After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 322 Overturning the vinegar jar

Chapter 322 Overturning the vinegar jar
"How come?" Shu Yao was angry and funny.

How hopeless is it? I thought I loved Fu Jingzhen's humble love, and lost myself in love.

If it wasn't for the suffering of the previous life, she would not want someone to cherish her like this.

What he was talking about was what other people thought of Shu Yao, not him.

He doesn't care about others calling him stupid, he only cares about embarrassing Shu Yao.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled, still very uncertain, "It's fine if you don't."

He smiled reluctantly.

Shu Yao's heart ached, she raised her hand to grab the hand that was about to open the car door, and looked into the man's eyes.

"If one day I like someone else, I will be abandoned by that person, and my reputation will be scorned by everyone—"

"Will you despise me?"

Qin Jiuxiao's aura suddenly changed, and he said without hesitation, "No."

"So, so am I."

She rested her forehead on the man's shoulder and responded in a low voice.


"Is everything packed?"

After a lot of trouble, Shu Yao finally moved all the things into the apartment arranged by the principal.

Shu Yao brought a lot of things, compared to Qin Jiuxiao who was very small, he only brought some casual clothes.

Packing up, only Shu Yao was packing up, Qin Jiuxiao followed behind her without packing.

"It's all ready." Shu Yao hung the last piece of clothing in the closet and clapped her hands.

When I came here in a hurry, these clothes are not suitable for wearing in school, Shu Yao regretted it for a while.

Let's hope she can last these days, there are only one or two pieces that can be worn in school.

Shu Yao looked at the man standing beside her, feeling a little curious.

"By the way, Brother Jiu, what was your college life like before?"

"My—" Qin Jiuxiao frowned slightly, thinking carefully.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Shu Yao immediately regretted it, seeing that her mind simply doesn't remember anything.

Qin Jiuxiao's mind has now regressed back to the stage of his youth, how can he remember things in his youth.

"I'm sorry..." Shu Yao hadn't spoken yet.

The man shook his head first and interrupted her, "I've remembered, I'll tell you later."

Whether it's Qin Jiuye or Jiu Gege, men are as gentle as ever and always have no bottom line for her.

Her wantonness, her mistakes, everything about her can be forgiven.

"Yeah." Shu Yao pursed her lips slightly, looked at the time again, and stood up, "I'll take you shopping."

Qin Jiuxiao didn't understand the meaning, "Go shopping?"

"My alma mater, let me show you around." Shu Yao raised her hand and dragged the man outside.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of walking around, Qin Jiuxiao followed Shu Yao's wishes and was dragged out by her.

There's not much to go shopping downstairs in the apartment, which is far away from the central area of ​​the campus.

They were going to visit the central area of ​​the campus, Shu Yao still remembered that there were a lot of fun and food there, a school.

"Yaoyao, there are so many people here. It's so noisy." Qin Jiuxiao looked at the students around him, frowned and whispered.

Shu Yao was helpless, she explained, "Where can the students go if they are not here? You sit first."

They came early, and Qin Jiuxiao didn't have time to have breakfast even if they wanted to come.

Shu Yao is quite familiar with this place. Fortunately, the school has not changed much since she graduated for many years.

I found a meal outlet and queued up to order food, just like I was a student back then.

"Tsk, the professor is too much. My thesis has been sent back several times."

"It's so strict, and you just open your mouth without guiding us."

"Why don't we ask the instructor?"

"What are you asking, you'll be scolded—!"

The people around were chattering, Qin Jiuxiao sat and played with the Rubik's Cube in his hand, trying his best to concentrate.

It's just that he wanted to be quiet, but others didn't notice.

"Why is he so laid back? Has his thesis passed?"

With a light twist in Qin Jiuxiao's hand, the Rubik's Cube was restored to its original mother, and he was still happy in the future.

He saw a girl approaching him, a little closer, and he backed away a little.

"Student, have you passed your thesis yet?" The girl didn't notice his alienation.

Qin Jiuxiao tightened the Rubik's Cube in his hand, "I..."

"Can you take a look for me?"

"My thesis has been sent back many times, and I suspect that it is deliberately embarrassing me."

Before Qin Jiuxiao could finish speaking, the girl turned the computer screen around and placed it in front of Qin Jiuxiao.

After just a few cursory glances, Qin Jiuxiao probably had a decision in his mind.

This paper is full of mistakes and omissions, and it's not that the tutor didn't give it to me, it's too basic and simple——

"Take a closer look here."

Qin Jiuxiao put down the Rubik's Cube, and clicked a few places casually.

"Your wording, arguments..."

These are very basic questions, so Qin Jiuxiao raised a few points.

"Thank you!" The girl was surprised and delighted, she didn't expect to hug a golden thigh in the dining hall.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly, he actually just wanted to be quiet, "You're welcome."

The girl over there sat back in her small group with a hush, and another lively discussion exploded.

The chirping voice was even louder than before.

"Is it from our school? I don't think I've seen it before."

"He's so handsome and has a nice voice, why don't you take the opportunity to ask for a WeChat."

"Couldn't it be that we're all about to graduate, so we won't come when the opportunity is too late."

Being encouraged by the surrounding classmates, her face turned red, and the girl couldn't help but look at Qin Jiuxiao frequently.

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao was also sitting alone, there was no one else around him.

What her classmates said was right, there is only one brave time, and there is no chance after graduation.

"Go!" the girl's classmate urged.

The girl gritted her teeth, picked up the milk tea that she hadn't just bought, hesitated and stood up again.

She moved over carefully and put the milk tea in front of Qin Jiuxiao.

"Student, that's convenient..." The girl's face turned red, and she felt that this was a little sudden.

But when I was a student, this was actually a very normal thing.

Qin Jiuxiao was slightly taken aback, he raised his eyes, his eyes were clear and innocent, and the girl's heart beat faster when he saw it.

"Sorry, he's my boyfriend."

Before Qin Jiuxiao could refuse, a clear female voice came from behind the girl, strong but not tough.

The girl was startled, and turned her head to see Shu Yao, "Ah, yes, I'm sorry to bother you!"

It turned out that he had a girlfriend. No wonder he sat alone in the dining hall and didn't order anything. Someone went to get it.

"Ah—you, you are Senior Sister Shu Yao!" The girl came to her senses.

In recent days there have been rumors that the principal has invited some outstanding graduates over the years to return to school, no wonder he met Shu Yao.

Shu Yao smiled softly, and gestured, "Keep your voice down."

It was even more embarrassing now, the girl blushed with shame, and she didn't forget to look at Qin Jiuxiao a few more times.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't know that was my senior sister's boyfriend, so handsome! I wish you happiness."

That's all, the girl ran away in a hurry, and went back to her small group.

Seeing that girl running fast, her figure is light and flexible, full of youthful joy.

She came back to her senses and looked Qin Jiuxiao up and down. He was dressed casually and simply, and his appearance was very good.

She couldn't tell her age at all, and it was a matter of little effort, but Shu Yao——

She actually felt a little pantothenic acid.

"Yaoyao, there's cake." Qin Jiuxiao's eyes lit up when he saw that there was something he liked on the plate she brought.

But Shu Yao didn't say a word, didn't even talk to him, and directly poked the cake with a fork.

"This is mine." Shu Yao took a bite unceremoniously.

He was startled, not knowing why, "Yaoyao?"

(End of this chapter)

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