Chapter 125 Dare, or dare not?

Shu Murou's voice sounded, tentatively at a loss.

There was consternation in her voice, it felt like Shu Yao had learned from her first.

It was Shu Yao who deliberately stole Shu Murou's limelight.

While talking, Shu Murou turned to look at Fu Jingzhen, "Aren't we bumping into the show?"

"It's okay." Fu Jingzhen comforted with a warm voice.

Shu Yao smiled, raised her eyebrows indifferently, "Isn't that just right? You always wanted to compare with me."

"I, I didn't." Shu Murou's eyes widened, innocently.

Fu Jingzhen frowned and didn't speak, but stood in front of Shu Murou in a protective gesture.

Shu Murou behind her raised her eyebrows triumphantly, as if she was demonstrating silently, since Fu Jingzhen didn't have eyes behind her anyway.

"Then if she wants to compare with you, do you dare?"

Suddenly, a low and hoarse voice interjected, deep and steady, and he looked sideways at Shu Yao with focused and gentle eyes.

Shu Yao was stunned, a shadow cast in front of her.

Looking up, Shu Yao's heart was shaken, it was the man's generous and resolute back.

he came.

Through the mask, Shu Yao was still familiar enough to recognize Qin Jiuxiao at a glance, and she held the man's hand without hesitation.

Standing in front of Fu Jingzhen, Shu Yao took the lead in holding Qin Jiuxiao's hand.

This surprised Qin Jiuxiao, but his face remained calm, and he looked at Shu Murou again.

"Dare, or dare not?"

Fu Jingzhen stared at the clenched hands of the two, his eyes gradually clouded.

"You are provoking trouble."

But Qin Jiuxiao was unmoved, his eyes were cold and proud, with inexplicable coercion.

His voice was thick and low, making people chill, "Are you afraid? Afraid that she is not as good as Shu Yao."


Shu Murou was provoked, and subconsciously retorted, "There's nothing wrong with it."

Originally, she was better than Shu Yao, stronger than Shu Yao, but it was Shu Yao who walked in front to block her brilliance.

"Okay, just bet." Fu Jingzhen was aroused and took up the conversation.

Easily fell into the trap.

Qin Jiuxiao was not surprised, at first he didn't understand how Shu Yao would fall in love with such a person.

Frivolous and arrogant, young and full, and his eyesight is not good.

"Brother..." Shu Yao didn't dare to call out his name, and gently pinched him.

Qin Jiuxiao fixedly looked into Shu Yao's eyes, gentle and focused, raised his big hand to stroke her black hair.

Seeing that the end of the hair grew a little bit, I was very happy.

This is his baby.

Fu Jingzhen felt that this scene was particularly glaring, "What are you betting on?"

It's just women, he has better ones.

Fu Jingzhen didn't understand why there was a feeling of resentment in his heart, feeling that something had been snatched away.

"What are you betting on—"

The man deliberately lengthened the ending, because he couldn't think of what Fu Jingzhen wanted.

There is no shortage of money.

He is inferior to him, and neither is his status.

There is no shortage of people now.

Qin Jiuxiao's thin lips under the mask lifted, a little disdainful, but his voice was still calm.

"If Shu Murou loses, let her publicly admit that she is inferior to others."

"How about it?"

Fu Jingzhen didn't think there was any problem with this, after all, he had seen Shu Murou's strength before.

I heard Shu Murou play a song, the tune is really amazing.


Long before coming here, Fu Jingzhen had heard that the "Hand of God" was also participating in this family banquet.

Compared with Shu Yao, who was raised in a deep boudoir, she didn't know her, and her vision was short-sighted. Since she followed Fu Jingzhen, she hasn't had any outstanding achievements.

Who is the hand of God? Fu Jingzhen has already made a decision.

"Okay, what if Shu Yao loses?" Fu Jingzhen looked at Shu Yao.

Without flinching, Shu Yao said flatly, "It's the same if I lose, but—"

Shu Yao looked at Shu Murou with a half-smile.

There is only one hand of God this time, it is Shu Murou, or she, Shu Yao.

Presumably no one knows better than Shu Murou.

But Shu Murou probably didn't know, if she knew, she would definitely stop Fu Jingzhen.

"I..." A trace of panic flashed across Shu Murou's face.

It's not that Shu Murou is worried that she is not as good as Shu Yao, it's just in case, in case she loses.

Fu Jingzhen easily agreed to these conditions. If Shu Murou loses, it will be shameful for her.

It's her, not Fu Jingzhen.

From the beginning to the end, Fu Jingzhen never asked her a word.

And the man next to Shu Yao has been watching Shu Yao silently, following Shu Yao's movements.

In contrast, Shu Murou suddenly felt cold.

"My fiancée will never be bad, please enlighten me." Fu Jingzhen grabbed her hand.

His words greatly satisfied Shu Murou.

This is an acknowledgment of her identity.

"Then..." Shu Murou looked at Shu Yao, feeling eager to win, "I listen to Jing Zhen."

Shu Murou glanced at the man next to Shu Yao, with a hint of sternness in his eyes.

Cheng Yaojin was really killed halfway!
But no matter how much this man likes Shu Yao, no matter how much he protects her, he is still not a poor bodyguard.

Just a guy who eats soft meals around women.


"It's a word."

Fu Jingzhen didn't want to see Shu Yao with other men again.

Almost as soon as the words were finished, Fu Jingzhen grabbed Shu Murou's hand and turned to leave. Shu Murou's heart warmed and she followed.

As everyone knows, this scene will no longer have any effect on Shu Yao.

Now Shu Yao is full of heart and eyes, only the man in front of her, she stepped forward to approach the man.

"Ninth brother."

Very nice.

The man's cold eyes softened a bit, maybe even Shu Yao didn't know that she was so seductive.

He responded in a low voice, "I'm sorry for being late."

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes widened slightly, there was a faint glint in her eyes, she shook her head, "It's not too late."

It was she who was late.

From the previous life to the present life, she came late.

"Don't you think it's embarrassing for me to come? People around others are all famous nobles." Qin Jiuxiao rarely joked.

This man did it on purpose.

Others don't know that it's fine to deliberately distort Qin Jiuxiao's identity, but now even he himself accepts this setting.

Shu Yao was angry and funny.

After glaring at the people around her, someone came to ask Shu Yao to put on her makeup. This was all arranged by the Ross family.

It was Shu Yao's turn, but the man followed beside her.

His well-behaved appearance really looks like a bodyguard.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know, my figure is so good, my God, my legs are so long——!"


"That might just happen to be standing there, isn't it?"

When Shu Yao sat down to put on her makeup, she saw many people looking at Qin Jiuxiao through the reflection of the mirror.

Those voices discussing Qin Jiuxiao came from behind.

Even the make-up artist leaned over and teased Shu Yao, "This young lady has to be more careful."

Thanks to the man wearing a big mask on his face.

Otherwise, Shu Yao had no doubt that Qin Jiuxiao would be abducted by others.

Qin Jiuxiao met Shu Yao's eyes through the mirror, and saw Shu Yao's angry and annoyed phoenix eyes.

The man smiled lowly, seeing that Shu Yao was short of lipstick.

He took a step forward and snatched the lipstick from the makeup artist.

While Shu Yao was in a daze, the man broke her jaw and lifted it gently, with a solemn and sacred look.

There was a slight touch on her lips, and the temperature of the man's fingertips on her jaw. She looked at the man in front of her without moving.

The man's cold eyes reflected Shu Yao's stunned eyes.

"Very beautiful." Qin Jiuxiao moved his hands, watching Shu Yao's lips turn red little by little.

Such as red makeup for the wife in ancient times.

The exclamations of other people came from around, very low, but still enough for Shu Yao to hear the exclamations of the people around her.

In addition to exclaiming, there are also envious eyes from others.

"Is this on TV?"

"So happy, that young master must like her very much."

"I'll just say it."

"It's really a name that has its own owner. I'm so envious of that lady, it's just——! Good Su!"

(End of this chapter)

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