Chapter 149


Aisa's pupils shrank slightly, like a family with strict rules like theirs.

Such a powerful person like the elder sister of the Patriarch is actually a family that feigned death and escaped, such behavior.

It is really absurd and unreasonable.

Seeing that Aisa was still silent, the owner of the Los family was almost exhausted.

"If you can't, I don't mind doing something else."

Out of respect, Patriarch Los will start with Aisa, if she doesn't want to, of course it's okay.

The Ross family is full of talents, and the head of the Ross family values ​​Aisa as a side branch, which is one of them, not the only one.

"I see."

Aisa nodded deeply.


As soon as he got home, when the elevator opened, Qin Jiuxiao noticed a shadow passing by the door.

He slightly raised his hand and stopped Shu Yao who was about to go out.

"What's wrong?" Shu Yao realized something was wrong.

Qin Jiuxiao shook his head, he took a step ahead of Shu Yao and walked in front of Shu Yao.

Seeing this, Shu Yao almost subconsciously grabbed the man's side hand, she didn't want to let go.

Qin Jiuxiao paused slightly, but did not stop him.

"Why did you come back?"

The person at the door stood still and turned around.

It turned out to be Cheng Lao.

Cheng Lao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, then at Shu Yao, and laughed dully.

"Young people of today!"

Shu Yao's face turned red when she was told, she opened her mouth, "Old Cheng."

Cheng Lao's son and daughter-in-law have already settled in country S, so they are quite capable.

As long as Cheng Lao thought about it, it would not be a problem to find Shu Yao's address by other means, Qin Jiuxiao was not surprised at all.

Shu Yao hurriedly went to open the door first, and invited Cheng Lao in.

Shu Yao was a little surprised when Mrs. Cheng came suddenly, but out of politeness to elders, Shu Yao didn't ask rashly.

She entered the door, knelt down and picked out a pair of cotton shoes that were bigger and suitable for Mr. Cheng.

Originally, Shu Yao didn't have to do this, she seemed to be low profile.

In fact, it was just respect for him as a junior.

"Good boy." There was deep love in Cheng Lao's eyes.

Mr. Qin actually looked down on such a child, and he didn't know where he got such a high profile.

What happened to Jiang Yunrong back then directly caused Jiuxiao's father to go abroad and has not come back to recognize his ancestors.

Mr. Qin still didn't learn his lesson, and just learned the old way of getting on with each other.

Shu Yao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao quickly, imitating Qin Jiuxiao's appearance before.

She said in a low voice, "It should."

Cheng Lao is Qin Jiuxiao's adoptive father.

She likes Qin Jiuxiao.

In other words, she is fulfilling some kind of 'obligation'.

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao was startled.

Cheng Lao reacted immediately, and patted Qin Jiuxiao's shoulder with his big hand.

"Good guy." It's so fast.

Shu Yao lowered her head and smiled, then stood up and turned around to work in the kitchen, leaving space for the two of them.

Seeing this, Cheng Lao found a sofa and sat down.

"Jiuxiao." Cheng Lao said, it was the old man's unique thick and hoarse voice.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly. He respected this adoptive father very much.

"On the day of Luosi's family banquet, I saw that kid Qin Wenyu, who was he talking to?"

"Information on the dark web spreads widely, and your whereabouts may not be hidden for a long time."

"I always feel that Qin Wenyu is still restless. He probably has a grudge against what your father did."

Back then, the affairs of the Qin family were full of ups and downs, and Mr. Cheng knew more about the inside story after helping him.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yunrong's love for Elder Qin's only son so much.

There is no Qin Jiuxiao now, and without Qin Jiuxiao, the Qin family would not be able to turn the tide.

Hearing this, Qin Jiuxiao gave a short laugh.

"What qualifications does he have?" Qin Jiuxiao played with the ring on his hand.

Cheng Lao fell silent.

Speaking of which, this is a matter of the previous generation, and should not have involved Qin Jiuxiao's generation.

But Qin Wenyu's father is not dead.

"Back then, my mother was forced to leave Yecheng for more than ten years."

"I was taken back to the Qin family when I was a teenager. What kind of life did Qin Wenyu lead?"

"What kind of life am I? Who will bear the suffering of my mother in those years."

When Qin Jiuxiao said this, his eyes were filled with ice, cold and chilling.

The aura of a person who has been in the top position for a long time naturally spread out, and even Cheng Lao felt the pressure.

Speaking of this, Shu Yao came out from the kitchen with a saucer and squatted on the side of the coffee table.

Qin Jiuxiao avoided Shu Yao's gaze, lowered his eyes slightly, hiding all his emotions.

Shu Yao glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, then slightly nodded at Qin Lao and said, "Cheng Lao, drink tea."

"Hey, good." Cheng Lao took it with both hands, his voice bright and hearty without the original jerky.

Now looking at this posture, Shu Yao is almost becoming her half-daughter-in-law, and her indifference is from outsiders.

He took the hot tea and took a sip. The fragrance of the tea was overflowing, and the sweetness returned after the bitterness.

Shu Yao's heart was very warm, she fixedly looked at Mr. Cheng's big thick hands, and unconsciously went back to the past emotionally.

past life.

It was the first time that Fu Jingzhen took her back to Fu's house, and in order to respect Shu Yao, Fu Jingzhen's parents were served tea with both hands.

Almost unexpectedly, Fu's mother waved it indifferently, and the tea spilled all over Shu Yao in an instant.

Especially the hand, that hand was immediately burned red.

It was freshly boiled tea, which instantly turned red, and Shu Yao hurriedly stood up.

Later, because of the severe heat, the skin on my hand was red and itchy, and when I scratched it, a whole piece of skin fell off.

"Tsk tsk, if you have a red nose for such a trivial matter, how can you be the mistress of the Fu family in the future?" Mother Fu said coldly.

Pain, that is a subconscious physiological reaction, red eyes.

Wasn't Fu's mother using this to accuse Shu Yao at that time——

And when Cheng Lao took the tea, what made Shu Yao feel warm was that he took it with both hands.

It was Cheng Lao who gave him a chance to correct her mistakes and give her advice on acting when she came back for the first time.

It was Mr. Cheng who thought highly of her, guided her step by step, and even introduced her adopted son.

"Good boy, get up quickly, why are you in a daze?" Mr. Cheng asked Shu Yao who was still squatting by the coffee table.

She just stood up.

Qin Jiuxiao moved his position slightly, raised his eyes, and signaled Shu Yao to sit down.

Whether it's Cheng Lao or Qin Jiuxiao, their kindness to Shu Yao is always in their hearts.

There were tears in Shu Yao's eyes, she shook her head, "I'll go back to the message first, you guys talk first."

Just now the crew passed the interview, but Shu Yao hasn't given any information yet.

Here I have to explain to Ari, and then I have to explain the information to Shen Huaiyuan.

After Shu Yao left.

Cheng Lao took a meaningful look at the direction Shu Yao left.

"Isn't this better than thinking about that little girl doll when you were young?"

Qin Jiuxiao's only pleasure when he was a child was to receive letters, which he said were sent by a little girl.

There is everything in the envelope every day, and it's funny that it's worthless.

Like there will be butterfly specimens, beautiful hair clips, a plant, a bag of brewed drinks...

But that was Qin Jiuxiao's only joy and only hope in his childhood.


Later, the little girl who wrote the letter lost contact.

Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes finally had some emotional fluctuations, and he didn't shy away from Cheng Lao.

"Shu Yao, she is that person." He said slowly.

Hearing this, Cheng Lao was shocked, "She is?"

No wonder, no wonder Mr. Cheng had never seen Qin Jiuxiao so attracted to a little girl from any family.

However, this Shu Yao doesn't look like she has known Qin Jiuxiao for a long time.

"She can't remember."

Qin Jiuxiao stopped playing with the ring, as if he was talking about a very common thing.

Of course it doesn't matter, because no matter what, he won't let go.

After living together with Shu Yao these days, Qin Jiuxiao will not let go, Shu Yao has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and he cannot be separated in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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