Chapter 179 Are you looking for me?

The crowd in the audience was excited, and some other journalists from the competing media followed suit.

The scene was almost out of control for a while. Fortunately, the security in the venue was very good, and the order was quickly stabilized.

Shu Yao was surrounded by the staff and walked down the stage. Before stepping off the stage, she glanced into the distance.

Shu Yao didn't care about Tang Lingxi, her eyes fell on Shu Murou's position off the court.

She had seen Shu Murou a long time ago.

"..." Shu Yao smiled softly at Shu Murou who was hiding behind Fu Jingzhen.

Immediately, Shu Yao leisurely withdrew her gaze, followed the staff to step off the stage, and walked cleanly.

The rest is a mess, all the media, the noisy crowd, and the results that cannot be explained.

All these messes were left to Tang Lingxi.

Fu Jingzhen, who was standing with Shu Murou, looked lonely for a moment, but unfortunately Shu Yao no longer looked at him.

It turns out that all the self-conceived truths are false.

When Shu Yao was slandered, he never seemed to stand by Shu Yao's side.

Shu Yao will always be like that, one person, one person bears everything.

That smile shook Shu Murou's heart, she bit it unconsciously, and tasted blood from her mouth.

This bitch Shu Yao is showing off her might!
Shu Murou firmly grasped Fu Jingzhen's arm, and explained, "Brother Jingzhen, I really don't know anything."

"Let me calm down." Fu Jingzhen took a deep breath and pressed the back of Shu Murou's hand.

The temperature on the back of her hand reassured Shu Murou a little, but immediately Fu Jingzhen began to push her away little by little.

Feeling the strength to break her away from her hand, Shu Murou's eyes were full of panic, and she hurried to grab it.

"Brother Jing Zhen..."

It's a pity that Fu Jingzhen flashed so fast that she missed a shot.

Fu Jingzhen got out of the crowd and walked quickly. The crowd behind him was crowded, and the excitement quickly dispersed them.

Shu Murou knew that she couldn't fall down, otherwise she would have nothing, so she couldn't care less about pushing outside.

Fu Jingzhen walked quickly, and it was a man who easily got out of the crowd.


Shu Murou chased after a few steps, gritted her teeth, threw herself forward and fell to the ground hard.

With such a fall, the crowd dispersed noisily.

But because Tang Lingxi corrected Shu Murou just now, she suddenly became the target of other media acquaintances.

The flashlight immediately aimed at Shu Murou and quickly pressed the shutter, and there were bursts of gloating voices.

Shu Murou hates so much that her nails sink into her palms, she must remember all of this——

All this is because of Shu Yao!
This bitch!

Only then did Fu Jingzhen notice Shu Murou behind him. He stood there for a while, with his back to Shu Murou.

"Brother Jing Zhen..." Shu Murou had a sore nose, looking at the man's back with a sad heart.

How could he be so cruel?
In order to stand with Fu Jingzhen, Shu Murou has been bearing the title of mistress for so long.

How could this man be so cruel, he didn't even want to turn his head to take a look.

"Does it hurt?" Fu Jingzhen took a deep breath, turned around and quickly walked to Shu Murou's side.

With so many media reporters around, if Fu Jingzhen left, Shu Murou would still be his fiancee.

Who knows what media reporters will write about them tomorrow.

It's already chaotic enough. Once the public opinion diverges, the Globe newspaper is now in deep trouble and no one can help.

Shu Murou immediately grabbed Fu Jingzhen's big hand, and muttered softly, "It doesn't hurt."

Her hand was tightly held, and it was still cold, as if frightened.

Her delicate and beautiful face was full of tears, her round eyes were poignant and innocent, and her lower lip was stained with blood from being bitten.

This appearance makes me feel pity, and Fu Jingzhen's anger has softened a little.

He bent down to hug Shu Murou, and tried his best to avoid the shots that were about to hit Shu Murou's face.

"Brother Jing Zhen, don't leave me like this, I'm afraid of so many people."

Shu Murou was hugged by Fu Jingzhen, and she immediately hugged her tightly, as if she was afraid that Fu Jingzhen would leave.

"Don't leave my brother Jing Zhen behind." Shu Murou yelled weakly.

Fu Jingzhen left without saying a word, holding Shu Murou in his arms. Fortunately, he had already known that someone was at the entrance of the stadium.

As soon as they got down, someone opened the car door to meet them immediately.

As soon as he got in the car, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

After getting into the car to cut off the disturbance, Shu Murou didn't dare to relax, she raised her eyes to look at Fu Jingzhen.

"You explain." Fu Jingzhen closed his eyes, and his voice was a little cold.

He is not a fool.

Shu Yao's slander and rumors were a matter of certainty, and Tang Lingxi publicly testified that it was Shu Murou.


Shu Murou opened her mouth, her voice trembling slightly.

"I don't want to even look at you, do you?"

Fu Jingzhen opened his eyes, looked at Shu Murou and said coldly, "Did you tell Lingxi to do this?"

"No, no, my aunt asked me to do it." Shu Murou said hoarsely.

Her eyes were red from crying, and she kept sobbing.

Fu Jingzhen pursed his lips, still hesitating and puzzled, this reason was totally untenable.

"Aunt? She is also Shu Yao's aunt, why would she do such a thing?"

"Because when the Shu family separated, Mr. Shu made a will..."

There were other people in the car, Fu Jingzhen coughed lightly to signal, Shu Murou immediately shut up.

She looked closely at Fu Jingzhen, her round eyes were full of innocence, as innocent as a deer.

"It's really not my intention. You know I was brought back by my aunt."

"If I'm not obedient, my aunt will..."

Fu Jingzhen still knew this, and Shu Murou was often oppressed by Shu Yawen on weekdays.

Shu Murou wept and quietly approached Fu Jingzhen's arms, tears wet his shirt and wet it inside.

A pair of small hands moved around the man's abdomen, gradually tightening their grip, Shu Murou almost sat on him.

"Mu Rou." Fu Jingzhen reminded in a low voice.

The movements of Shu Murou's hands froze, and his face was sad, "Brother Jing Zhen doesn't like me?"

Hearing what Shu Murou said, Fu Jingzhen's expression gradually eased, and he pressed the button at hand.

"Little fairy."

Fu Jingzhen sighed softly, allowing the girl's hand to continue wandering wantonly.

The front baffle rises slowly, blocking all the view from the front seats.


After stepping off the stage, Shu Murou walked back to the rest area. She walked briskly, and many people looked sideways at her.

The security guards surrounded Shu Yao and moved forward. Shu Yao turned her head more than once to look at the heavy curtain in front of the stage.

However, there was no one in the shadow of the curtain.

Shu Yao withdrew her gaze regretfully, since when did she become so hypocritical.

This is clearly only one night——

"Miss Shu, please follow."

Hearing this, Shu Yao nodded slightly, and followed the security guard to the underground parking lot through the secret passage.

As soon as she appeared in the parking lot, Ari had already turned on the headlights, which turned on in a flash.

Seeing Shu Yao get into the car, then the window was raised, and the security guards gradually left after everything was safe.

"Sister Yao, what's the matter? Can I go?" Ah Li saw that she was pulling by the side of the car and seemed to be looking at something.

Shu Yao lowered her eyes slightly, pressed her hand on the leather chair and rubbed it uneasily, and murmured, "It's nothing, I..."

As soon as the voice fell, the lights in the car were sensed by a wave and turned on.


"Are you looking for me?"

The man inside the car spoke softly, his voice as intoxicating as old wine.

(End of this chapter)

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