Chapter 223 Don't Hurry Up!
Seeing Shu Murou's frightened eyes, Shu Yao seemed to see herself in another life.

Such a humble and cowardly person was oppressed to death by such a person.

The corners of Shu Yao's lips raised slightly, and she answered calmly, "Of course it's me."

But God opened his eyes, it is the same shell with a new core.

"How dare you treat me like this?" Shu Murou hissed.

Obviously, he is about to get the first reward in his life, the champion.

It was taken away in an instant, and it was Wen Wan who was standing in front of the stage and receiving everyone's attention, not her.

Media reporters were all concerned about the exposure of Lin Lang's identity and the champion of this competition.

No one cares who is second and who is third.

Shu Yao approached step by step, until she saw the figure gradually approaching behind her, she stopped.

"I was just invited, and I didn't mean to target you."

What Shu Yao said was half true and half false, the invitation was true, but it was also true that Shu Murou was calculated.

Shu Murou didn't realize that there was someone behind her at all, but said sharply, "You just can't bear the fact that I live better than you!"

Shu Yao watched quietly, as if watching a clown.

"Are you better than me? What's the good thing, are you standing taller than me, or are you more beautiful than me?"

Shu Murou bit her lower lip tightly, her mood fluctuated greatly, and her shoulders heaved up and down violently.

Tears filled her eyes, as if she couldn't bear Shu Yao's words and turned to leave, but bumped into the man's firm arms.

"Shu Yao, isn't that enough?" Fu Jingzhen caught Shu Murou.

As soon as Fu Jingzhen supported her like this, thinking that this was Shu Yao's pillow, Shu Murou grabbed hold of her.

She got into the man's arms and cried wantonly, as if she had suffered some great grievance.

"Brother Jing Zhen." She shouted hoarsely.

Fu Jingzhen pressed Shu Murou's shoulder, looked up at Shu Yao, "How much did you hide from me?"

"Fu Jingzhen."

Fu Jingzhen was taken aback by Shu Yao's formal and clear call to all people, and then he was puzzled.

Shu Yao looked at him, as if she was missing something, her eyes drifted away, "I never kept this from you."

While studying in country S, Fu Jingzhen rarely flew over from Yecheng to see her.

Even when Shu Murou participated in the competition, she had invited this man countless times to watch the award-winning competition.

What I got was a reply of no avail, and it was a photo of him and Shu Murou in the circle of friends.

Shu Yao has always been upright and never deceived, and it is the same now.

"When I was studying in country S, you said you were busy with Mr. Fu, and I never forced you."

"You are so stupid, why do you still say that I lied to you?"

The most ridiculous thing is that Shu Yao never thought that the person she liked at the beginning was so conceited and shameless.

Even in the matter of identity, she has to blame Shu Yao for deceiving her, and she has become a sinner instead.

Fu Jingzhen couldn't say anything to refute, but said coldly: "Mu Rou is like this, are you happy?"

"Of course not. Is that enough? Not enough."

Shu Yao took a step closer, her makeup was already extremely aggressive, so close that even Fu Jingzhen felt threatened.

Until Shu Yao stood in front of her, her cold face was close at hand, she was almost as tall as Fu Jingzhen.

The former Shu Yao really disappeared.

"Fu Jingzhen, do you remember what you said about me before?" Shu Yao asked softly.

She spoke in a very low voice, like a gossamer, just in Fu Jingzhen's ear, like a poisonous snake spit out a letter.

Fu Jingzhen frowned, said so much to Shu Yao, he couldn't remember what it was for a while.

Shu Yao had already thought of those vicious words, the people who spoke them lightly and didn't have a long memory.

In her previous life, she had forgotten all her life, and lived most of her life humble.

"I remember you said that I will get revenge, that I make trouble for nothing—"

"Fu Jingzhen, let me tell you now, what kind of person do you think I am, I am."

Shu Murou seemed to be terrified, and even trembled and hid in Fu Jingzhen's arms, not daring to speak.

Shu Yao just glanced down and left without paying much attention.

Being hit hard, Fu Jingzhen took a step back and turned to look at Shu Yao who was leaving.

Wherever she walked, there were countless lights following her, behind her was bright starlight, and in front of her was endless light.


"Good boy, you've changed a lot."

A big hand patted Shu Yao's shoulder heavily. This person is none other than Mr. Huo.

Huo Lao looked at Shu Yao in front of him with nostalgia, his eyes were full of surprises, "Women's college has changed."


When Shu Yao came to study in country S, she helped out at the fashion magazine under the Qin family.

Such a young and immature girl was at the age of just growing up, and he fell in love with her right away.

This girl is good-looking, beautiful and unpopular, with a good frame, and she will become a great talent in time.

He led Shu Yao up step by step, devoting himself to cultivating a top class in the fashion industry under his command.

Because Shu Yao is very talented and has great insights into art, design and fashion, God is chasing after her.

Mr. Huo liked her very much, so he gave her a stage name, Lin Lang.

Shu Yao came to Huo Lao and bowed deeply.


Old Huo's brows stretched, seeing that her brows and eyes have changed so much, even her temperament.

As an older person, she immediately understood that she might have experienced some kind of storm.

Huo Lao was soft-hearted, opened his mouth and said, "Okay, stop talking politely, let me take a good look."

It's just that this child doesn't know how to cherish self-love——

While walking to a high place, Lin Lang suddenly returned to China and never appeared in Huo Lao's sight again.

Mr. Huo was always angry, but he was more pleased with Shu Yao's growth than angry.

"That's right." Huo Lao remembered something and frowned.

He stood up, looked around, and found the hiding figure.

That kid just made some friends, and the playful prince like Fu actually became a close friend.

Now she's still hiding with Fu Jingzhen, how decent is she?

Huo Lao shouted loudly, "Shiwen, come here!"

With such a shout, other people in the venue turned around, but Mr. Huo didn't care at all.

Seeing that Zhang Shiwen couldn't come over, he took Shu Yao's hand like an old urchin and walked over.

"Master." Zhang Shiwen's face was ugly.

Huo Lao glanced at him, then at Fu Jingzhen, and found that there was no one around him.

"Where's your fiancée, kid from the Fu family? Didn't you tell me to see if she's a good seedling?"

Shu Yao smiled, turned to Elder Huo and said, "No.2, Shu Murou is his fiancée."

"Oh?" Mr. Huo recalled carefully.

Immediately, Mr. Huo shook his head, shrugged, and said disdainfully, "boring."

That kid, Mr. Huo has seen it before, he has very average aptitude, more than enough than the bottom but not enough for him to fancy.

"Mr. Huo, why don't you wait—" Fu Jingzhen glared at Shu Yao, wanting to fight for it.

Shu Murou was already very sad to lose the championship of this competition, but losing the chance to introduce Mr. Huo would be even more...

"No need, I have enough apprentices, I don't want to accept them!" Huo Lao waved his hand.

It is not a good thing to have too many apprentices, Zhang Shiwen is a good example, and it will only cause him trouble.

Huo Lao is also old now, eating, drinking and having fun is the best, far less energetic than when he was young.

"By the way, Shiwen boy——!"

Huo Lao raised his hand and slapped Zhang Shiwen on the back of the head, almost knocking off Zhang Shiwen's glasses.

Zhang Shiwen has always been condescending, even when he saw Shu Yao he was putting on airs, never was he so embarrassed.

"Master, there are others here!" Zhang Shiwen blushed and reminded in a low voice.

Especially in front of Shu Yao, her best friend was secretly ridiculed as the worst ex.

Seeing that it was Shu Yao that he was looking at, Mr. Huo snapped, "Who else is that, that's your elder sister! Hurry up and call someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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