Chapter 184 Sister's Orphan

Shu Yao was taken aback, she didn't expect Jiang Yunrong to ask such a question, she shook her head, "I'm not familiar, it's just a relationship once."

Jiang Yunrong did not expect such an answer, but she is just a mouthpiece.

"Shu Yao is like this, the Patriarch said he wanted to apologize to you personally."

Hearing this, Qin Siwen gave a pause for gesticulating the knife and fork.

This is obviously very wrong, a family mainly apologizes to a small model.

Who would believe in ghosts?

Qin Jiuxiao has been silently cutting the steak in his hand, maintaining a state of being elegant and noble without eating or sleeping.

I heard Jiang Yunrong continue talking.

"You left in a hurry, the Patriarch didn't have time to explain, he said he wanted to meet with you to apologize."

"Do you want to?"

Jiang Yunrong just conveyed it. Although it is strange, Jiang Yunrong is the royal designer of the Ross family.

After so many years, Jiang Yunrong and the Patriarch can be regarded as close friends, he is not a bad person.

Shu Yao pondered for a while, then she nodded slightly, "Of course."

Not only Jiang Yunrong, but before Jiang Yunrong, Aisa revealed what Patriarch Rose wanted to see her.

Three times and four times.

In fact, Shu Yao also wanted to take a look, to see clearly what Patriarch Rose wanted to do.

And this time the turmoil did indeed affect Patriarch Rose, as well as an invitation lying in the mailbox.

All these things, Shu Yao has no reason to refuse Patriarch Los's invitation.


"You mean Shu Yao agreed?"

Here, Patriarch Ross just finished the conference call, and his eyes lit up with joy when he received the news.

Aisa Bi, who had just rushed over from elsewhere to listen, was surprised when he heard this, and even the other high-level executives looked at each other in blank dismay when they saw this scene.

Patriarch Rose seldom has such a vivid expression, most of the time he is holding it.

The Patriarch of Los didn't hang up the phone, but instead signaled to the others at the conference table.

"That's it for today's meeting."

"Aisa, you stay first."

After listening, the people from other branches of the family got up and left the conference room.

Patriarch Ross put down the phone after everyone basically walked out of the meeting room.

Immediately, just as Patriarch Rose was about to speak, he found that there were still people left.

"Mr. Fu, is there any problem?" Patriarch Rose looked at the only Fu couple who did not leave.

The Fu couple was also very embarrassed. They came all the way from Yecheng to show their sincerity.

It was a meeting that was organized with great difficulty, but Patriarch Rose ended it so casually.

Their project has not come to fruition at all.

Father Fu frowned slightly, but still softened his voice and said: "Patriarch, this matter has not yet been settled."

"Yes, we have to go back after buying tomorrow's air tickets." Fu's mother followed along and echoed.

This owner is too arrogant!
However, Fu's mother dared not speak out. After all, the Ross family has a great influence in S country.

People have the capital to be arrogant.

"Ah, about this matter..." Patriarch Ross frowned when he realized it.

Father Fu is a person who has been there, and he has long seen the impatience of Patriarch Luos, and said: "Patriarch, if there is something really important, you might as well talk about it in detail at another day."

"Okay, okay, please." Patriarch Rose immediately smiled.

As expected of Mr. Fu, he seems to be more eye-catching than the old lady beside him.

Aisa glanced silently without speaking, and waited for them to leave before arriving at Patriarch Rose's side.

"Patriarch, did Shu Yao agree to come?" Apart from this, Aisa didn't think of anything else.

Patriarch Rose nodded, but the smile on his face quickly sank again, "Aisa, let me ask you a question."

"You say."

"Not at the level of a friend, but objectively speaking, what kind of person do you think Miss Shu is?"

"Of course she is very good, why do you ask such a question, Patriarch?"

Aisa's eyes were full of confusion, obviously the Patriarch had met Shu Yao before, and had a good impression of Shu Yao.

Where did this sudden change come from?

"It's nothing, just hearsay." Patriarch Rose suppressed the other emotions in his eyes.

Aisa didn't dare to find out who it was, and said again: "Patriarch, do you think Shu Yao is your sister's orphan?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Aisa immediately regretted it.

I always feel that this matter is actually too presumptuous by Aisa, even if it is true, it is too direct to spy on the Patriarch's mind.

"Yes." Patriarch Ross replied.

Almost at the same time, there were some small sounds outside the door.

Patriarch Rose's face turned cold, and he stood up from the chair in a snap, startling the sleeping cat lying on his lap.

The cat meowed, and jumped out of its lap and landed on the ground in fright.

"Who is it?" Patriarch Rose opened the door.

There were only bodyguards from the Ross family outside the door, "It's the Fu couple, they stayed by the door just now."

Patriarch Rose only saw the disappearing figure at the end of the corridor, and he didn't speak.

The owner of the Los family returned to his seat, playing with the pen at hand.

come to...

Those words should have been heard.

"Patriarch..." Aisa hesitated to speak.

She was called over because of the catwalk contest. As the person in charge, she should have come to report.

Patriarch Rose made a stop gesture.

"Leave this matter aside, and wait until I entertain her tomorrow."

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Rose bent down to catch the cat that had run away, and he chased after it in a good voice.

As if he wasn't the one who frightened the cat with his sudden rage just now, Patriarch Rose grabbed the cat by the back of the neck.

He picked it up, "Good baby, don't run around."

Touching the cat, Patriarch Rose opened the door and walked away, leaving the conference room.


Fu's mother grabbed Fu's father who was walking in such a hurry, "Why are you walking so fast, ehhh!"

Mother Fu was pleasantly surprised by the news she heard just now.

This old thing doesn't seem to care at all, Fu's mother can't communicate with him, she walks so fast.

"Did you hear that just now! That patriarch is looking for his sister's orphan." Mother Fu's voice was filled with joy.

Father Fu frowned and stopped, "So what? It's a private matter."

"He's looking for Shu Yao!"

"Shu Yao is from the Shu family, didn't you say..."

"Didn't you say that Shu Murou was picked up by her aunt from the orphanage?"

The implication inside and outside of Fu's mother's words is already obvious.

Shu Murou is the one picked up outside, maybe she is really the orphan!
If the Fu family can help the Ross family find this orphan, and this orphan happens to be Shu Murou, their daughter-in-law.

Isn't this more kissing and kissing.

Father Fu was very calm, "But they are looking for Shu Yao, what are you thinking?"

Mother Fu snorted, there are so many certain things in this world.

"Maybe I made a mistake, the two young ladies of the Shu family, and Shu Murou was the one who was picked up..."

"The matter of Patriarch Rose's sister was such a sensation back then, why don't you ask Shu Murou?"

Rather than guessing here and there, Mother Fu thought it would be better to tell Shu Murou directly and let her find out by herself.

Especially Shu Murou was picked up by the orphanage and brought home by Shu Yawen to recognize her ancestors.

From the perspective of the background, wouldn't it be more like the orphan of Patriarch Los?

"No, I have to ask clearly." Mother Fu decided to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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