After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 282 Don't Need The Qin Family's Recognition

Chapter 282 Don't Need The Qin Family's Recognition

However, Hu Zheng didn't have time to stop it, Qin Wenyu's movements were much faster than he imagined.

Qin Wenyu stepped forward directly, wanting to grab Shu Yao without any method.

"Master Wen Yu, no."

At some point, Ling Yang came to Shu Yao's side early, and he stood in front of Shu Yao in one fell swoop.

When Qin Wenyu saw that it was Ling Yang, his brows became even more angry, "You are really helping their family."

"I..." Ling Yang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Back then Ling Yang was indeed Qin Hede's right-hand man, but it was just a matter of that year.

Now Ling Yang still has a little master-servant affection for Qin Wenyu, he almost watched Qin Wenyu grow up.

"Is it true that whoever can give you a bite of food is your master?" Qin Wenyu's words were ugly.

Shu Yao rubbed her wrists, looked at Ling Yang who stood in front of her, and endured it.

Hu Zheng on the side heaved a sigh of relief, but luckily he didn't fight with Shu Yao, "Huh."

Qin Wenyu sneered, glanced at their car, then at Shu Yao's car, with a sarcastic look on his face.

"Forget it, I think you didn't get any good results, it's just a loss for both of you." He all said sarcastically.

Shu Yao said leisurely, since she insisted on counting, she will make it clear for Qin Wenyu.

"Both will suffer? I think the Qin family has a big business, so it's not a problem to have less cars."

"But I think that Mr. Qin Hede is just a side branch of the Qin family, and his family business is far from comparable to that of his own family."

After all, Shu Yao was not happy, she came out from behind Ling Yang, and she casually supported a car beside her.

Shu Yao sat lazily and casually on the car, "Here, and there—"

Her eyes fell to different places, signaling Qin Wenyu to open his eyes and take a good look.

"These are all from the Qin family. I crashed one, and I can replace it right away. The specifications and grades are not inferior to the ones just now."

"What about you?"

This underground garage is where Qin Siwen's cars are stored, and all of my son's are his son's.

Qin Jiuxiao can use it, but Qin Wenyu, as the Qin family, can drive into this exclusive parking garage, but he can't use it.

Qin Wenyu's words were almost squeezed out between his teeth, "Shu Yao!"

"No matter what about Master Jiu, Master Jiu is still the ruler of the Qin family, and you—"


Shu Yao sneered and slid off the car. She landed steadily on the ground with an elegant and refined posture.

Ling Yang blocked it so hard that Qin Wenyu had no chance to step forward.

Moreover, Qin Wenyu didn't have many people around him, Ling Yang was very powerful, and if he really made a move, he would be the one who would suffer.

"Shu Yao, what are you proud of? Why should you speak for my uncle? Does the Qin family recognize you?"

Since Shu Yao poked Qin Wenyu's pain, he couldn't do anything, so he had no choice but to speak quickly.

He knew the Qin family, at least Mr. Qin would never accept Shu Yao.

"I don't need the Qin family to admit it." Shu Yao was about to walk past Qin Wenyu, but she stopped.

Qin Wenyu's eyes changed, "You don't need the Qin family to admit it, so what are you?"

Shu Yao turned her face slightly, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, flashing a dangerous light.

"What is the Qin family? I just need Qin Jiuye to admit it."

Hearing this, Shu Yao no longer gave Qin Wenyu any face, and strode past, with a gust of wind blowing beside her.

After some rhetoric, Qin Wenyu still didn't take advantage of half of it, but he was really shocked by Shu Yao's words.

It is undeniable that Qin Wenyu did not see Qin Jiuxiao caring so much about anyone throughout the years.

This kind of arrogance from the inside out is what Qin Jiuxiao gave her full confidence.


"Look, do you like your room?"

Patriarch Rose stood behind him, waiting quietly for the attendant beside him to open the door of the room.

The door opened, and a dazzling array of clothing, clothing, and countless high-end luxury products came into view.

Shu Murou remained motionless, staring at everything that was suddenly given in front of her in a daze.

She murmured, "Is this all mine, mine?"

"Of course it's yours, it's just a part." Patriarch Rose stepped forward to hold her hand and said warmly.

Seeing Shu Murou's flattered look, one might have never seen the big world, never been treated with kindness.

Shu Shi never gave her such preferential treatment, she was so surprised and shocked when she saw all this.

What's more, Shu Murou was still in the orphanage before, she must have suffered a lot.

"This floor is your room, this is your dressing room."

"And your—"

Before she finished speaking, Shu Murou turned around and hugged Patriarch Rose tightly in joy.

She was surprised and delighted, jumping with indescribable joy, "Thank you uncle, I like it very much, I like it so much!"

These things Shu Murou never dared to think about before.

Especially Shu Murou knew better than anyone else that she was Li Qingya's daughter, and she was not really the orphan of Patriarch Los.

But what I didn't even dare to think about, suddenly came true one day.

Then why would Shu Murou care about a mere catwalk contest, but it was organized by the Ross family.

She is now the existence of the head of the Los family, which is equivalent to the daughter's office, and she is supreme.

"Okay, don't cry." Patriarch Rose always had infinite patience with his sister's children.

Shu Murou let go of Patriarch Los, her eyes filled with tears, and her little face began to turn red from crying.

It seems that the girl is weak and harmless, cute and pitiful like a little rabbit, very charming.

"Da da da--!"

Suddenly there was a sound of excitement in the corridor, and they hurried towards the direction where they were.

The person who can make such a loud noise in the house and be so presumptuous, Patriarch Ross can only think of Aisa.

Sure enough, a head poked out from the stairs, and after a closer look, it was indeed Aisa.

"Uncle—" Aisa immediately stopped the smile on his face when he saw Shu Murou standing beside him.

Aisa suppressed the smile on her lips, and she changed her words obediently in front of Patriarch Rose.

"Patriarch." Aisa nodded slightly.

Shu Murou glanced at Aisa, sneered in her heart, but remained calm, "Uncle, what is this?"

The atmosphere between the two was a bit weird, and Patriarch Rose didn't notice it, and only regarded it as Aisa's discomfort with the new family.

"This is Isa, I saw it big when I was a child." He introduced gently.

At this time, Patriarch Rose looked up at Aisa with a reminder in his eyes.

Aisa wanted to pretend she didn't know, but it would be considered rude to do so.

"Hello, Aisa, heir of the offshoot of the Ross family." Aisa stretched out his hand gracefully, with a calm voice.

Aisa doesn't like Shu Murou, not only because of Shu Yao, but also because Shu Murou is very hypocritical.

They obviously met each other at the banquet, but they still pretended to be the first time they met.

A sweet smile appeared on Shu Murou's face, "Hi, Aisa, nice to meet you."

"Aisa, Mu Rou will live at home in the future, and you can always contact her when you come over."

After all, Aisa was single-handedly promoted by the head of the Los family. It is rare to have a female heir to help support the main line.

But looking at the relationship between Aisa and Shu Murou, it's a little difficult.

"Oh." Aisa responded coldly.

Shu Murou looked very enthusiastic in comparison, she stepped forward to grab Aisa's hand again, "We..."

"Patriarch, I still have something to do, my aunt has sent it back."

"I go first."

Aisa took a step back, nodded slightly, and even saluted Patriarch Rose with a strange look.

(End of this chapter)

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