Chapter 209

The dazzling headlights hit Shu Yao's eyes, and she closed them subconsciously.

There was a piercing sound of brakes, followed by a gust of wind passing in front of Shu Yao.

The car stopped in front of Shu Yao, only an inch away.

The strong wind lifted her broken hair, and her clear face had an all-or-nothing and desperate beauty.

"What is this doing?!"

"I saw the person Tang Lingxi pushed out."

"I saw it too, and I even took a picture of it. Damn it, it's shocking news."

"This is intentional homicide. It can be arrested."

Seeing this scene, the crowd erupted into even greater commotion and chattered endlessly.

Tang Lingxi was completely frightened. The crazy thought flashed through her mind just now and she did that.

After calming down, Tang Lingxi started to get scared.

Can this be her fault?This is all about Shu Yao, and it's all Shu Yao's fault for provoking her.

"Miss, hurry up and get in the car." Seeing that the situation was not good, the bodyguard hurriedly pulled Tang Lingxi over forcefully.

The bodyguard took the money and wanted to send the person back to Yecheng safely.

This is great, I'm afraid he is not a little ancestor, but a troublemaker!
It's a pity that the bodyguards just got into the car, and the crowd swarming up behind them surrounded the car.

The car is motionless.

Tang Lingxi was terrified seeing this scene, and shouted: "Drive fast, I don't want to be caught!"

It was only now that Tang Lingxi realized that what he had done was a crime.

"Miss, I can't leave, this..."

There are people in front of and behind the car, making it impossible to move an inch.

Tang Lingxi was so frightened that she climbed out of the back seat to drive directly.

"I don't care. I want to go back. Dad will definitely save me." Tang Lingxi wanted to drive directly.

All she knew was that she was in country S and not in Yecheng, so her father couldn't help her.

As long as we go back, Dad will always find a way. If he doesn't drive, he won't be able to catch the plane.

"Don't let her go."

"That's right, that's right, it's a murder book, it's intentional harm."

"It's terrible! How vicious this person is!"

Tang Lingxi could hear the evaluation of herself through the car window, and her teeth began to tremble.

Tang Lingxi suddenly looked behind the car, then at Shu Yao.

Shu Yao was supported to stand up, and she was also looking in Tang Lingxi's direction.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and Shu Yao was surrounded by people who cared about her and loved her.

Tang Lingxi was struck by this sense of contrast.

"No, no—!" Tang Lingxi screamed.

How did things develop into this way? It turned out that she was the high-ranking eldest lady of the Tang family.

Now Shu Yao tricked him into becoming a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat him.

Not far away, Shu Yao was being grabbed by Aisa who got out of the car. She looked left and right.

"Yaoyao, why is it you?"

"You're scaring me to death."

Originally attending the business summit, Aisa was driving the Patriarch home, but unexpectedly bumped into Shu Yao.

Fortunately, Aisa's braking skills are good, otherwise the consequences——

Shu Yao shook her head, holding Aisa's hand still slightly trembling, "I'm fine."

"Who pushed you?" Aisa squeezed Shu Yao's hand tightly.

This kind of physiological reaction of the rest of his life made Aisa feel sorry for Shu Yao even more.

There was obviously no one on the street when I drove over just now, but suddenly a figure flew out.

It must have been pushed!

"Call the police." Shu Yao glanced at the car not far away, and said quietly.

Aisa never doubted Shu Yao's decision, she immediately called the police as Shu Yao said.

"Why is there still blood, ah! Your hand." Aisa touched the blood on his hand.

It turned out that Shu Yao's elbow had a large piece of skin rubbed off, it was just scratched by being pushed down on the concrete floor.

The bright red blood slid down the arc of Shu Yao's arm and fell to the ground drop by drop.

Blossoming blood flowers bloomed, which was extremely dazzling, but Shu Yao was staring at the car not far away.

Aisa was worried when she grabbed hold of her, and hurriedly dragged Shu Yao to pull her into the car.

"Shu Yao, why are you still looking at others? Take care of yourself first."

Even though Aisa tried hard, Shu Yao remained motionless, standing like a big rock.

Shu Yao didn't seem to be in pain at all, she just looked over there.

"Aisa, I'm fine. If you're in a hurry, go first. I'll wait for the police to come."

How could Aisa leave at ease in such a situation.

Aisa turned around and got into the car window, "Master."

The interior of the car was dim, and the back seat was completely pitch black. It was impossible to see the person's face clearly, only a shadow was seen.

The shadow whispered, "What happened?"

The driver didn't dare to show his anger, and quietly asked the two of them to communicate.

"The person I almost bumped into just now was Shu Yao. There is something wrong with her. I want to stay with her." Aisa truthfully confessed that Aisa dared not lie to this elder.

Patriarch Los's hand seemed to be a little heavier, and the cat in his arms let out a strange cry when touched.

"Shu Yao?" Patriarch Ross murmured these two words.

The owner of Rose knocked on the window, and the driver immediately moved the window down.

Turning his face slightly, Patriarch Rose could clearly see the back of Shu Yao standing in front of the car, resolute and aloof.

Is it her or Shu Murou?

According to the information at hand, both of them are very likely, but he was too tired to think.
Patriarch Rose slowly closed his eyes and waved his hands, "Okay, you can stay with me."

After the voice fell, Aisa withdrew her body, the car window slowly rose and then drove away.

After the car drove away, Aisa returned to Shu Yao's side again.

Shu Yao came back to her senses and felt a little warmth, it was Aisa who grabbed her.

"What's going on with Shu Yao?" Aisa felt that the matter was not simple.

Shu Yao looked at the car that couldn't walk or get off, surrounded by crowds.

She said slowly, "I was pushed out just now to provoke Tang Lingxi on purpose, I didn't expect her to be so vulnerable, she was really obedient, now I see how Tang Lingtian will protect him who committed the crime of intentional homicide daughter."

Coupled with the ferment of the Global Newspaper, Tang Lingxi deliberately killed people again, which simply added fuel to the fire.

"Shu Yao, you provoked her? If my driver didn't stop the car just now, then you—"

If it really hits.

"It doesn't matter, I can't just let her go."

Once Tang Lingxi left country S and returned to Yecheng and Tang Lingtian's side, it would be difficult to do anything again.

Even if Tang Lingtian sent Tang Lingxi to another country, it would be considered a happy life.

How could Shu Yao allow this to happen?

After these people hurt her so cruelly and viciously in the previous life, why did they just walk away?

Aisa murmured, "You are really crazy."

Not to mention whether it will directly kill someone, Aisa feels distressed just by hitting a leg or hand.

Shu Yao is a living god, her legs and hands can be insured.

One must know that Shu Yao is——

Before Aisa had time to think about it, Shu Yao walked straight forward, towards the place where the crowd gathered.

The police also came not long after, and quickly locked in Shu Yao and Tang Lingxi.

"Hello, can you cooperate with us to go back and investigate?"

Tang Lingxi knew she was scared at this moment, she shook her head, "No, no, I don't want it."

The surrounding crowd all pointed at Tang Lingxi, and their voices were buzzing.

"What don't you want, don't you take responsibility for what you did wrong?"

"That's right, don't let her run away!"

"The heart is really vicious, and you actually want to kill someone."

Tang Lingxi pushed everyone away, pointed at Shu Yao, and said loudly: "That's not the case, she is plotting against me!"

(End of this chapter)

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