Chapter 112
Shu Yao froze, turned around slowly, her eyes flickered, she didn't dare to look.

"Here." Qin Jiuxiao patted the empty seat beside him.

The sofa next to him was slapped with his hands, as if he was hitting his heart again and again.

Shu Yao hesitated for a while, if she was dishonest at this time, it would make her feel guilty.

She closed her eyes, obediently walked to Qin Jiuxiaokong's seat by the sofa and sat down.

Qin Jiuxiao calmly held her hand hidden under the pillow, "What's wrong?"

On the TV screen, the shots of Li Luo and Nangong Lie got closer and closer, focusing on their lips.

Shu Yao's hand trembled slightly, and she quickly glanced at Qin Jiuxiao.

The man looked calm and unmoved.

After doing this, Shu Yao felt relieved a lot, and it seemed that he didn't care too much.

Otherwise, why do you still watch it with such relish?
"Does it look good?" Shu Yao deliberately muttered.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled, "It's pretty."

Shu Yao was speechless for a while, bit her lower lip, her phoenix eyes were rare embarrassment.

She thought...

Thought he would care.

But thinking of the way the man didn't care at all, Shu Yao felt something was wrong, how could he not care.

After thinking about it, Shu Yao's mind was not on the TV screen at all, let alone watching it.

Qin Jiuxiao's goal was achieved, he was satisfied, and his face was stained with a trace of laziness, very comfortable.

In contrast, Shu Yao didn't notice the man's deliberate teasing intentions at all.

What Shu Yao saw was fidgeting, she was already exhausted after a day, and her eyelids were extraordinarily heavy.

Gradually, Shu Yao's tense body relaxed, because of excessive exhaustion, she couldn't hold on for too long.

Out of the corner of Qin Jiuxiao's eyes, he caught a glimpse of the woman's gradually limp body, and slightly drew closer.


As soon as his body sank, Qin Jiuxiao saw Shu Yao leaning on his shoulder, his usually calm and sharp eyes became blurred.

She was still struggling to stare at the screen in front of her, but she couldn't stop the tiredness around her, so she slowly closed her eyes.

"Shu Yao." Qin Jiuxiao turned his face and said softly.

Shu Yao fell into a deep sleep with the sound of even and long breathing next to her ears.

Without the extraordinarily fierce look in the mall before, she could be said to be defenseless and soft after sleeping.

Qin Jiuxiao was silent for a moment, the frost in his cold eyes gradually faded, and the ice and snow melted.

His hand gently landed on the side of Shu Yao's slightly long black hair, and he gently rolled up a tuft of his fingers to play with.

At this time, Qin Jiuxiao took out the mobile phone that had been turned off all the time, turned on the screen, and dialed, all in one go.

"Master Jiu." The other end of the phone quickly picked it up, "You finally answered it."

It's Ling Heng.

Ling Heng was a little anxious at first. He had been trying to contact Qin Jiuxiao before to no avail, and he was really out of touch.

"Master Jiu, now your nephew Qin Wenyu has joined the board of directors, and..."

According to Qin Jiuxiao's temperament, others only think that he is calm and reliable, but Ling Heng knows that he doesn't care if he goes crazy.

Ling Heng focused on the main point, "Qin's stock price has plummeted, Mr. Qin is almost unable to sit still, and the board of directors is making trouble."

Hearing this, someone else might panic or fidget for the first time.

But Qin Jiuxiao didn't even have the slightest disturbance, he played with the black hair at his hand, tilted his head, with an inexplicable evil spirit.

He responded in a low voice, "Very good."

"Very good?" Ling Heng was surprised.

Could this be part of Qin Jiuxiao's setup?
Ling Heng didn't dare to speculate on Qin Jiuxiao's intentions, but now the Qin family is in chaos and there is no leader among the dragons.

Right now, those in power in the past are not in a hurry, they have nothing to do with themselves, and they hang on high.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't explain, just asked, "Anything else?"

"You made me stare at Shu Yawen, who is spreading and promoting the fact that Miss Shu Yao is a fake daughter."

"She bit her to death. It was Miss Shu Yao's mother who stepped in and broke the marriage."

"In addition, people from the Fu family came to Shu Nanxun's side, and it is said that they are trying to contact Shu Nanxun."

"The people on the other side of the dark river moved when they heard the sound, and the market was in chaos."

Everything was detailed, and Ling Heng reported all the important events that happened recently.

Qin Jiuxiao listened to a very light smile on his lips, it seemed that Yecheng was about to fall into chaos.

Unable to hold back, Qin Jiuxiao laughed in a low voice, low and hoarse, even a little disdainful.

"Jiuye?" Ling Heng was taken aback.

Soon, Ling Heng came to his senses again. Seeing Qin Jiuxiao like this, the occurrence of these things was under control.

The real Qin Jiuxiao was indeed as terrifying as the rumors said.

Back then, the Qin family was on the verge of decline, but Qin Jiuxiao, who had been brought back from the outside, turned the tide and regained his glory with his own efforts.

Qin Jiuxiao alone can change the color of the situation in Yecheng, and it's true.

Everything is just the clouds and rain in his hands, turning the clouds and rains, it is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand.

"Hang up, I won't contact you, and you should contact me less, the information will follow the old rules."


"If you can't find me, contact Shu Nanxun."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Jiuxiao ended the call directly.

He stood up and then bent down, wrapped his hands around Shu Yao's knees, supported her back with one hand, and hugged her.

too light.

Qin Jiuxiao hugged Shu Yao, his cold eyes had never been so warm, and the temperature in his hand belonged to this woman was so hot.

She rubbed the warm chest beside her slightly, and there were some small ravings in her mouth.

"Ninth Brother..."

Really challenged his stamina.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes moved slightly, and she carried her back to the master bedroom, gently placed her on the bed, and pulled the quilt for her.

The woman struggled restlessly, pushing away the quilt covering her body.

While struggling, the woman was still in messy clothes, showing her white and smooth shoulders, her red lips were slightly parted, it was simply a crime.

Qin Jiuxiao stood by the bed and pulled the quilt for her again.

Looking at Shu Yao who was sleeping soundly, Qin Jiuxiao recalled Aisa's words again.

"Shu Yao, haven't you suffered enough from Fu Jingzhen?"

"At the beginning, I said that Fu Jingzhen was not a good guy, but you didn't believe me."

"Even if he stole your hard work, you still insist on going your own way and want to pull his Fu."

Time and time again, reminding Fu Jingzhen of all the things he had done to Shu Yao.

At that time, Shu Yao was so madly and passionately in love with Fu Jingzhen.

The whole city of Ye knew about it, but no one knew that Qin Jiuxiao was jealous, so jealous that he was going crazy.

Now, when Shu Yao finally turned around, she was as cute and docile as a cat.

Others want his protection, but Shu Yao is willing to protect him.

Just that kindness is precious.

It was as if she opened her belly and let others snore. Others only saw Shu Yao's glamorous side, what else?

Just like other people only think that he is Qin Jiuye who is aloof, indifferent, aloof, and omnipotent.

Only Shu Yao can see through, only Shu Yao can call him Ninth Brother to awaken another side of him.

That gentle and soft-hearted Ninth Brother...

He should have died long ago, only living in front of Shu Yao.

Mrs. Fu, he is bound to win.

Qin Jiuxiao would not let anyone who owed Shu Yao or hurt her.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were bloodthirsty and murderous. He tried his best to restrain himself, sat by the bed, and turned off the desk lamp.

In the darkness, he bent down and kissed Shu Yao's forehead gently.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

(End of this chapter)

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