Chapter 227 Uncle, You Have Today

As soon as the word "you" came out, the man seemed to realize that what he said was wrong.

Qin Jiuxiao explained carefully and carefully, and even felt aggrieved, feeling that Shu Yao had misunderstood him.

"Sorry, I have nothing else to say."

He tentatively stretched out his hand to hold Shu Yao, he was very hesitant, as if he was afraid that Shu Yao would shake off.

Because until now Qin Jiuxiao didn't understand where this is and why he was in the hospital.

This place is so strange, he only knows Shu Yao, if Shu Yao gets angry and leaves in a fit of anger, what will he do.

Shu Yao grabbed his big hand backhand, suppressing the soreness in her heart, "Don't apologize."


Qin Jiuxiao's eyes, which were usually indifferent and silent without showing much emotion, were actually very lively today.

He tilted his head, looked at the pills of different colors on the bedside table, "Can I not take this?"

This is what was left by the doctor just now.

Just looking at Qin Jiuxiao felt the tip of his tongue start to feel bitter, and just imagining the pill rolling down his throat felt like a bad habit.

"No, you are pushing an inch." Shu Yao immediately refused.

She didn't realize how wrong Shu Yao's tone was now, how dare she speak to Master Jiu like that in the past.

Qin Jiuxiao pursed his thin lips into a straight line, showing his displeasure, and turned his head to the side.

"I don't want to take medicine."


Shu Yao's eyes widened, and she almost laughed out of anger. This kind of thing can only be done if Qin Jiuxiao becomes stupid.

Childish or not, you, this sentence was suffocated in Shu Yao's heart and almost slipped out of her mouth.

Shu Yao suppressed those words, and said again, "You just woke up, have something to rest, and then take medicine?"

the end.

Shu Yao was afraid that the man would act awkwardly like a child again, so she stared seriously at the man's eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Ninth brother, are you okay?"

At first, the man's tense, non-smiling face relaxed a little bit, and Qin Jiuxiao nodded when he heard the familiar words.

It seems that this title is Qin Jiuxiao's Achilles' heel.

Shu Yao's heart was full of twists and turns, and she was not very able to adapt to this new Qin Jiuxiao.

It just so happened that Shu Yao was able to go out and ask Qin Siwen for clarification. Seeing the doctor's posture, he didn't intend to go into details.

It is estimated that he listened to Qin Siwen's order, so he will not talk much.

"Can you not leave?" Qin Jiuxiao immediately grabbed her as she stood up.

Only then did Shu Yao realize that the man was very concerned about her every move, but she was caught the moment she got up.

"Yaoyao, this place is so strange, I..."

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, hesitating what to say, feeling uncomfortable all over.

His eyes are innocent and simple, like a newborn bird, "I'm afraid."

Those eyes pricked Shu Yao's softness in the deepest part of her heart, and she always felt that she would suffocate if she stayed any longer.

How could it be like this?
That man who is always strategizing from above, he has become so pure and clean, it's unbelievable how beautiful he is.

Shu Yao not only wanted him to come back, but also hoped that Qin Jiuxiao would always be so pure and happy, simple and straightforward.


If Master Jiu was still Master Jiu, he wouldn't want to continue like this forever.

"Brother Jiu." Shu Yao turned around and approached the man little by little, "I won't go far."

Unexpectedly, the man threw his big hand forward, Shu Yao caught off guard and leaned forward, and he leaned himself in front of Shu Yao.

The man's forehead was pressed against her lower abdomen, as if drawing strength.

She just froze for a moment, and soon those eyes became firm again, and this time it was a different person.

Chang Shu Yao raised her hand and lightly touched his hair.

She also hopes to give herself the power to stabilize like he did back then, "I——will always be by your side."

This time, let me protect you.

The man's hair is softer than Shu Yao thought, very supple, it makes the palms itch when touched.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for Qin Jiuxiao's paper leaves, she would not have dared to make such a request if it gave Shu Yao some courage.

"Then can I order something to eat?" Qin Jiuxiao knew he had to let her go, and immediately made a request.

Shu Yao laughed, and said helplessly, "Of course. What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat--"

Qin Jiuxiao hesitated to speak, especially when Shu Yao looked at him expectantly, he couldn't say anything.


Shu Yao was taken aback when she heard this, she wondered if there was something wrong with her ears.

Qin Jiuxiao's mind has degenerated, but he is not a simple fool, nor is he a different person, he is still him.

It hit his head, why did his favorite food become different?

When Qin Shiya came that day, Qin Jiuxiao didn't like the sweets specially prepared for Qin Shiya.

Shu Yao still remembered that Qin Jiuxiao gave her back his share.

Seeing that Shu Yao didn't speak, Qin Jiuxiao said stiffly, "Can't you?"

Shu Yao shook her head.

"Forget it." The light in those eyes dimmed a lot, but Qin Jiuxiao didn't force it.

Shu Yao squatted down, raised her head and stared at the somewhat disappointed and lonely man, she explained patiently.

"I shook my head to say that such a small thing is of course okay."

"But the premise is that you have to eat dinner to eat these. Is this arrangement okay? My little master."

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes brightened again, but he was not satisfied with Shu Yao's title.

"I'm not the young master." He corrected.

Shu Yao was really annoyed and funny by this man, even she couldn't tell her own emotions.

At this time, men don't understand their situation at all, they don't understand the situation.

But this kind of Qin Jiuxiao is more lively and energetic than Jiuye.

Shu Yao squeezed his palm, "You are not the young master, you are my ninth brother."

After getting Shu Yao's answer, Qin Jiuxiao was willing to let Shu Yao go, and watched her leave until the door was closed.

He lowered his eyes slightly, looking at his empty wrist, thoughtful.



The door of the ward was opened again, Qin Jiuxiao glanced over there, and a stranger came in.

This person is strange and somewhat familiar.

"Uncle?" This person is someone Qin Jiuxiao should be familiar with, Qin Wenyu.

Qin Jiuxiao tilted his head and frowned in confusion, "Who are you?"

"You don't know me anymore, I'm Wen Yu." Qin Wenyu stepped forward and walked to his side.

Qin Jiuxiao was about to retreat, but was caught off guard by his arm and pulled forward.

He was weak and suddenly pulled, and the needle was pulled out from the back of his hand, bringing out a streak of blood.

Qin Jiuxiao was in so much pain that before he had time to react, he was pushed and fell heavily on the bed.

"Who are you?" Qin Jiuxiao still couldn't understand the current situation.

Why did this person suddenly appear, suddenly ask some strange questions, and suddenly do something.

Seeing Qin Jiuxiao like this, Qin Wenyu was very excited, "Did you really break your brain?"

If Qin Jiuxiao was pretending to be crazy, could he bear such humiliation?

Qin Jiuye has always been aloof and arrogant, when will he be treated like this by Qin Wenyu.

That sudden superiority overwhelmed Qin Wenyu, and he felt extremely happy.

"Uncle, do you still have today?" Qin Wenyu smiled with satisfaction.

He stepped forward and approached step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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