After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 214 More and more like a husband and wife

Chapter 214 More and more like a husband and wife
Shen Yue had seen how powerful Shu Yao was, and was shocked by Ah Li's shout.

But Shen Yue thought something was wrong, Shu Yao was filming at this time, how could she be behind her.

"Can you get it back if you lie to me?" Shen Yue raised her hand again in disdain.

She held it high, just not letting Ari get it, watching Ari jumping up and down funny.

However, the assistant director's face froze. When he turned around, a faint female voice came from behind him.

If it wasn't for the need to touch up her makeup, Shu Yao might not have seen this good show.

"You think she's joking with you?"

Shu Yao's voice was cold and indifferent, and Shen Yuedeng froze when he heard it from behind.

"Give it back to me." Shu Yao stretched out her hand and looked straight at Shen Yue.

With so many pairs of eyes staring at them in the lounge, Shen Yue was unwilling to show weakness like this.

Obviously Shen Yue still has the upper hand, if she just gives it to Shu Yao now, she will admit that Shen Yue is afraid.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the assistant director beside him stretched out his hand to touch Shen Yue, "Give it back to her."

Shu Yao is an expert, Tang, Fu, and Qin are all related to these two sisters.

The assistant director wanted to persuade Shen Yue to accept it as soon as it was good, and not to force it.

Shen Yue refused to accept, "Why, why should I give you my things."

Anyway, there is no evidence to prove that this thing is Shu Yao, so what if you don't return Shu Yao.

Seeing that Shen Yue no longer looked at him, the assistant director felt unhappy again, not wanting to lose face in front of Shen Yue.

He opened his mouth to smooth things over, but his words were obviously on the side of Shen Yue.

"It's just a bracelet, there's nothing to argue about."

"It's whoever's it is, so don't worry about it so much."

With that said, the assistant director wanted to end the matter directly.

Shu Yao smiled, and immediately closed the door of the lounge behind her with her hands.


The door of the lounge was closed with a loud bang, and Shu Yao easily locked it.

The other people in the lounge were stunned, and they didn't dare to act rashly, they just looked at them.

Shu Yao walked straight past Shen Yue, and Shen Yue staggered when she bumped into her.

"Hey, what are you doing? Crazy." Shen Yue rubbed her shoulders, and cursed again.

Ari was also surprised, her eyes widened, "Sister Yao?"

I saw Shu Yao grandiosely picked up the hair dryer in front of the dressing table, and slammed it on the monitor in the lounge, everyone didn't react at first, and then Shu Yao raised her hand and dropped it, bang bang several times Smash the camera to pieces.

Seeing this formation, Shen Yue was frightened.

"You, what are you doing!"

The assistant director was also at a loss, he didn't expect Shu Yao to have such explosive power when she looked at her thin body.

Seeing Shu Yao approaching step by step, the assistant director took a step back in embarrassment.

The assistant director also stepped on a piece of lipstick, slipped and fell to the ground with a thud.


I don't know who in the lounge was amused by the assistant director's funny appearance, it was really a big embarrassment.

"I'll give it back to you—ah!" Shen Yue just handed it out.

The moment Shen Yue raised her hand, Shu Yao simply and rudely grabbed it and pulled it forward!
Shen Yue staggered from being pulled, and fell forward.


Shu Yao raised her hand and slapped Shen Yue who was rushing towards her, the slap was extremely loud.

The whole lounge was silent for a moment, and everyone was stunned.

This was the first time someone dared to fight Shen Yue like this!
Before, everyone tacitly acquiesced to Shen Yue's evil deeds, bullied the younger generation, and was proud of being favored.

And Shu Yao was the first person who dared to make a move, and even dared to hit Shen Yue so hard.

"I said that--"

"give me back."

Shu Yao's phoenix eyes were indifferent and tough, she threw Shen Yue away abruptly.

Covering her face, Shen Yue was thrown away and slammed into the cart behind her, falling on the same side as the assistant director.

"I don't like to say my words a second time." Shu Yao looked at Shen Yue condescendingly.

When Ah Li heard this, she silently expressed that she really had a lot of friends with Master Jiu, and her words and temperament were also similar, and she became more and more like a husband and wife!
Immediately afterwards, Shu Yao opened her hand, looked at the bracelet lying on her hand, and felt relieved.

When she moved her eyes to Shen Yue again, Shu Yao still felt angry and turned her head.

It was something Qin Jiuxiao gave her, how dare Shen Yue be so profane? !

Shen Yue covered her face, tasted the bloody taste in her mouth, she was about to cry, "I..."

"You, you are beating someone, and everyone else here can testify!" The assistant director spoke first.

As he said that, the assistant director tried to get up from the ground with hands and feet.

But he found that everyone was silent, and turned around tacitly, as if this incident hadn't happened.

The evil deeds of Shen Yue and the assistant director in the crew have long been cast aside, but no one dared to resist.

With Shu Yao now, it's too late for them to be happy, everyone pretends they haven't seen it!
Anyway, the monitoring is broken.

"Why don't you talk?" the assistant director stood up and said sharply.

Shu Yao twitched her lips, "Didn't Miss Shen Yue say it? Anyway, there is no evidence."

"You, you—what do you mean there is no evidence, there are physical evidence!" the assistant director said angrily.

In fact, no one at the scene was willing to speak up for the assistant director and Shen Yue.

They had had enough of the assistant director, and even wanted to applaud Shu Yao, who would testify.

Shu Yao sneered, "Is it because you acted like the villain complained first?"

Her eyes were sharp, and her hands were folded around her chest, as if she was not afraid of anything.

The assistant director was always a bully and shy guy, so he gave up immediately.

"You, you—you're doing fine!"

He didn't care about Shen Yue, and immediately opened the door of the lounge and fled.

The rest of Shen Yue was still in a daze, Shu Yao beat her hard, Shen Yue's ears still had tinnitus.

"Does it hurt?" Shu Yao squatted down in front of Shen Yue.

Shen Yue flinched, her eyes wandered around, "It hurts..."

Shu Yao patted her shoulder, pressed her shoulders and stood up again, "It's okay if it hurts."

Shen Yue shook her head, lowered her head and dared not speak any more.

Unexpectedly, Shu Yao would fight so much for an assistant!
"Sister Yao is so amazing." Ah Li rushed over to hug Shu Yao.

Shu Yao was thrown around, she smiled slightly and her eyes softened a lot.

"Next time things will be put away."

But when facing Shen Yue, Shu Yao's eyes were still extremely cold, so cold that there was no warmth at all.

In the past, Shu Yao adhered to the principle of correcting mistakes, and there is nothing good about them.

It was only later that Shu Yao realized that some words were not applicable to everyone, especially people like Shen Yue.

Shu Yao signaled Ali to let go, "Let's go, I have to go to filming."

That's all, Shu Yao turned around and went out to continue filming without further delay.

And Shen Yue was also helped out of the lounge by her assistant, and the lounge was finally quiet.

Everyone kept silent about what happened just now, and once Shen Yue left, they rioted again.

"What is Shu Yao's background? Dare to hit Shen Yue."

"It's so handsome, I've seen it so ruthless before on TV."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at that turtle-like guide, hahahaha!"

Ari also joined in the fun with the crowd, humming songs while packing up, with indescribable joy.

Tell them to bully!

Thinking of Shen Yue's shivering appearance just now, Ah Li felt that she would wake up with a smile in her dreams.

About three or four hours later, Shu Yao returned to the rest room after the show, and everyone else looked at her curiously.

It's more of a kind of admiration for Shu Yao, Shu Yao is absent-minded and doesn't care about so much.

For the first time she said, "Where's my bracelet?"

Ari saw that she was very precious, so he quickly took it out and put it on for her.

Shu Yao watched the bracelet return to her hand, her hanging heart finally fell.

Just as Shu Yao was about to speak, the lounge was opened again.

"Shu Yao, the chief director is calling you." The assistant director said arrogantly, shaking his fat body.

The assistant director told the chief director what happened just now, and he wanted to see how Shu Yao could argue.

Shu Yao moved her wrist, she wanted to put on the chain and tidy it up.

But seeing this scene, the assistant director unconsciously backed away, obviously Shu Yao was terrified!
The assistant director swallowed, and stammered, "Hurry up, hurry up, what are you dawdling about!"

(End of this chapter)

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