had just separated not long ago, Jiang Yunrong stepped forward slowly, and raised his hand to grab his clothes.

"Look at you running out."

White shirt, jeans, casual enough.

Thanks to this kid who was born just like his father, otherwise he would laugh out loud when he walked out.

"Arguing with your grandpa?"

Jiang Yunrong let go of her hand, her voice was unhurried, elegant and calm, which is the characteristic endowed by the years.

Qin Jiuxiao's silent refusal to answer is a tacit consent.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yunrong can see how powerful the old man is, but she doesn't care about the past.

Jiang Yunrong is not talented, but he also knows how to respect the old and love the young.

"For your woman?" Jiang Yunrong hit the nail on the head.

Her son, she knows best.

The old man was stubborn and conservative. Back then, he was always dissatisfied with Jiang Yunrong and made things difficult for her, forcing her to leave.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes grew colder, and he said in a deep voice, "Ask knowingly."

If it hadn't been for hearing that he had someone, Jiang Yunrong might not be willing to show up. She has not been in this troubled water for a long time.

Jiang Yunrong stepped on the high heels and walked ahead, knowing that the people behind would follow.

"Let's talk as we go, I still have to pick out some clothes for your dad. He's dressed too casually like you."

To put it bluntly, it's not randomness, it's laziness.

A good-looking face is good-looking, and it can't be ruined like this.

If it wasn't for drawing a man's face, Jiang Yunrong wouldn't have suffered all those years.

There were gradually footsteps behind him, and Jiang Yunrong knew that he had followed.

"Xiao Jiu, are you still holding everything in your hand?" Jiang Yunrong said indifferently when he saw the figure gradually catching up.

Those people from the Qin family, if it wasn't for the exchange of his father, she would have been reluctant to part with Qin Jiuxiao.

What mother is willing to send her child to a wolf's den?
Qin Jiuxiao glanced at his mother calmly, "Yes."

Although this woman is crazy, she is shrewd and courageous.

She was right, only by leaving back then could Qin Jiuxiao protect the people and things he wanted.

For example, Shu Yao.

Jiang Yunrong distanced himself in disgust, "That's good, you too, come with me to the banquet hall to change."

Yanting is a shopping mall for high-end products. Non-card members are not allowed to enter. It is a very high-end and luxurious place.

It's ashamed, like the little boys raised by the rich women in the circle, they have to be changed.

If it wasn't for his good-looking face, he wouldn't even be considered a pretty boy.

Qin Jiuxiao had a cold face and said nothing, "..."

Back then, Jiang Yunrong single-handedly raised Qin Jiuxiao up, and he was not taken away until he was about ten years old.

This woman has been chased and fled by the Qin family for so long, and she raised Qin Jiuxiao by herself, with peach blossoms around her constantly.

She lives freely and unrestrainedly, at ease.

It seems that being with her father now hasn't changed her personality in the slightest.


Aisa pressed the long skirt on Shu Yao's body, she could almost imagine what Shu Yao would look like in this dress.

Enthusiastic and generous, worthy of the status of the eldest lady of the aristocratic family.

"Shu Yao, look how suitable this is for you."

It was a long dress, golden yellow, shining brightly under the warm light, as gorgeous as a phoenix spreading its wings.

The long skirt is mainly gold, with exquisite and special hand-made patterns, gorgeous and luxurious.

Isa likes such bright and eye-catching colors the most, which are dazzling and can attract everyone's attention.

"This..." Shu Yao picked it up and glanced at it, her eyes were soft.

Aisa stepped forward, caressed Shu Yao's waist, and slid down her waist, groping for the astonishing proportions.

Shu Yao is a natural model, a clothes hanger.

The shopping guide on the side looked at it and hurried forward, "This is the new model of this year, the Myth series."


The design style of this long skirt is indeed in line with the theme, and she is about to fumble with the long skirt in her hand.

The shopping guide saw that Aisa was very interested, so he wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

"You see, the scales on here are all handmade and need to be carefully molded."

The price of advanced customization is far from a single aspect, but also in its own value, which is almost regarded as a work of art.

The reason why high definition is worth money, as low as hundreds of thousands, as high as tens of millions, all care about its own artistic design value.

Aisa nodded, looking at Shu Yao's expression.

"Although it's good—"

She sold off.

"However, I told you to keep one before, which is more beautiful than this one."

Aisa whispered a few words to the shopping guide beside him, and the shopping guide understood and left.

"What kind of things can still catch your eyes? You still specially stay here." Shu Yao raised her eyebrows, looking forward to it.

Aisa has good taste, Shu Yao never doubted it.

But not long after, the shopping guide came back in a hurry with an embarrassing look on his face.

"Well, something went wrong, please wait a moment."

Aisa frowned slightly. It was the first time she had come here so many times that something went wrong. "What's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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