Chapter 181

At the same time as the man's voice sounded, Tang Meng became vigilant.

Is there anyone else in this car?
A gust of wind blew past Shu Yao's ears, but she hadn't had time to see it clearly.

She saw a hand suddenly grabbed Tang Meng, who was poking his head into the car, and pulled him over with a bang.

"Ah! Who is it!" Tang Meng pressed against the car window as if attracted by a magnet.

That pretty handsome face squeezed against the car window deformed, very funny.

The man didn't seem to use much strength, but even though Tang Meng pressed his hands against the car door and pulled it out, he didn't move a bit.

Qin Jiuxiao's voice was hoarse and evil, like Shura crawling out of hell, "Guess."

That's all, let go of your hands.

Tang Meng thought that he was about to lock it out when he broke free, but unexpectedly it was just a trap.

Qin Jiuxiao's shoulder muscles gradually swelled, and suddenly tightened, and Tang Meng slammed heavily on the car again.

The hard car door was slammed by a mortal body.

Tang Meng wiped his face and saw a hand full of blood, "Come on!"

From Shu Yao's point of view, Tang Meng's face was covered with blood, and the bridge of his nose was crooked.

"Change your position." Qin Jiuxiao leaned against her ear and whispered.

Behind her was the man's warm embrace, and Shu Yao would never forget that kind of peace of mind.

As soon as the words were finished, the man skillfully passed Shu Yao and changed his position.

"Tang Shao!"

"what happened?"

"Who in the car is so arrogant and dares to fight against our Young Master Tang, what the hell is going on?"

People who came down not far away approached here noisily.

Tang Meng roared, and put his hands against the car door hard to prevent himself from hitting the car door again.

"Damn it, let me go!" Under the pain, Tang Meng even completely forgot about the tutor of the Tang family.

However, only Qin Jiuxiao's cold face was reflected on the car window, with a sneer on his lips.

Shu Yao looked at the people approaching not far away, and said in a low voice, "Master Jiu, they have others."

In fact, now that Tang Meng is like this, Ah Li can just get rid of Tang Meng and drive away.

But judging by Qin Jiuxiao's attitude, he will not let it go.

"Small things."

The man's voice was very cold, so cold that it was almost cruel, it was deep and hoarse that Shu Yao had never heard before.

All of a sudden, the car door was slammed open, and Tang Meng was bounced back so hard that he fell to the ground in time.

With the light of the underground garage, Tang Meng finally saw the face of the visitor clearly.

It was a face favored by the heavens, as handsome and flawless as a god, but it added a bit of evil.

He just stood there, and the aura of non-angry self-prestige spread around him, like Wujian Shura.

Gloomy, scary.

"Nine, Lord Nine." Tang Meng's pupils shrank.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao was really Qin Jiuye's man.

Although Tang Meng was also there on the day of the confrontation with Tang Lingxi, Tang Meng thought that Shu Yao was just a plaything.

Women, you get bored after playing for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiuxiao actually made a move.

"Go!" Someone not far away yelled.

Tang Meng didn't even have time to scold the people who stopped him, when he saw those people swarming up with sticks.

And Qin Jiuxiao just moved his wrist, turned around and immediately clasped one's hand, twisting it backhand.


It was the sound of bones breaking, and the man lightly took over the stick that fell from the hand of the thug.

With a backhand flick, it hit one person's calf directly, and another one fell down with a puff.

"No, don't! Stop!" Tang Meng immediately shouted.

None of these people will die.

Who is Qin Jiuxiao? He is the living King of Hades in Yecheng.

It was precisely because the Tang family and the Qin family got along very well that Tang Meng knew Qin Jiuxiao's power better.

Not to mention these four or five people, even if it is twice as many, they may not be his opponents.

One person didn't react, only the anger of the people around him fell down in front of him, "Dare to hit my brother?"

The man rushed up waving the stick in his hand, Qin Jiuxiao turned sideways to avoid it.

It's just that in a place Qin Jiuxiao couldn't see, behind him, the person who was hit in the calf bone stood up quietly.

Shu Yao could see clearly from the back seat, she got out of the car immediately.


The moment the words sounded, Shu Yao didn't know where she got the strength to grab the man by the back collar and fell to the ground.

The sharp blade that the man swung across the air cut Shu Yao's hand.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes turned cold, and while he raised his hand to grab Shu Yao, he stepped forward and stepped on the man's abdomen.


Being stepped on the softest abdomen directly, the fallen person let out a scream.

The screams were shrill, and the pain was obvious. Everyone heard such wailing and no one dared to move forward.

Shu Yao's wrist was so painful being pulled by the man, she looked up to Qin Jiuxiao's eyes.

"Jiuye." Shu Yao said.

The woman's voice was clear and gentle, which pulled Qin Jiuxiao back from the brink of rage.

Qin Jiuxiao suppressed his rage, "Get in the car."

He remained silent, let go of Shu Yao, and walked up to Tang Meng instead.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao approaching, Tang Meng immediately explained, "Master Jiu, I—"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Jiuxiao tilted his head, raised his foot and stepped on Tang Meng's hand on the ground.

His indifferent face is daunting, and his eyes are full of sternness, "Tang Meng, don't think I don't know."

Just because of Shu Yao's face, Qin Jiuxiao was willing to turn a blind eye.

This does not mean that Qin Jiuxiao gave Tang Meng the right to offend him.

At the Ross family's dinner party, and at the art exhibition where Tang Lingxi confronted her, Tang Meng's peeping at Shu Yao was too obvious.

"It's too obvious."

Qin Jiuxiao repeated mercilessly and coldly, and the leather shoes used some force and crushed them a few times.

Shu Yao opened her lips, she had never seen Qin Jiuxiao like this.

Perhaps this is what a man really looks like, aloof and inviolable.

Enduring the pain, Tang Meng hissed, "Master Jiu, I know I'm wrong! I know I'm wrong!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Jiuxiao asked indifferently.

Tang Meng trembled, his mind was blank and trembling.

"I shouldn't use public power for private purposes. I dare not offend Ms. Shu. Yes, it's because I can't discipline my sister well."

Qin Jiuxiao twitched the corner of his mouth and lifted his feet.

His eyes were cold, and he squatted down, almost at eye level with Tang Meng.

At such a close distance, Tang Meng was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe or look Qin Jiuxiao in the eyes.


Qin Jiuxiao moved a little closer, and spoke coldly in Tang Meng's ear.

"The worst thing is to be blind."

Horror flashed in Tang Meng's eyes when he was suddenly pressed to the ground, and saw Qin Jiuxiao pick up the dropped knife.

He let out a strange cry, and a gust of wind passed by his ears.

"My ears!"

Immediately afterwards, the ground was wet, and then there was the sound of a knife falling.

Tang Meng immediately touched his ears and found that the ears were still there, and then he was desperate and ashamed.

The eldest young master of the Tang family, he was so scared that he peed in the urine!


It was the sound of the car door closing the lights.

When he reacted, Qin Jiuxiao had already gotten into the car, and the low-key and luxurious Bentley drove away directly from Tang Meng.


Country S, Manston Manor on the outskirts.

Ari escorted him all the way to Jiang Yunrong's manor, but at this time Jiang Yunrong was still in the center of the venue and did not come back.

The huge manor is quiet and lonely, looking inexplicably solemn.

Qin Jiuxiao dismissed the other servants, and took her back to the bedroom to deal with it. The bedroom was so big that it was very uncomfortable for the two of them to be left alone.

The man said in a deep voice, "Does it hurt?"

Shu Yao's cut wound was still bleeding, she opened her mouth, but she couldn't speak in time.

The man grabbed her hand, opened the medical box, and neatly raised his hand to bandage Shu Yao's wound well.

Looking at this scene, recalling what happened just now, Shu Yao unconsciously clenched his hand a little bit more.

"Are you afraid of me?" Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed, and his voice was full of uncertainty.

(End of this chapter)

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