Chapter 177 This is the moment I've been waiting for!
What is displayed on the screen is the modified data in the working background, with accurate date and time data on it.

It clearly shows that Shu Yao's name was manually modified and added after the registration deadline.

There was an uproar in the audience. The Ross family, which is well-known in country S, has no bottom line.

The audience chattered endlessly for a while, and became more and more noisy as the screen photos changed.

"Why would my sister do such a thing?" Shu Murou grabbed the people around her tightly in the audience.

Fu Jingzhen didn't speak, he just looked at the woman in front of the stage who was about to enter the marriage hall together.

Based on Fu Jingzhen's understanding of Shu Yao, he actually believed that Shu Yao would not do such a thing.

The Shu family is one of the four great aristocratic families in Yecheng, Fu Jingzhen can't guarantee anything else, but Shu Yao's upbringing is nothing to say.

His mother used to bully Shu Yao like that, but Shu Yao endured everything for him.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shu Murou's voice became a little louder, "Brother Jing Zhen?"

Called back by the people around him, Fu Jingzhen's handsome face was a little impatient, and he pursed his lips.

He was hesitant to say this.

"Mu Rou, she is your sister. After all these years, you still don't believe her?" Fu Jingzhen asked.

This question seemed to nail Shu Murou in place.

Fu Jingzhen was still partial to Shu Yao, Shu Murou's eyes turned red quickly.

"Brother Jing Zhen, I didn't mean that."

"My sister and I are a family, of course I hope my sister is well."

When Shu Murou spoke, her voice was already stained with a strong crying tone, just listening to it made me feel pity.

Shu Murou gave a wry smile, clenched the side of the skirt with her hands, and bit her lower lip tightly.

At this time, the screen is finally frozen at the last modification time.

The sound of the shutter being pressed frequently rang out from the audience, and Tang Lingxi knew exactly how many media reporters had gathered here.

Early on, Tang Lingxi went for a walk. There was a big news today.

During this convening, almost all the large and small media in the industry gathered in the venue.

Tang Lingxi and the others became witnesses.

Seeing that Shu Murou was still calm, Tang Lingxi felt that it was not enough, far from enough to embarrass her in the mall.

Tang Lingxi stood up, and she looked around the audience, "Is there another party involved?"

Everyone knew who the other party Tang Lingxi was talking about was very clear, and they raised their eyes to look for it.

"keep the change."

A woman's rambling voice came from behind the curtain, and Jiang Yunrong walked out from behind the curtain with a graceful body.

She brushed her hair and lazily replied, "Here it is."

Behind Jiang Yunrong is Aisa, who is the person in charge of the Ross family during this event.

Aisa came out, out of the light, she looked at Shu Yao.

Shu Yao followed Jiang Yunrong out in Aisa, and Shu Yao guessed that maybe Aisa knew everything.

Aisa's emerald eyes looked at Shu Yao in surprise and anger, but quickly looked away.

"I want to say a few words about this—" Isa just took the microphone.

Shen Yue from the audience interrupted directly, "You and Shu Yao also know each other!"

Shen Yue, who was eliminated, couldn't bear it long ago, and waited for an opportunity to move.

Moreover, Shu Yao and Aisa have talked in the background not once or twice, this is obvious to all.

"Indeed, I saw it backstage before."

"If it's true, it's too unfair to us!"

"Obviously Shu Yao walked very well, so why would she go backstage if she has the ability?"

Jiang Yunrong glanced indifferently at the noisy clown-like people in the audience, walked up to Aisa and raised her hand.

Her identity is somewhat courteous even to the Patriarch.

Aisa quickly handed over the microphone in his hand, and Jiang Yunrong took the microphone and walked in front of Shu Yao.

Before Shu Yao could react, Jiang Yunrong slightly nodded at her.

She lowered her head, and the voice came out of the microphone, clear and loud.

"Thank you for your willingness to help. In addition, I am sorry to make you bear this unnecessary crime."

Immediately, Jiang Yunrong turned around and walked to the front of the stage, speaking to everyone, all media reporters.

"This time, it's because of an accident with one of my models. I don't want to waste all my efforts in hiring Ms. Shu."

"Miss Shu promised to help me, and she directly requested that she will not participate in any ranking."

"The lack of ranking is not because the report was successful, but because she didn't need it."

After finishing speaking, Tang Lingxi's eyes widened, subconsciously looking for Shu Murou in the crowd.

This is completely different from what Shu Murou said!
Seeing Tang Lingxi's knife-like eyes, Shu Murou hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it, shrinking his body.

Seeing that Shu Murou could not be found, everyone was waiting for Tang Lingxi's rebuttal, so she forced herself to calm down.

Tang Lingxi immediately refuted with Shu Yao's words just now, "There is no basis for what you say! Who knows that you are not covering Shu Yao?"

Excited, Tang Lingxi directly called out Shu Yao's true destiny.

Shu Yao moved her lips and met Jiang Yunrong's gaze, only to see her raise her eyes slightly as a signal.

"Assistant, bring me my contract." Jiang Yunrong cleared his throat.

A person emerged from behind the curtain very quickly, the mask was so tight that he couldn't see anything.

"Miss Shu, this is the contract you ordered, and there is a copy."

Shu Yao raised her eyes and met a pair of familiar cold eyes.

It's him.

When she took it, the man lightly brushed her fingertips, and left before she could react.

Shu Yao quickly came back to her senses, and squeezed the document in her hand tightly.

"This can all be forged!" Tang Lingxi sensed the crisis and said suddenly.

She quickly wanted to get close to Shu Yao, trying to take away the documents from Shu Yao's hand.

tear it up!
There was a voice in Tang Lingxi's heart shouting.

Unexpectedly, the moment Tang Lingxi was about to get close to Shu Yao, Shu Yao suddenly turned around and threw the document in her hand!
"Ah ah--!"

The document slammed on Tang Lingxi's body and hit Tang Lingxi's face.

The edge of the paper was very sharp, and it thinly scratched across Tang Lingxi's face, leaving a bloodstain.

Such a pile of documents scattered in front of her eyes, Shu Yao looked at Tang Lingxi through the gaps in the documents.

Her eyes were cold, "Why don't you? Look!"

The documents on the ground were all over the floor, and Tang Lingxi was afraid that the documents were really unfavorable evidence.

Because the most important thing for a media reporter is truth!
Once it was broken by Shu Yao, and it was confirmed that what she said was all false, planted or framed, then the entire Tang family would be implicated.

"Here is the original." Shu Yao raised the other copy in her hand.

Tang Lingxi swallowed unconsciously, Xiao Lu's eyes were full of panic and speechless, watching Shu Yao approaching.

Her face was in pain from the beating just now, but under Shu Yao's coercion, she didn't dare to cry out the pain.

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes moved slightly, and her red lips parted slightly, "Reporter Tang, since I dare to stand here, I'm not afraid of you."

She turned sideways.

At the same time, the big screen behind him suddenly began to flicker, and the projection on the screen changed again and again.

After the background system was invaded, the program changed, and another new piece of data appeared on the screen.

What it showed was that Shu Yao's quota had been reported as early as the beginning of registration, and the reporting party was Huang Teng Entertainment under Shen's.

And soon, the name was crossed out manually.

"As a reporter, you can't even do the most basic truthfulness."

"In an attempt to incite people's hearts and create public opinion, is the Global Newspapers turning right and wrong like this?!"

Shu Yao waited and endured until Tang Lingxi put all her tricks on the table for this moment.

Not only does Shu Yao want Tang Lingxi to suffer, she wants the entire Tang family to fall!

(End of this chapter)

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