After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 225 Wearing, Protecting Little 9

Chapter 225 Wearing, Protecting Xiaojiu

But Qin Siwen was the first to wait, not Jiang Yunrong, but Shu Yao.

When Shu Yao came, she was brought in by Ling Yang.

The private hospital is very strictly managed. They have a locked floor on the top floor, a private hospital run by the Qin family.

Qin Siwen was reading a newspaper on the sofa in the ward, with steaming hot coffee in hand.

The door of the room was pushed open with a slam, and Qin Siwen was so shocked that the porcelain cup that was just about to be put down almost shook out a lot of liquid.

"Lin Lang, as a girl, you should be gentle." Qin Siwen put down his cup and said slowly.

Qin Siwen even took out his handkerchief and wiped the corners of his lips politely, maintaining his usual elegance.

Shu Yao really came to the door, only a few steps away from the hospital bed, and she could see the man soon.

But she couldn't take the first step, she just shouted, "Mr. Qin."

"Not dead, don't be so nervous." Qin Siwen took the words calmly.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and said nothing, she knew that this was Qin Siwen's usual style, and she was so proud of it that it had nothing to do with her.

Even if this person is his own son, it's okay, Qin Siwen only cares about Jiang Yunrong.

Shu Yao closed her eyes and readjusted her thoughts, "What's wrong with him?"

Qin Siwen folded the newspaper in half and then put it aside neatly.

"Maybe some people think that he can't go back to Yecheng. After all, if he can't go back, then the country will change hands."

Speaking of it, Qin Siwen just took it as simple as a common meal and didn't care at all.

"I don't know the specific situation, anyway, it means that the plane was tampered with, thanks to the discovery in advance—"

"Otherwise, I won't even have a chance to lie here, and I'm afraid it will be ashes."

That's all.

Qin Siwen carefully raised the coffee cup in his hand and took a sip, then frowned.

He was about to speak again, but accidentally caught a glimpse of the chain on Shu Yao's wrist, "Stop."

Shu Yao was startled for a moment, and Qin Siwen had already come to her and grabbed her hand.

Qin Siwen squeezed her wrist tightly, lifted it up and looked at it carefully.

"Do you know what this is?" Qin Siwen met Shu Yao's stubborn eyes.


It is [-]% to [-]% different from Jiang Yunrong's stubbornness back then, and this alone is enough to soften Qin Siwen's heart.

Even if it was Qin Siwen, Shu Yao didn't back down in any way, she wanted to find out all this.

"I don't know, I hope Mr. Qin can advise."

"This is the token of the Patriarch of the Qin family. It is most likely entrusted to you by Xiao Jiulin before he left."

This thing used to be worn by Qin Siwen, and it was handed over to Qin Siwen after he left office.

Now that I see it again, I still feel a little nostalgic.

Qin Siwen picked up a corner of the bracelet, rubbed it carefully for a while, and began to analyze it casually.

"Wearing this thing can protect you, but it might harm you, especially if you take it off."

This thing is equivalent to directly including Shu Yao into the main line of the Qin family, although the real person in power is Qin Jiuxiao.

But people who are loyal to Qin Jiuxiao overtly and secretly will protect Shu Yao when they see anyone wearing this thing.

The same is available.

If the plane crashed and Qin Jiuxiao couldn't go back to Yecheng, they would also target Shu Yao.

"I'll give you a chance, Lin Lang. It's not the first time we've met, so it can be regarded as a very close friendship."

"Now take off the bracelet and leave here, Mr. Shu, I will find a way to help, or—"

"Wear it to protect Xiaojiu."

Shu Yao looked at Qin Siwen suddenly, obviously there was something in his words, "Protect him?"

How could the dignified Master Qin Jiu need someone to protect him? This is simply the biggest joke in the world.

Qin Siwen moved his peachy eyes suddenly, realizing that he had never mentioned Xiaojiu's situation.

"To be honest, he may have knocked his brain out. The doctor said that his intelligence regressed into a fool or a child."

"Whether it's a child or a fool, don't they all need protection?"

Qin Siwen took it for granted, as if it wasn't a big deal at all, but a trivial matter.

Those peach blossom eyes were still piercing and piercing, and there was a hint of madness on his unparalleled handsome face.

The years did not take away Qin Siwen's appearance, but gave him a crazier temperament.

"Don't look so dignified, just smile, the Qin family has a great career to raise a useless person. It's not a problem."

"He has been sleeping for several days, and it is a good thing that no one will always think of harming him if he is a waste."

Qin Siwen was still over there seriously analyzing the pros and cons to Shu Yao, as if what he said was really a good thing.

A person who was supposed to stand on the clouds suddenly fell from the sky after so many years of hard work.

So, who would be willing to change it?

What's more, Shu Yao has already tasted that if you don't just give in and endure, you will really get peace and joy.

Shu Yao took away her hand and the bracelet at the same time, "I won't take it off."

"Do you know what it means? He can no longer protect you." Qin Siwen calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

This means that Qin Jiuxiao is stupid, and Shu Yao will take over Qin Jiuxiao's burden.

What happened to Qin Jiuxiao may also happen to Shu Yao.

At least, he became a fool like Qin Jiuxiao.

If it is more serious, it will be wiped out.

Shu Yao raised her eyes, met Qin Siwen's scrutinizing eyes fearlessly, and lightly parted her red lips.

"Mr. Qin, you said that it's not the first day we met, is it?"

Qin Siwen seemed to see something interesting, and laughed wantonly.


After Qin Siwen left, only the two of them were left in the ward.

Shu Yao, who was quiet in the huge room, could clearly hear her panting, and she walked slowly to the hospital bed.

The man in front of the hospital bed was the same as before, calm and peaceful, as if he had just fallen asleep.

There was an infusion tube attached to his hand, which slid drop by drop into the blood, and his thin lips were pale without the slightest trace of blood.

Shu Yao caressed the back of Qin Jiuxiao's hand and called hoarsely, "Master Jiu."

She heard that her voice was so hoarse and unpleasant, she frowned unconsciously.

It's just that those words were stuck in her throat, Shu Yao couldn't open her mouth, her whole body was tense.

No one showed weakness to her anymore.

While Shu Yao was still in a daze, she suddenly felt a slight movement in the palm of her hand, and the man's hand curled up.

"Jiuye?" Shu Yao subconsciously clenched a corner of his sleeve.

The man's tightly closed eyelashes trembled slightly, and he gradually opened his eyes, almost grabbing her with his backhand.

The moment Shu Yao was about to get up, the man's hand grasped her like an eagle's claw and prevented her from leaving.

"Don't hold on so tightly, you're getting an infusion." Shu Yao frowned in pain, but she was even more afraid of Qin Jiuxiao's hands.

His hand was still infused with fluid, and he held it so tightly that Shu Yao could see the blood began to flow back into the tube at once.

The dark red blood convected with the liquid in the infusion tube, which shocked Shu Yao.

She immediately returned to the man's side, only then did she realize that the man's strength was gradually relaxing.


The man opened his eyes and sat up propped up, with one hand still holding Shu Yao.

He raised his hand and gently touched Shu Yao's eyes, Shu Yao closed her eyes reflexively, and shrank back.

I only heard the man asking in a low and hoarse voice, "Yaoyao, why have you grown so big?"

(End of this chapter)

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