Chapter 122

Shu Yao was startled when she heard the words, then shook her head.

"What good am I?"

Fake name one.

Aisa couldn't persuade him, so he had to give up, "see you tonight"

She took out three invitation letters from the leather bag in her hand. They were gilded and very delicate and expensive.

"If you like, you can bring him here." Aisa said awkwardly.

Originally, she only prepared two invitation letters, but Shu Yao said that her friend needed one.Then two.

The third invitation letter was temporarily decided by Aisa to be included in the bag.

Since Shu Yao likes that person so much, as a friend, Aisa would not say too much for fear of hurting Shu Yao's heart.

Shu Yao squeezed the invitation letter in her palm, stepped forward to hug Aisa and patted her.

"Thank you."

Aisa broke Shu Yao's hand and said seriously, "You can't embarrass me that night."

That was a congratulatory gift for the elders, one song by Shu Yao was enough.

Thinking about it, Aisa became a little excited, hurriedly drove Shu Yao away, and got into the car.

Before leaving, Aisa rolled down the car window again and waved his hands, feeling very reluctant.

"Get ready, see you tonight."

"See you tonight."


At night, the sky is getting darker, and night covers the entire sky.

The bustling area suddenly became more lively than usual, with an endless stream of vehicles and a red carpet on the ground.

The red carpet was laid from the inside of the hotel to the outside of the door, and guests were greeted, and the two sides were crowded with media reporters.

Among them, media reporters took their positions early and leaned against the door.

As a special correspondent of the Global Newspaper, the influence of the Tang family's media circle is also very large.

The Tang family's media reporters have attracted many other newspapers to form a group.

The hustle and bustle has already crowded the previous position, in order to be able to take pictures of today's guests.

Today's guests, those who can participate in the family banquet of the Ross family are all big figures with heads and faces.

Anything that happens to anyone is enough to become a breaking point.

Who can let go of this opportunity?

"Someone is coming, here!" The person leaning outside exclaimed first.

The reporters under the Global News Agency craned their necks to look out, and when they saw it, there was a look of admiration in their eyes.

A fiery red sports car parked in front of the door, and then the co-driver got off an extremely handsome young man.

The youth looks handsome and immature, and it is not difficult to see what kind of demeanor it will be after opening.

The Globe newspaper staff whispered, "That's Missy!"

It's Tang Lingxi.

The young man came to the back and opened the car door. The gentleman stretched out his hand to hold the girl who got out of the car.

The young girl is smart and playful, wearing a tender pink dress, inlaid with countless exquisite hand-made florals, delicate and gorgeous.

The difference is that those almond eyes are heavily made up, without that girlish innocence, it seems a bit deliberate.

But it can be regarded as a talented man and a beautiful woman, a rare pair.

"Crack clap!"

Tang Lingxi was led by the young man and walked past the red carpet. There were countless flashing lights in front of her eyes, and the sound of photography sounded at the same time.

The people from Globe News were prepared here early in order to create momentum for Tang Lingxi.

"Who is that?"

"I heard it's the little princess of the Tang family, Tang Lingxi."

"It looks really cute, no wonder so many people take pictures of it."

"That's not true, they didn't come here just to shoot, some of them were looking for material."

"Wait, who is next to Tang Lingxi?"

"I heard it's from the Qin family in Yecheng, Qin Wenyu."

"The Qin family? Are they here?"

Fragmentary voices of discussion rang out when Tang Lingxi entered the arena.

Tang Lingxi was led forward by the young man, her posture was haughty, and she glanced at everything in front of her with disdain.

She enjoyed being noticed when she entered.

Tang Lingxi has been praised everywhere since she was a child, and of course she is not excluded when she is outside.


It would be great if only Qin Jiuxiao was the one holding her hand.

This Qin Wenyu, according to his father, Qin Wenyu is just Jiuye's nephew, a generation behind.

But Qin Wenyu doesn't look bad.

"Look at that—"

"Fu Jingzhen's fiancée."

"How could it be her?"

"Hey, you are ignorant and ignorant, then the Crown Prince Fu has already found a new love, Shu Murou."

"Then, that's not Miss Shu's family anymore?"

"I heard that she was broken up, tsk tsk tsk, it's good to be young, so fucking beautiful."

A pair of jade men came in after them, and directly took away all the eyes that had been on Tang Lingxi just now.

A pair of people who got out of the car walked out from the back seat at the same time.

Shu Murou's long hair is slightly curly, she wears light makeup, and her pretty and delicate features are becoming more and more charming.

When she stepped out of the car, her elegant and unique body just showed her exquisite figure.

Protruding forward and backward, there is a shimmering necklace hanging on the chest, falling straight between the ravines, which attracts people's imagination.

"Jing Zhen." Shu Murou tightened the man's hand, flustered like a deer.

It seemed that it was her first time walking the red carpet, and seeing such a big scene for the first time, her face was full of bewilderment and fear.

In this way, Shu Murou is even more gentle and lovable.

Such a light movement attracted the attention of many people.

The eyes of those men sizing up their prey fell on Shu Murou, and there were different colors in their eyes.

Eyes of coveting, admiration or admiration fell on Shu Murou one by one.

Compared to Tang Lingxi, who had a haughty attitude just now, it is obvious that Shu Murou, who is as docile as a deer, is more attractive.

Although Shu Murou has a pure and pleasant appearance, but she is dressed a little to show off her figure, which steals people's attention.

Pure and lustful.

Really a charming little goblin.

All of this greatly satisfied the owner, Fu Jingzhen.

"It's okay, I'm here."

With today's performance and the prying eyes of others, Fu Jingzhen was even more convinced that he made the right choice in the first place.

If it was Shu Yao who came, Shu Yao would still be dressed as before, unattractive and only quarreling.

There will always be endless quarrels between them.

Fu Jingzhen's eyes were gentle, and he held Shu Murou's hand generously, not afraid of everyone's gaze.

It seems to be a symbol, a kind of oath.

Shu Murou felt the feeling of being recognized, and the smile in her eyes deepened.

She enjoyed the gazes of the men present on her, and liked the feeling of controlling others.

More importantly, it was a demonstration against the other ladies present.

Those people are spying on Fu Jingzhen, and a background identity like Fu Jingzhen's is also rare.

What's more, Fu Jingzhen was already handsome, talented and handsome.

Such an excellent man, of course only she, Shu Murou, is worthy of him, and others can only watch him.

"If my sister sees it, she should be angry." Shu Murou said in a low voice.

So many camera sounds, so many flashes.

Shu Murou walked a little slower on purpose, she said so, but her pace slowed down intentionally or unintentionally.

The photographers standing on both sides raised their cameras and aimed at Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou.

The moment Shu Murou left the red carpet and stepped into the hotel.

There was a rustling sound behind him, and even Fu Jingzhen who was following him stopped.

Shu Murou's heart tightened and she didn't turn her head, but she could still hear the waiter near her discussing the person behind her.

"who is it?."

"It's Miss Shu, Shu Yao."

(End of this chapter)

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