Chapter 119 Proving Him Wrong
At the same time, the person who was transmitting data not far from the apartment building was a little anxious.

"Did you catch it?"

"Sister Murou, don't worry, my brother called me just now, don't worry if it's late."

This person is none other than Tang Lingxi and Shu Murou who were captured downstairs earlier.

Tang Lingxi's fingers flew quickly on the keyboard, adjusting the camera's photos little by little.

Soon, a photo gradually appeared on the screen.

Shu Murou looked away from the screen with some regret, "Who the hell is it? My sister is really mysterious."

The photo on the screen was not clear, and the moment Shu Yao kissed her, most of her face was covered tightly.

Photographs prove nothing, but they are not useless.

Tang Lingxi sneered when she heard it, "Sister Mu Rou, you are too gentle, even Shu Yao is like this, you still call her sister."

Shu Yao.

These two words seemed to be engraved in Tang Lingxi's heart.

Shu Yao wants to take away what she likes, and this is still No.1.

"Lingxi, why don't you give me the photo, maybe aunt can find out who it is." Shu Murou asked in a low voice.

Shu Murou used a questioning tone.

Tang Lingxi was very useful, which made her feel like being held in high esteem.

Tang Lingxi raised her chin, a little proud, "Sure, I'll give you the original picture later."

Hearing that Tang Lingxi agreed so easily, she didn't feel at ease without Shu Murou.

Although this photo cannot be taken, it is not completely useless, at least it can be useful to send to Shu Yawen.


Isn't that a great label?
Before there was Fu Jingzhen, and then he hooked up with Master Jiu, and now he even seduced the bodyguards around him.

"Sister Mu Rou, I have something to do at home, I'll go back first, and the original picture will be sent to you later."

That's all, Tang Lingxi looked hurried, as if there was something urgent.

Shu Murou was a little curious, "Lingxi, it seems that you are in a good mood? What happy event is there?"

Even though it was so embarrassing in the shopping mall before, the ridicule and ridicule of the people around is still vivid in my memory.

Since Tang Lingxi answered the phone and spent a long time on the phone, she suddenly became more cheerful and cheerful.

This clearly has something to do with it.

"Is Master Jiu looking for you?"

Apart from this, Shu Murou couldn't think of anything about this little girl that would make her happy.

But how could someone like Master Jiu have a crush on Tang Lingxi.

A fool's dream.

Tang Lingxi blushed slightly, and muttered, "No, but I have a chance to meet Master Jiu."

Just now Tang Lingxi received a call from her brother, saying that Tang's father had found her to attend the Ross family's family banquet for her.

Not sure...

Master Jiu will also attend the banquet.

As long as there is a chance to meet, Tang Lingxi is not worried, she will always find a way.

"How do you see me?"

"Eh? Sister Murou, don't you know?"

As far as Tang Lingxi knew, Fu's also had a brand in country S, a small high-end perfume brand.

Although he is not well-known, he is not small. It stands to reason that Mrs. Fu will also be invited.

As Fu Jingzhen's fiancée, Shu Murou didn't know anything?
Tang Lingxi gloated a little, no matter how good she was, she was still a wild girl from an orphanage.

Compared with these real ladies from aristocratic families, their knowledge is still a little bit worse.

"Brother Jing Zhen didn't tell you about the family banquet of the Ross family?" Tang Lingxi said in surprise.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Shu Murou's face, "I don't know."

My heart was already full of twists and turns, why didn't Fu Jingzhen tell her.

And recently, Fu Jingzhen didn't take the initiative to look for her.

"Well, I'm in a hurry, Sister Mu Rou, I'm leaving first." Tang Lingxi beamed with joy.

She left in a hurry, leaving Shu Murou alone.


The door was closed, and the room was silent for a moment.

After Tang Lingxi left, Shu Murou's expression changed suddenly, and she swept everything on the table on the ground like crazy.

The tea set, camera, etc. fell to the ground crackling and shattered.

Shu Murou stared coldly at the direction Tang Lingxi left just now, gasping for breath.

After calming down a little, Shu Murou sat on the sofa and took out the cell phone hidden under the pillow.

After dialing the phone over there, the man's concerned question came soon.

"Mu Rou?"

He sounded concerned as if nothing had happened.

Shu Murou pursed her lips, sobbed softly, did not speak, only heavy breathing.

A silent voice, a low mood came from the other end of the phone.

Fu Jingzhen was also silent.

Recently, it seems that she is not too sad for Shu Murou, especially in the current situation.

Especially the sentence Father Tang mentioned just after returning from the Tang family.

"Mu Rou, what happened?" But Fu Jingzhen adjusted his mood.

Shu Murou was the one he chose.

Fu Jingzhen chose Shu Murou, his fiancée, the real fiancée, the one who should be protected.

From the beginning to the end, Shu Yao seemed to think only of her interests.

Yes, that's right, the person he likes must be Shu Murou, not Shu Yao.

Fu Jingzhen worked every step of the way, from the time when Shu Yao went abroad to study, he was with Shu Murou for so many years.

So long.

Wouldn't that prove him wrong if he looked back now?

It is impossible for Fu Jingzhen to admit his mistakes. The dignity of a man does not allow him to bow his head and admit his mistakes.

"I'm so scared by myself, can you come and see me?" Shu Murou said weakly.

She didn't force Fu Jingzhen.

On the contrary, Fu Jingzhen, who was a little shaken, felt even more guilty.

It is obvious that Shu Murou's life was wrongly changed, and she grew up in an orphanage, which is already very miserable.

Shu Yao took away everything that belonged to Shu Murou, how could he leave Shu Murou now?

Such a soft and docile girl.

Compared to Shu Yao——

At that time, Shu Yao would only be hysterical, blaming him for something wrong.

He is also busy, he has to have his own business, and his situation in Fu's is difficult.

In contrast, Shu Murou looked even more gentle and pleasant.

"Okay, by the way, my family wants me to attend Rose's family dinner, and you too..."

"Get ready."

Hearing what Fu Jingzhen said on the other end of the phone, Shu Murou's eyes gradually lit up, showing a little satisfaction.


"Ah, then, then I..." Shu Murou pretended not to know, feeling very embarrassed.

Fu Jingzhen thought about it, the scene was indeed not small, and Shu Murou, as his fiancée, could not be ashamed to attend.

"My parents will be there at that time, maybe there will be some small performances to add to the fun."

"I heard that you are good at learning Guzheng?"

That's what Shu Yawen said.

Since Shu Yawen brought Shu Murou back to Shu's house from the orphanage, she was raised according to Shu Yao's standards.

Fu Jingzhen has heard a little bit about this.


Shu Yawen was trained according to Shu Yao's standards, and she learned Shu Yao's way, of course Shu Yao herself would also do it.

It's just that the level is estimated to be mediocre.

So far, Fu Jingzhen has not found out about Shu Yao's honor in this respect, but Shu Murou has won many awards.

Shu Murou in Yecheng has a high attainment in classical dance and guzheng, and has won international awards.

There is no need for a double in the filming, and you can get started directly, which is first-class.

"Yeah." Shu Murou responded sweetly.

the end.

Shu Murou said tentatively again, "By the way, Jing Zhen, I saw my sister where I live."

"What?!" Fu Jingzhen's voice suddenly changed.

There was an obvious change in tone, and the smile on Shu Murou's lips froze.

(End of this chapter)

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