After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 114 Dare to be angry and dare not speak

Chapter 114 Dare to be angry and dare not speak
Qin Lao's old face was full of sophistication, and his eyes fell on the silent Father Tang.

Although he is old, just sitting there has an aura of calmness and dignity, awe-inspiring and inviolable.

"Why don't you talk, are you dissatisfied?" Elder Qin asked in a deep voice.

Father Tang is his young subordinate, and it is true that he broke his leg to save him.

One yard counts for one yard. Father Tang has given a lot of hands to Mr. Qin today.

Tang's father showed embarrassment, "This..."

Originally, Tang's father wanted Qin Lao to come forward, so he asked Qin Jiuxiao to bring Tang Lingxi to attend.

Anyway, it was to give Tang Lingxi a chance, success or failure was in Tang Lingxi's own hands.

Unexpectedly, Elder Qin asked Qin Wenyu to come forward to take Tang Lingxi.

"How come, I will do as you said." Father Tang frowned and relaxed.

This old man is very shrewd.

Qin Jiuxiao was not allowed to take Tang Lingxi with him because he was afraid of losing Qin Jiuxiao's face.

How can the young lady of his Tang family not be worthy of Qin Jiuxiao?

Back then, Qin Jiuxiao was not born in the Qin family, but was brought up after several years.

Qin Jiuxiao was already in his teens when he was brought back.

Tang's father still remembered the first time he met Qin Jiuxiao, that boy was cold, capable and old-fashioned, just like his father.

Condescending, look down on people.

When they got in touch with the genius in Yecheng, he would like to see if Mr. Qin was still so stubborn.

Tang's father propped up his crutches vigorously, and stood up somewhat reluctantly.

Seeing this, the servants around him rushed forward to help him, how could he allow it if he was strong in his life.

After making a gesture, Tang's father refused to allow anyone to help him, but he saw that Mr. Qin didn't even look at him, and drank tea on his own.

Tang's father swallowed the anger, "Old Qin, since this is the case, I'll go back first."

"Yeah." Qin Lao put the teacup aside and gave Ling Heng a wink, "Seeing off the guests."

Ling Heng nodded slightly, "Yes."

He stepped forward and walked up to Father Tang, and made a 'please' gesture.

Father Tang's hand on crutches tightened and loosened, as if he was trying to restrain himself, and then he walked out of the hall abruptly.

The sound of the crutches hitting the floor was very loud, one knock after another echoed in the room.

This sound struck Tang's father's head, as if he had returned to the time when he was still under Mr. Qin's hands.

He Tang Lingtian will always be inferior to others.

If Tang's father hadn't vowed to save Mr. Qin back then, that old man would have been finished long ago.

Now even the baby grandson is unwilling to let go, and letting Qin Wenyu take care of him is clearly perfunctory.

Every step with a cane reminds him that it's not worth it.

Immortal stuff.

Tang's father got into the car and slammed the car door, which slammed shut with a loud bang, which startled the driver.

"Old, master, next—" The driver looked in the rearview mirror.

Father Tang's face was ferocious, obviously he was angry.

Father Tang said coldly, "Go home."

The driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

Along the way, Tang's father became more and more unbalanced, and the crutches in his hands were tightly squeezed, and his veins bulged.

Even at the door of the house, Tang's father was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself.

Until the driver got out of the car and opened the door for him, a servant rushed up to meet him and found that Tang's father had used his legs too hard just now.As soon as he stretched his legs, the pain was severe, and even the simple step of getting out of the car was difficult. Father Tang threw the crutches far away in anger, and his chest heaved violently.

If it weren't for Mr. Qin, Tang's father wouldn't be crippled like this now.

"Master." Seeing this, a woman rushed forward to hold the man's big hand.

Unexpectedly, the woman was thrown away as soon as she touched Father Tang's hand.

The force was so great that if the servants hadn't been there to support him, the wife who kindly stepped forward to help Tang's father would have fallen to the ground immediately.

"You..." After Tang's father shook off, he felt a little guilty when he saw the embarrassment flashing across the woman's face.

The pain in the leg was so severe that when it was stimulated, father Tang's trace of guilt immediately disappeared without a trace.

Father Tang woke up in pain.

If she hadn't been a demon back then, Jiang Yunrong would be by his side now.

"Go away." Father Tang let the servants help him, and he didn't want to look at the woman more.

He walked straight into the Tang family's main house, turned his back to the woman, and didn't look back.

When I returned to the hall, I never expected to meet an unexpected person, Fu Jingzhen.

Father Tang was in a bad mood and said with a sullen face, "Jing Zhen, what's wrong?"

The Tang family and the Fu family were evenly matched. They were family friends back then, and they had a very good relationship. He didn't speak ill of Fu Jingzhen.

Fu Jingzhen lost a bit of arrogance towards Tang's father, but was quite content.

"Uncle, aren't you in contact with a medical project?"

A trace of displeasure flashed in Tang's father's eyes, presumably it was Tang Lingxi who revealed that he didn't want to take a share of the pie.

But the genius had a weird temper that day and was difficult to get in touch with. Fu Jingzhen might have other connections.

When the Tang family and the Fu family join forces, are you still afraid of the Qin family?
"Yes, what do you think?" Tang's father thought he had already understood something from his tone.

Fu Jingzhen didn't expect Tang's father to let go so quickly, which was a little strange.

That was a big piece of cake, a genius who even Qin couldn't bear to let go, but Father Tang agreed so easily.

From the current appearance of Tang's father, it seems that he is willing to cooperate with Fu's.

"Uncle, Mrs. Fu has already come into contact with that person, and the rumor of 'Dark River' is indeed true."

"That's a very smart guy, but he's on medication a lot."

This happened frequently when Fu Jingzhen was in contact with that person. The man's complexion was as pale as a vampire who couldn't see the light, and he often took medicine. He didn't look very stable, which left a deep impression on Fu Jingzhen.

"So he promised Mrs. Fu? He promised you, why did you still come to see me?" Tang's father asked unhurriedly.

Tang Lingxi was asked to track down that person.

That person's attitude Tang Lingxi fed back to Tang's father one by one after he came back, he thought most geniuses were like this.

Be proud of your talents.

Such an attitude clearly means that he has a bargaining chip in his hand, and he is not afraid of offending others at all.

Tang's father was still waiting for him to invite him in person, but he didn't expect that Tang Lingxi's girl's mouth was leaking, and Fu Jingzhen came first.

"Uncle, you know..."

"I want to make some achievements for my father, but I don't have that much liquidity on hand."

"The launch of the project requires a large supply of working capital."


Hearing this, Father Tang finally understood.

This kid Fu Jingzhen is hiding from the entire Fu family, so it's no wonder he would do this.

Among Fu's three sons, Fu Jingzhen is the youngest. In recent years, Shu Yao has been around, and he has gradually come to the fore.

Among the three sons, Fu Jingzhen is the most beautiful, the new film star, who took over as the chairman of the Fu family, and Shu Yao was by his side back then.

Fame and fortune, beauty in arms.


Ever since Shu Murou was around, Fu Jingzhen didn't seem to have any outstanding achievements.

Without grades, he will not be able to sit firmly in the position of the crown prince.

Father Tang smiled. Although Fu Jingzhen was a rookie, he was still young.

This kind of pursuit of fame and fortune is not enough to be eager for success.

"Of course you can. You are a kid who grew up." Father Tang stood up and patted Fu Jingzhen on the shoulder.

Fu Jingzhen's eyes lit up, and he stopped his overly excited mood so as not to look too happy.

All of this was captured by Tang's father calmly.

As an elder, Tang's father wanted to teach Fu Jingzhen in person, what is ginger or old spicy.


Fu Jingzhen was startled, "But?"

Father Tang beckoned, motioning for him to listen with his ears.

(End of this chapter)

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