Chapter 167 As a mother, I know best
Shu Yao was actually taken aback by the man's question, and a delicate sour feeling appeared in her heart.

Fortunately, the heaven opened his eyes and gave her a chance to come back.

In her previous life, Shu Yao didn't trust Qin Jiuxiao at all, thinking that he was the mastermind behind her brother's death.

From the beginning to the end, Shu Yao lived in a fairy tale made up by others, innocent and innocent.

Shu Yao didn't wake up until the ending.

Shu Yao's heart ached because of the prickly feeling, not for herself, but for Qin Jiuxiao.

"I'm not afraid, as long as I'm by your side, I'm not afraid of anything."

Shu Yao brushed away the man's hand, and slipped into the man's firm and warm embrace.

She didn't speak, and closed her eyes tightly, but she recalled the pain of her previous life more than once in her mind.


The man's tone elongated slightly, he raised his hand to play with Shu Yao's slightly long black hair.

"I might trouble you tonight."

Hearing this, Shu Yao raised her head, he rarely used such formal words to talk.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes moved slightly, "What's the matter?"


There was a helpless smile in Qin Jiuxiao's eyes. He fiddled with Shu Yao's black hair without saying anything directly.


Country S, Convention and Exhibition Center.

There are not many people in front of the exhibition center, because it is a private art exhibition, not everyone is qualified.

Laying is still extremely luxurious and generous, echoing the consistent style and posture of the Ross family.

High-profile, unassuming, unrestrained.

Luxury cars drove by in front of the door, put down the guests and went away.

Stepping into the interior of the convention and exhibition center, the decorations are all in warm tones, and the lights are bright and brilliant, reflecting the brilliance.

There are waiters walking around, holding trays, walking around asking for service.

There were already people gathering in twos and twos to communicate in the venue. Fortunately, the flow of people was not large, and the atmosphere was much more comfortable than a banquet.

If there is no accident, Shu Yao thinks that she will meet familiar people here.

After all, those family members were not absent at the family banquet, and Shu Yao found it interesting to think of the man's hesitant words in the car.

What the hell is going on?

"I'll leave for a while." Qin Jiuxiao walked to her side and explained in a gentle voice.

The man's big hand patted her waist reassuringly, Shu Yao turned her face sideways, bumped into him and lowered her head.

The two were very close, Qin Jiuxiao's identity was ostentatious and attractive, and his ambiguous gesture quickly attracted the attention of others.

She pushed secretly, and the man gave a low laugh, and rubbed against him instead.

Shu Yao begged for mercy in a low voice, "Go quickly."

He let go, and the figure of the man gradually walked away, only then did Shu Yao regain her senses.

"Shu Yao, keep watching, everyone is gone."

After being patted lightly behind her, Shu Yao turned around and saw that it was Aisa.

Aisa came in after them. The Qin family didn't know why they wanted to gather first.

Even Qin Wenyu was the same, as soon as he entered the exhibition center, he left first.

Aisa saw that Qin Jiuxiao was no longer by Shu Yao's side, so she dared to say, "That's Lord Jiu."

"So what's wrong with Master Jiu? It's not a scourge." Shu Yao raised her eyebrows and asked leisurely.

Aisa choked and said nothing.

Qin Jiuxiao is indeed not a scourge, but his name is like thunder.

Especially as an opponent, I am even more afraid when I hear this name.

The Ross family and the Qin family are not rivals, but when they meet in the field of interests, some competition is always inevitable.

Aisa had heard of Qin Jiuxiao's name for a long time.

Seeing that there was no one around, Aisa asked directly, "Do you have any free time recently? The Patriarch wants to see you."

Because she and Shu Yao are friends, Aisa didn't think so much about it.

"What's the matter?" Aisa said bluntly, and Shu Yao asked bluntly.

The last audition was successful, Shu Yao may be joining the group soon.

"I don't know, the Patriarch didn't elaborate." When he said this, Aisa's eyes dodged, and he felt a little guilty.

Aisa didn't know if she could tell Shu Yao in detail.

Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, she saw a familiar person walking towards her, successfully making Shu Yao freeze in place.

She even stopped holding the goblet. She thought about seeing them again many times, but she didn't expect it to be here.

It was Father Fu who spoke first, "Miss Shu..."

In the final analysis, it was the Fu family who was sorry for Shu Yao. When the Fu family encountered difficulties, it was the Shu family who contributed to the turnover.

At that time, Shu Yao was about to become a member of the Fu family, and even the turnover money was not returned.

When they saw each other again, Fu's father also felt that Shu Yao could be his daughter-in-law.

"Hello." Shu Yao nodded slightly.

On the other hand, Mother Fu's expression was uneasy, as if she saw something dirty, she put on a dirty face.

She hurriedly pulled Fu's father beside her, and urged: "Let's go, I know you very well?"

That's all.

Fu's mother looked Shu Yao's clothes up and down, pursed her mouth, and her eyes were full of sarcasm.

"A girl from every family, dressed so gorgeously, she has no shame." Fu's mother said as she walked.

Father Fu's expression changed when he heard this, and he said angrily, "How did you talk?"

Now that he wanted to blame Shu Yao for an outsider like her, Fu's mother was immediately set on fire.

"I didn't name them by name, why are you in a hurry."

Before, she seduced her son to rebel against her, but now she even won't let Fu's father off.

Hu Meizi, bitch.

Surrounded by very quiet viewing paintings, they alone had a quarrel that quickly attracted the attention of others.

Father Fu's face was very embarrassed, he gave Shu Yao a slight signal.

"I'm sorry, that's how she is." Saying that, Fu's father hurriedly dragged Fu's mother away.

Along the way, Fu's mother was not happy, struggling to shake off her husband's hand and pretending to continue arguing.

"Dad, Mom, what's the matter?"

It's okay not to be asked, but as soon as she was asked, Fu's mother immediately became energetic, and she walked towards her son Fu Jingzhen quickly.

Just when she was about to complain, Mother Fu saw the Patriarch standing behind Fu Jingzhen's eyes light up.

It seemed that their son was really going to come, and he talked with the Patriarch in a few moments.

"Ah, it's the two of you. I've seen you before." Patriarch Rose walked out slowly from the corner, elegant and noble.

Immediately afterwards, the Patriarch followed his gaze and saw Shu Yao.

Shu Yao has only one back view, the floor-length dress is dragged on the ground, and the design is layered with blood red tones.

Her whole body is like a blooming red rose, unrestrained, bright and dazzling.

Just when a waiter walked up to Shu Yao's side and whispered in her ear, she turned slightly to reveal her side face, and then she left her sight.

Patriarch Ross froze for a while before reacting.

He took a step forward, then stopped abruptly, fearing that he would cause unnecessary misunderstanding if he stepped forward rashly.

The Patriarch heard from Aisa that Shu Yao was married to Fu Jingzhen.

"I heard that Young Master Fu knows that Miss Shu, right?" Patriarch Rose decided to get to know Shu Yao nearby.

Fu Jingzhen followed his gaze and saw Shu Yao, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, Patriarch, what's the matter?" Fu Jingzhen looked away.

Seeing his calmness, Patriarch Rose was a little puzzled, and his pretty eyebrows were a little dazed.

"Miss Shu is so good, why did you choose to separate?"

"Of course, if there is anything you can't say, you can also refuse to answer me."

This blankness made Patriarch Ross look very natural and harmless, and he kept stroking the cat with his hand.

Suddenly the cat in his arms started to struggle violently, Patriarch Los's expression showed a trace of impatience.

He let go suddenly.


Fortunately, the cat was light and agile, and it slammed to the ground and escaped without being too hurt.

If it was changed to something else, such a fall would be...

"As a mother, I know this best. Let me say it for myself." Fu's mother was taken aback, and she was about to explain.

He rushed to speak in front of Fu Jingzhen, thinking that he must not let this mistake happen to his son.

(End of this chapter)

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