Chapter 157 Preliminary rehearsal
On the second day, there will be a rehearsal in advance for the preliminary round of the Ross catwalk competition.

The preliminary competition is scheduled to be held indoors in a venue, which is transformed from a rather large conference room.

Due to the limited venue of the preliminary competition, there are also restrictions on the number of entries.

Only relevant parties who have received an invitation letter from the Lowes family can participate, usually relevant people in the fashion industry.

The organizer notified all participants early in the morning.

In particular, it is required that the main behind-the-scenes staff and relevant high-level officials be present.

"Miss Aisa, this is the list of contestants."

"You have a look."

The staff handed over the list to Aisa. As a member of the Ross family, Aisa was sent to take care of the organizer.

She flipped through a few pages and scanned the signs on the waists of the people present one by one.

"Shu Yao." Aisa was taken aback when he saw the familiar name on the list.

It's the kind that stays completely in place. Logically speaking, Shu Yao shouldn't appear in this kind of catwalk competition.

The moment Aisa was in a trance, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

"That's fine..."

Shu Yao walked in while fiddling with the sign on her waist.

When Aisa saw it, he quickly put away the list and walked forward, completely ignoring the eyes of other people around him.

"Why did you participate in the competition? Why didn't you tell me." Aisa looked at his good friend aggrievedly.

She thought that Shu Yao and she were good friends who talked about everything.

Why Shu Yao didn't even tell her about participating in this catwalk competition, Aisa felt a little disappointed and wronged in his heart.

There are many people around, and those contestants all know that Aisa is from the higher-ups.

Seeing Shu Yao interacting with the high-level people, they all stared at each other covetously.

Shu Yao had no way to explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, so she had to make a long story short.

"Well, I'll explain it to you when I step down."

Now that Shu Yao said so, Aisa also knows that it is difficult to communicate in depth when there are too many people.

At this time, the staff stepped forward to Aisa's side and whispered a few words.

Aisa turned to hand the list to the staff around her, and looked back at Shu Yao before leaving.

No, before Shu Yao went abroad to study, Aisa had always been by her side.

It can almost be said that Aisa knew Shu Yao like the back of his hand when he was in country S.

According to Shu Yao's qualifications, if she wants to participate in the competition, she will not be attractive at all.

The influence of the Ross catwalk competition is indeed impressive, but it is still a bit far from the professional world-class ones.

The only thing that is most attractive may be that after the finals, the top three will be selected by world-class catwalk events.

But Shu Yao doesn't need to—

"Miss Aisa?" Seeing that Aisa was still in a daze, the staff urged her.

Aisa turned around and quickly followed the staff.

Shu Yao walked into the rest area, and the others gradually got away from watching the excitement.

Chatting with each other, the rest area was very noisy for a while.

"Shu Yao?"

Seeing Aisa leave, Wen Wan, who had arrived earlier, widened her eyes in surprise.

Shu Yao actually participated in the competition in person, and the news Wen Wan received before was that Shu Yao would not participate.

And look at the way Shu Yao was very familiar with the high-level personnel of the organizer just now.

Shu Yao walked to Wen Wan's side and sat down, "Are you surprised?"

Seeing Wen Wan's demure and melancholy appearance, Shu Yao couldn't help but make fun of her.

"Shu Yao..." Wen Wan called out in a low voice, grabbing her clothes.

Wen Wan also knew a thing or two from Shen Huaiyuan, so it was so unexpected that Shu Yao would be there.

"Seriously, why are you here?"

"Not to say……"

Shu Yao opened her mouth and was about to speak.

A shadow suddenly cast over Wen Wan's body, blocking her face, followed by a pungent smell of perfume.

"Ah, isn't this Wen Wan, Miss Wen?"

Hearing this voice, Wen Wan froze.

She raised her head to look at the person in front of her, her wide eyes were full of hatred.

"Shen Yue." Wen Wan almost forced the word out from between his teeth.

"Why do you call me so fierce? Aren't we good friends? Let me see if your injury is healed."

Shen Yue brushed her long hair, looked up and down Wen Wan's eyes, and suddenly reached out to grab Wen Wan's sleeve!
"What are you doing?" Shu Yao said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Yue felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and it was actually Shu Yao who tightly clasped her outstretched hand.

Shen Yue in pain wanted to retract her hand, but was pinched so tightly that she couldn't retract it at all.

"You, what are you doing? It hurts!" Shen Yue blushed in pain.

Shu Yao loosened it abruptly and threw it back.

Shen Yue was caught off guard and took a few steps back, bumping into other contestants who were sitting and resting in front.

In order not to affect her communication, Shen Yue subconsciously lowered her head to talk to the people in front.

"sorry Sorry."

He didn't have the arrogance he had in front of Wen Wan just now, it was because Wen Wan was easy to bully.

Shen Yue turned her head and glared at Shu Yao from embarrassment, "It seems that Miss Shu likes to meddle in other people's business."

Seeing Shu Yao defending Wen Wan like this, it seems that she won't be able to do anything for a while.

Originally, Shen Yue wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to meet Wen Wan again.

"It seems that Ms. Shen likes much ado about nothing." Shu Yao smiled recklessly.

Shen Yue was momentarily at a loss for words, "You!"

Shu Yao looked at Shen Yue leisurely, she didn't even stand up, her phoenix eyes were calm and peaceful.

"Since we're here to compete, no one wants to be retired before it even starts."

Even if Shen Yue was standing, the condescending perspective made her feel Shu Yao's sense of oppression.

What Shu Yao said is right, if there is a disturbance now, it will be of no benefit to anyone.

What's more, this opportunity was obtained with great difficulty by a little model like Shen Yue, who was beyond the [-]th line.

Shen Yue glared at Wen Wan again unwillingly, turned around and returned to her seat.

"How do you know this kind of person? She also said that you are hurt, what's going on..."

Shu Yao frowned, feeling cold in her heart.

But think about it carefully.

Shu Yao got in touch with Shen Yue who she met by Tang Meng's side at first.

And Tang Meng, he is Wen Wan's ex-husband.

"She is the most favored woman around Tang Meng." Wen Wan bit her lower lip subconsciously, finding it difficult to speak.

Those memories, once thought of, feel disgusting.

Wen Wan exerted some force unconsciously, and she could taste the blood on her lips.

"At the beginning, I took the photo she sent me to find Tang Meng, and Tang Meng beat me up."

To put it bluntly, it was nothing more than domestic violence. Sometimes Tang Meng beat him very hard, and there was nothing good about Wen Wan.

Gradually, she didn't dare to ask, and didn't dare to care.

But that would still lead to Tang Meng's beatings, as if it had become a kind of fun for Tang Meng.

So just now Shen Yue wanted to tease Wen Wan, but it was actually a kind of humiliation to Wen Wan.

Shu Yao grabbed Wen Wan's hand and held it tightly, "It's all over, Wanwan."

Listening to Shen Yue calling Wen Wan 'Miss Wen', Shen Yue should still know Wen Wan's former identity.

The Wen family was also one of the four great families in Yecheng back then, and it had a great reputation.

Wen Wan's hands were sweaty, obviously meeting Shen Yue's provocation again was quite exciting for Wen Wan.

"Shu Yao, I want to win."

"I'm going to win this time."

It was the first time Wen Wan had such a strong reaction.

She wants to win.

I want to be upright and stand by the side of my beloved.

(End of this chapter)

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