Chapter 110
At the same time, the onlookers in the store gradually dispersed, only the shopping guides in the store turned their heads frequently.

They discussed Shu Yao's identity in detail.

"It turns out that Jiang Dong is willing to come forward to someone who even Miss Tang's family can't afford to provoke."

"So what, the shopkeeper deserves it. If it's a good one, I've disliked him for a long time."

"You deserve it, you deserve it, this young lady looked at Haomiansheng, but she didn't know where she came from."

"Shhhhhh, he hasn't left yet, please speak softly."

The shopping guides sitting in a group looked at Qin Jiuxiao at the side from time to time, looking up and down.

Naturally, they have some understanding of this line of work, and this man's clothes are too simple and casual.

Is it worthy of that lady?

And that young lady was hesitating, she hadn't gotten out of Jiang Yunrong's question just now.

Shu Yao raised her eyes in panic, she was afraid to look at the person in front of her.

Such a sudden confession.

Moreover, he had never formally visited Qin Jiuxiao's parents, and the people in his memory actually met in this way again.

"You." Aisa took a step forward, pulling Shu Yao behind her, "You, treat her well."

Qin Jiuxiao looked over Aisa at Shu Yao, with a faint smile in his eyes, "Yes."

Aisha had no choice but to reach out and not hit the smiling man. She thought a man would be like Fu Jingzhen.

Aisa had met Fu Jingzhen back then, he was an extremely machismo man, and he couldn't bear the slightest grievance.

Fu Jingzhen's unbearable grievances will all be suffered by Shu Yao back then.

Shu Yao hurriedly grabbed Aisa's hand, Aisa turned to look at her, and saw Shu Yao's eyes filled with pleading.

Aisa was even more confused.

Who is this man, worthy of Shu Yao's love for him?

"Obviously you can also have the choice of replacement, Shu Yao." Aisa lowered her voice and said inexplicably.

Apart from that face, Aisa and Jiang Yunrong have the same question, what do you like about him.

Shu Yao stared at Aisa motionlessly, never being so stubborn, "I only want him."

When Shu Yao was speaking, Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were slightly warm, and the shadows of the people in front of him overlapped more and more with those at that time.

In fact, so what if he lost the memories of those years, in essence Shu Yao is still the person he liked back then.

From beginning to end, nothing has changed.


As the night darkened, the street lamps in the community came on one after another, illuminating the way for people to go home.

"Shu Yao, please contact me if you have anything to do." Before getting out of the car, Aisa said anxiously.

With Fu Jingzhen's lessons learned, Aisa couldn't trust this man who had only met a few times.

Moreover, his identity is a mystery, and Shu Yao doesn't seem to care about it.

Back then, Fu Jingzhen could be regarded as knowing his roots, and he had been together since Shu Yao debuted at the age of 17.

so what?

They debuted together at the age of 17, but after all, they did not survive the seven-year itch nor did they survive to the end.

Shu Yao looked at the man who was not waiting outside the car, and said softly, "I will."

Afterwards, Shu Yao closed the car door neatly and walked towards Qin Jiuxiao.

It didn't take long for the car behind to drive away, followed by an extended Lincoln.

With the dazzling lights on, the car landed straight on Shu Yao's body, and she walked to a slightly darker place on the side.

The two familiar figures who got out of the car were Tang Lingxi and Shu Murou who came back from the banquet.

They got out of the car one after the other.

"Lingxi, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. You wouldn't have been bullied if you hadn't accompanied me for a stroll." Shu Murou said apologetically.

The girl's body trembled slightly, as if she was vulnerable in this bleak autumn weather.

Weak and pitiful, she was already sweet and pure, a fragile glass suitable for being held in the palm of someone's hand.

"Sister Murou, this is nothing." Tang Lingxi's eyes were cold.

The point is, Tang Lingxi felt that it was amazing. Shu Yao was obviously not so eloquent and strong in the rumors.

Who in Yecheng doesn't know that Miss Shu's family was a high-ranking socialite back then, and she was famous for being gentle and virtuous.

To put it bluntly, she is gentle and virtuous, but she is weak and can be bullied.

Shu Murou pursed her lips, and asked uneasily, "Is it because I irritated my sister? Jing Zhen and I..."

Thinking of this, the smile on Shu Murou's lips was deep, and there was imperceptible complacency in her round eyes.

It's strange, it's Shu Yao's inability to keep her.

The same woman, Fu Jingzhen chose her instead of Shu Yao.

Tang Lingxi was very sensitive to the name Shu Yao, so she retorted suddenly, "No, that's not it!"


"She was the one who took Sister Mu Rou's life away, so she, Shu Yao, should be that bastard who grew up in an orphanage."

"Lingxi, don't say that, after all Shu Yao is my sister."

"How can such a person deserve to stand beside Master Jiu? Even if it wasn't me, I wouldn't let that person be Shu Yao."

Their voices became louder, especially Tang Lingxi, who was sharp and sharp.

Inside the words, the hatred towards Shu Yao seems to be able to turn into a real sharp blade, wishing to stab Shu Yao with a knife.

Shu Yao didn't mean to eavesdrop, they spoke so loudly that they didn't find themselves in the dark.

Everything was heard without missing a beat.

"That's..." Shu Murou was startled, and saw the person downstairs not far away.

She hurriedly pulled Tang Lingxi beside her.

Tang Lingxi followed her gaze and frowned. She had some impressions. She had seen it on newspaper hot searches before.

"Oh? It's Shu Yao's bodyguard, right?"


It's really good to be raised by the Tang family, and I don't understand the reason.

Shu Murou frowned slightly, a little impatiently, "It's not that simple. I saw this man living with his sister recently!"

Hearing this, Tang Lingxi looked straight at the person downstairs.

The warm light downstairs was hitting the man's body, reflecting the man's slender and powerful figure, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Those eyes were sharp and deep, and Tang Lingxi felt a little familiar as soon as he saw them.


"My sister is very close to this man. It's strange why I didn't see my sister today?" Shu Murou added.

Tang Lingxi's eyes were about to burst into flames, and she held hands tightly, "A woman who is easygoing."

How could the elder brother of the Qin family like such a woman, no matter in reality or on the screen, she looks like a fairy.

Obviously Tang Lingxi felt that she was no worse than Shu Yao, with a good background, a proper career, and good looks.

Just because she doesn't have Shu Yao to seduce people?


"He's about to take off his mask, but unfortunately he's standing too far away..."

Shu Murou came excitedly and regretfully, if she got close, she would definitely be discovered.

Tang Lingxi smiled, patted the equipment on her body, "I have a camera."

"Ah, this is really great." Shu Murou's eyes lit up.

She had forgotten that Tang Lingxi's profession was a reporter, and Tang Lingxi would occasionally carry equipment with her.

As long as you use the equipment to zoom in and take pictures, are you worried that you can't see who it is?

This was placed in Yecheng and spread back, but it was big news, just enough to overwhelm the limelight of "The Long Song of Blood".

Tang Lingxi raised her eyebrows proudly, "Look at me."

It happened that Shu Murou said it so mysteriously, Tang Lingxi also wanted to see the real face of this man.

Not far away, Qin Jiuxiao felt a little bored, and was under the corridor again, raising his hand to take off the mask...

"Ninth brother."

Suddenly, there was a sound of eager footsteps, and he had already opened half of it.

(End of this chapter)

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