After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 212 You Won't Betray Me?

Chapter 212 You Won't Betray Me?

Aisa spoke anxiously, her emerald eyes filled with uneasiness.


Apparently, Aisa also heard Patriarch Los's prejudice against Shu Yao.

Obviously Patriarch Rose was very satisfied with Shu Yao at the banquet before, but it has only changed in the past few days.

"What's wrong?" Patriarch Rose frowned, his voice indifferent.

Aisa tentatively grabbed Patriarch Los's hand, and she said softly, "Uncle—!"

With such a shout, Patriarch Los's frowning brows relaxed a little.

The girl Aisa has always been independent and self-reliant, and the side branch is only such a female heir, with good ability.

Patriarch Rose also has a lot of preference for her, and the one who grew up watching him is her half-uncle.

It's just that Aisa hasn't yelled like that since she became an adult.

Patriarch Rose's mature and handsome face finally softened a bit, "Say it."

"Uncle, Shu Yao is my friend, she is not that kind of person."

After hearing the meaningful words of Patriarch Rose just now, Aisa immediately understood what he meant.

As Shu Yao's friend for many years, Aisa absolutely believed in Shu Yao.

Patriarch Rose curled his lips in disapproval, "Because she is your friend."

Patriarch Rose doesn't care about things like friends after seeing too many, he only cares about his family.

Only family members don't hurt each other.

"Uncle, did you hear someone say something bad?" Aisa caught the point.

Patriarch Rose raised his eyebrows slightly, and said lightly: "So what, when you persuaded me, you were not like those people, it's just that what you said was nice."

With the power of the Luosi family in country S, if the head of the Luosi family really targets Shu Yao.

The consequence—

Aisa didn't dare to imagine, so he had to grab Patriarch Los's big hand and shake it.

"Uncle, listen to me, as long as you have been in touch with Shu Yao, you will know that she is a good person."

The hand of Patriarch Los, who was holding the cat, was pulled away, and his hand was empty.

"I have made my own decision on this matter. It concerns my family, so I will be cautious." He said slowly.

Aisa's eyes widened ignorantly, "Family?"

Patriarch Rose nodded, his thoughts gradually drifted away with the words.

"Yes, I suspect that one of the two sisters of the Shu family is my sister's biological mother."

"My sister left me back then, and I never heard from her after she left."

Patriarch Rose raised the cat in his hand, his eyes were persistent and tough.

He is a nostalgic person, and this cat is also the child of the cat left by his sister back then.

It's exactly the same, but it's not the same one as before.

"The mothers of the two of them I found are dead, no matter who their biological mother is my sister."

"They are all dead, and they all died abnormally."

"I must find my sister's child, and I must protect her."

Patriarch Rose felt familiar from the first moment he saw Shu Yao, like an old friend.

Seeing Shu Murou again, there is a bit of similarity, after all, they are half-brothers.

According to the data from Luo Si's lineage, the final destination of my sister was Yecheng.

Moreover, the one who most matched in background, whereabouts, and appearance was the biological mother of Shu Yao and Shu Murou.

"This..." Aisa was shocked after hearing this.

If Patriarch Los found the orphaned Shu Murou, Aisa couldn't imagine it at all.

And based on Patriarch Rose's tone, both of them are very likely.

Having said that, the Patriarch of Los looked at Aisa, and he raised his broad palm to pat Aisa's shoulder.

Like a real elder, the deep emotion in Patriarch Rose's eyes was beyond her comprehension.

"My family is very important to me."

"I hope you don't tell Shu Yao before this matter comes to fruition."

"Don't, don't tell her that you are also my family, so you won't betray me, right?"

Patriarch Ross' tail tone rose slightly, already threatening.

Aisa nodded stiffly, then slightly nodded and said, "I see, Patriarch."

Patriarch Ross especially values ​​blood, more than anyone else.

Knowing this, Aisa dared not intervene.


On the second day, Shu Yao woke up on the big bed.

The glare of the sun fell in front of her eyes, and Shu Yao had no choice but to open her eyes.

Shu Yao looked around, there was no one else, and there was no trace of sleeping around her.

Look again, the surrounding is a familiar environment, this is Jiang Yunrong's manor.

"What is this?" Shu Yao raised her hand.

When she moved, there was a slight shaking sound in her hand, and Shu Yao found that there was an extra bracelet on her hand.

A very simple and simple bracelet, glowing with the luster of a long history.

At this time, the mobile phone that was set aside rang.

As soon as she picked it up, it was Ari's voice, very anxious and whistling wind.

"Sister Yao woke up? There is still a show today, I will pick you up to the set right now."

Obviously the other party is on the way now, Shu Yao immediately freshened up after hanging up the phone.

Although it was strange, Shu Yao also temporarily put aside the issue of the bracelet when she got busy.

After freshening up, Shu Yao hurried downstairs. It was strange that the downstairs was very deserted.

It used to be very clean, but not to the point of desertion.

"Miss Shu, good day." Seeing Shu Yao going downstairs, Ling Yang bowed slightly.

Shu Yao glanced around, pursed her lips and said, "Uncle Ling, where is Master Jiu?"

"Master Jiu chartered a plane to leave country S last night and returned to Yecheng."

Ling Yang followed his master, speaking concisely.

Shu Yao slightly lowered her eyes with some regret, obviously a little disappointed.

He left without telling himself, so what if he only left a bracelet.

Ling Yang chuckled, "There won't be anyone else in the manor recently, Ms. Shu can stay here at ease."

Jiang Yunrong was not there.

Qin Siwen also left.

In this huge manor, they are the only ones left who used to follow Qin Siwen's old department.

"Uncle Ling, what's wrong with your forehead?" Shu Yao noticed that his forehead was broken.

Ling Yang didn't expect Shu Yao to be so careful, and to express concern.

Thinking of what happened last night, Ling Yang only sighed.


He indicated that there was breakfast on the table, and Shu Yao sat down surprisingly and found that the table was full of her favorite food.

This was obviously specially arranged by someone.

"This is arranged by the young master for you. Let's go to the set after dinner." Ling Yang signaled her to come.

When Shu Yao came over, Ling Yang waited and pulled out the chair, and spread the napkin on the floor.

Shu Yao was startled, and looked at Ling Yang, "How do you know I'm going to the set?"

She touched the milk in the cup, it was still warm, it should be just enough to drink.

It seems that Ling Yang is very clear about when she wakes up, when she goes out, and what she is going to do.

"This is what the young master ordered." Ling Yang said truthfully.

Shu Yao's heart warmed, and she unconsciously touched the bracelet on her wrist.

Qin Jiuxiao is the only one who can have such intimate contact, and he probably left this behind.

Suddenly for a moment, Shu Yao missed him very much.

Seeing Shu Yao like that, Ling Yang immediately understood

"Miss Shu misses Master Jiu so much, why not greet him more directly?"

Ling Yang raised his head and glanced at the ancient clock. She might not be able to make it at this point.

Shu Yao pondered for a moment, then dialed Qin Jiuxiao's cell phone.

But there was another long-lasting blind tone, and the dialed communication fell into the sea, and no one answered.

(End of this chapter)

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