Chapter 292 tit for tat
Hearing this, Qin Siwen laughed so hard that even his body trembled.

The needle water immediately turned red, indicating that the blood flowed backwards.

Shu Nanxun frowned. As a doctor, he couldn't see such behavior, so he stepped forward and fiddled with the infusion tube a few times.

"Didn't you already know that?" Qin Siwen pulled a pale smile on his lips.

His smile was full of compassion, as if he was pitying Shu Nanxun.

Even if Shu Nanxun knew about it a long time ago, he still didn't believe it for a moment.

It turns out that the people around him can be so vicious.

"It's stupid to ask questions knowingly."

Qin Siwen didn't give an answer directly, but chose to affirm Shu Nanxun's answer.

With a kind heart and a soft hand, no wonder it is said that among the four great families in Yecheng, the Shu family is the least contending, Shu Boyan is too stupid.

But Shu Boyan is a fool, but fools are blessed with fools.


Lowes Manor, Dinner Party.

Looking at the Ross Manor from a distance, the lights are bright, and the endless winding red carpet is spread from the front gate to the castle gate.

Both sides are lit with fire and lights, the lights are grand, luxurious and grand.

The red carpet is covered with light pink petals, which complement the red carpet on the ground, showing luxury and extravagance.

Numerous guests entered through the door, walking in and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the manor as if they were watching the scenery.

The visitors were dressed luxuriously, and they were either rich or expensive at first glance, and the extravagance and high-profile of the upper class were undoubtedly revealed in the manor.

"It is said that Patriarch Los has finally fulfilled his wish."

"I heard that the adult's orphan has been found, and he will be trained to be an heir in the future."

"I don't know what that lady looks like?"

"As expected of the Ross family, let's start with a million dollars after this dinner."

"If it's really that lord's daughter, it's worth it."

People gathered in the banquet hall in twos and threes, they are very curious about tonight's protagonist.

It is said that Shen Qingyun, the head of the Luosi family, has been looking for the orphan for a long time, and now he has finally returned to the family.

The grandeur and luxury of this dinner reflected the great importance Patriarch Ross attached to this person's return.

"Wait, look over there—!"

"It's from country C, from the Qin family, the ancestor family."

Qin Jiuxiao, who didn't know who discovered it first, let out a low cry and turned his eyes towards that side.

Originally, the Qin family was far less powerful than the Ross family in country S, after all, they were big families from different countries.

But Qin Jiuxiao had an accident in country S and broke his brain, which was widely spread in the upper class.

As soon as Qin Jiuxiao entered the door, he realized that he wanted to escape subconsciously, and complained, "They are all looking at me."

"Master, it's okay." Ling Yang stood beside him to comfort him.

It is rare for a man to wear a white suit, elegant and luxurious, and he is still the superior person before when he is not smiling.

The two leather linings tighten the figure, reflecting the elegant and slender figure like a leopard.

He was born fair, and he was dressed in white, which did not look black at all. In contrast, he was as white as uncut jade, dazzling and dazzling.

Just by standing there, he has attracted the attention of many ladies from aristocratic families.

"Where's Yaoyao?" Qin Jiuxiao was very disturbed.

In this environment, everyone looks at this side, like peeping eyes, like looking at something.

Ling Yang whispered, "Miss Shu will be there later."

"Then I..." Qin Jiuxiao originally wanted to go to the corner, but was caught off guard by someone blocking his way.

Looking up, the man standing in front of him was a little shorter than him.

It was a familiar face. Qin Jiuxiao still remembered this face. He couldn't say he remembered it, but he was very familiar with it.

The one who came to provoke him on the first day of the hospital, and the one who had an awkward fight with Shu Yao in the parking lot, wasn't the person in front of him.


"It's really a narrow road for enemies."

Qin Wenyu held up the red wine glass, his handsome face was provocative, and an indescribable sense of superiority was clearly in front of him.

Immediately, his eyes locked on Ling Yang again.

"Uncle Ling is really a good dog. He is loyal to his master and cannot be separated from him anywhere." He said sarcastically.

Ling Yang has a stupid mouth and is a rough person. If he doesn't know how to refute, he can only suffer from being dumb.

What's more, Qin Wenyu was almost looked down upon by Ling Yang since he was a child, and Ling Yang still cared about him as a master and servant.

"Uncle? Oh, I know who you are now." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes flashed.

In memory, the idiot who cried for his father after being kidnapped.

This contemptuous look——

Qin Wenyu's hand holding the wine glass was clenched for an instant, and just about to speak, he heard the guests booing.

"It's the niece of Patriarch Rose!"

From the dark place where the endless winding stairs came out, a sweet and lovely girl walked out, with a skirt as pink and tender as a blooming bud.

It was dragged to the ground for a long time, and the waiter helped to hold it behind her. The girl was as beautiful as a peach and plum, just like a real princess.

She looks pure and sweet, with the unique sense of youth of a girl.

Shu Murou followed Patriarch Rose, enjoying the envy of everyone in the audience.

"Don't be afraid, small scene." Patriarch Ross comforted softly.

He could feel the girl's nervousness.

Shu Murou nodded slightly, and squeezed Patriarch Rose's hand, "I'm not afraid if uncle is here."

They walked to the landing of the stairs, came to the edge of the guardrail, and looked down at everyone under the stage.

This condescending feeling gave Shu Murou enough satisfaction.

"Today, everyone, please attend the family banquet."

"Today I'm here to announce that my niece Shu Murou, she - has officially returned."

The voice of Patriarch Ross is not loud, but it is extraordinarily powerful.

When he was talking, none of the guests dared to speak, not even whispering.

Shu Murou maintained a decent etiquette, and only nodded slightly to the audience.

"Everyone, have fun tonight."

As soon as the words fell, all the guests officially started the carnival of the night.

Patriarch Rose's words were like a flare. After firing, the guests tore apart their original appearances and began to act.

A group of guests chatted and chatted, or started hunting for beauty, or gathered in groups of twos and threes.

When he came back to his senses, Qin Wenyu spoke strangely again.

"It seems that my uncle's vision is not very good. Among the Shu sisters, I have chosen the worst one."

Shu Yao slapped him in the face, Qin Wenyu remembered them all.

At this time, I heard a clear and gentle voice slowly coming from behind Ling Yang, not in a hurry.

"Talking nonsense will tear your mouth apart."

Qin Wenyu looked in the direction of the voice, not only he was watching, but other people were also watching Shu Yao who walked in by the door.

She wasn't wearing a fancy dress, it was casual and simple, with slightly long curly hair tied to one side.

A tight-fitting black fishtail skirt with a deep V, with an undisguised slit on the chest, just falling on the gully of the chest.

The raised arc and the deep shadow just leave people with infinite reverie.

Unassuming, sexy, but not gaudy, the beauty is natural and generous.

"Who is that?"

"Wow, it's so spicy, it looks like Lin Lang."

"It's Huo Lao's apprentice, Lin Lang."

"Fuck, as expected of a top international supermodel, that's pretty cool."

Her appearance instantly captured the attention of all the guests.

Originally, Patriarch Rose's order was a feast of carnival, which also included some people starting a journey of sex hunting.

The real desire is to be sexy enough not to be violated.

And Shu Yao was undoubtedly the sexiest and most attractive prey in the venue.

How can this make Shu Murou, who stands on a high place and wants to be the focus, willing?
Shu Murou squeezed the armrest tightly, anxiously wanting to sue, "Uncle!"

But it was discovered that not only the guests, but even Patriarch Rose was absent-minded for a moment, and even his heartbeat slowed down a beat.

"It's so similar." Patriarch Rose frowned and murmured unconsciously.

Too much like a sister.

She was very much like the elder sister who took him away from the abyss to see the light of day, gave him a name, and gave him a family.

If it is said that Shu Murou looks like three or four points, then Shu Yao looks like seven or eight points.

(End of this chapter)

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