Chapter 229 Trouble Will Find You

Being stared at by the man with such serious and focused eyes, Shu Yao felt that she was not serious.

She stood up, intending to leave, but found that this time the man didn't hold her back.

Turning around, Shu Yao met the man's ignorant but trusting eyes again, she couldn't move even a single step.

"Ninth Brother." Shu Yao suddenly thought of something, and squatted down in front of the man again.

The man stared straight at her, and responded, "Say it."

Qin Jiuxiao is probably a habitual habit, and just a few words always make Shu Yao mistakenly think that he is still Jiuye.

Shu Yao took the man's hand and told her earnestly, "Don't let others bully you in the future, do you understand?"

Qin Jiuxiao's mind has degenerated, and his memory has returned to the stage of the past.

But Shu Yao didn't know whether to be thankful, this man was not really stupid, he could still understand.

"Do you know?" Seeing his answer, Shu Yao repeated.

Qin Jiuxiao frowned, and said unhappily, rather childishly, "I don't want to cause trouble."

At first Shu Yao didn't realize what Qin Jiuxiao meant, but when she thought about it like a child, she understood.

What Qin Jiuxiao meant was that he didn't want to fight with others or cause trouble.

"But trouble will definitely find you." Shu Yao looked at the man's pure eyes and squeezed his hand tightly.

It turned out that Qin Jiuxiao used to be like this when he was not Master Jiu, but now he was Brother Jiu.

The childhood Shu Yao in fragmentary memories, it's no wonder she fell in love with such a person.

Warm, pure, beautiful and incredible.


From the other end of the phone came Qin Siwen's angry voice, almost yelling at Qin Siwen in an orderly tone.

"Qin Siwen, I don't care what method you use, send Jiuxiao back to me within seven days!"

Qin Siwen pulled the phone away, his eyes were lazy and indifferent, as if nothing could shake him.

Seeing that the other end had calmed down, he posted it again.

"So what if you send it back? He's an idiot now."

When Qin Lao heard this, he shouted angrily, "Impossible! Jiu Xiao is not such a careless person."

In other words, what Old Qin meant was that Qin Jiuxiao would never let anything happen to him.

It is impossible for Qin Jiuxiao not to know the situation inside and outside the Qin family. If he knows, he will definitely guess that he is in danger.

How could someone as cautious as Qin Jiuxiao allow himself to have an accident at this critical point.

"I just want to inform you that if you want to get him back, you can find a way." Qin Siwen ignored Mr. Qin.

That's all, Qin Siwen hung up the phone directly.

Anyway, Qin Siwen has been away from the Qin family for many years, and apart from his surname Qin, he has nothing to do with the Qin family.

Only then did he realize that he had been on the phone for too long just now, and an internal call came in which he did not receive.

Seeing this internal call, Qin Siwen picked it up leisurely, "Let her in."

Qin Siwen walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror and straightened his appearance, as if he was going to meet some distinguished guest.


The moment the door was opened, Qin Siwen also turned around as if feeling something.

"You lunatic!"

Before Qin Siwen opened his mouth, the visitor stepped forward directly, and he only felt a gust of wind blowing past his ears.

Hearing the crisp applause, Qin Siwen tasted blood from his mouth, and it hurt a little.

The slap made his ears buzz, Jiang Yunrong had never been willing to touch him before.

He licked his molars and grabbed the hand, "Yunrong, why are you willing to hit me?"

Those peach blossom eyes were full of injuries, and the violent factor in his body was also ignited by Jiang Yunrong's slap.

"Did you kill Xiaojiu?!" Jiang Yunrong's voice was trembling.

But Jiang Yunrong's temperament is inherently arrogant, she will always straighten her waist, and will not be bent by anyone.

Her eyes were full of tears, but also with inexplicable emotions.

The moment he received the news, Jiang Yunrong felt that the whole sky was about to collapse——

She left country S and lived in seclusion with Qin Siwen, away from Yecheng, in order not to disturb the troubled waters of the past.

Unexpectedly, the most dreaded thing finally happened.

Qin Siwen's eyes moved, and he relaxed a little, but found it ridiculous, "How can you doubt me?"

The tiger is poisonous and still eats children, the first thing Jiang Yunrong came to was to ask him whether Qin Jiuxiao was killed by him.

It was then, and now is now, Jiang Yunrong thinks highly of him now.

Jiang Yunrong sneered, and asked back: "What can't you do?"


In order to save her, this lunatic Qin Siwen blocked the knife for her even though he knew he was suffering from severe hemophilia.

The bleeding continued, and he was about to die. After he was cured, the root cause of the disease was left behind.

When he was sent to the emergency room, he pressed Jiang Yunrong like crazy, asking her for a promise, a promise to be together.

If Qin Siwen hadn't traded his life for his life back then, Jiang Yunrong would never have turned back and sent Qin Jiuxiao back to the Qin family.

Qin Siwen left, and Qin Jiuxiao went in instead.

She didn't give Qin Jiuxiao a complete childhood, and she didn't give him a good father.

In the end, Jiang Yunrong did not give Qin Jiuxiao a good growth environment.

Jiang Yunrong stared fiercely at the person in front of him, as if he didn't know him.

"In order to force me, you did everything back then."

"Back then you weren't even afraid of death, so what's the point of sacrificing Xiaojiu, for Qin's reputation you can ruin me—"

"There's nothing you can't do to achieve your goals."

Listening to Jiang Yunrong's accusation, Qin Siwen's eyes darkened a little bit, and his thin lips opened and closed.

After all, Qin Siwen couldn't say anything, and he couldn't refute Jiang Yunrong's words.

"It's not me, it's not me this time." Qin Siwen didn't explain too much, his voice was even hoarse.

He wasn't as vigorous and calm as he was when he confronted Mr. Qin just now.

Jiang Yunrong looked at Qin Siwen calmly, and it took her a while to calm down, and she took out her hand.

She rubbed her wrist, and staggered those overly affectionate eyes, "It's not because of you, but because of you."

Qin Siwen didn't say anything about this, so he acquiesced.

Jiang Yunrong has known about his little habits for so many years by his side, so damn she still can't forget them.

"What's the situation with Xiaojiu now?" Jiang Yunrong calmed down and asked.

Qin Siwen's peach-blossom eyes are soul-stirring, he is born very well, gentle and beautiful.

Jiang Yunrong does not deny that it is as unforgettable as the goblin in the storybook just by looking at it lightly.

It's just the same, he is as vicious and cruel as the goblin in the script.

Qin Siwen said calmly, "I broke my brain, and I don't look very smart."

"Be clear." Jiang Yunrong demanded coldly.

Qin Siwen licked the corner of his cracked lips, and summed it up concisely.

"To put it simply, it's mental degeneration. I guess my memory and mind have fallen back to when I was in my teens. I'm not a complete fool, but I'm lucky. Oh, by the way, that little girl is still with him .”

For a man who is a father to talk about his son's misfortune in such a calm manner, it is not worth mentioning.

Jiang Yunrong couldn't imagine how the Qin family cultivated such a person.

Jiang Yunrong pulled the corners of her lips and said with a sneer, "Qin Siwen, you are not worthy of being a father."

These words are obviously a bit heavy.

Qin Siwen's eyes flashed fiercely for a moment, which was the instinctive reaction of someone who had been in the position for a long time.

"Yun Rong, how could you be so cruel to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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