Chapter 329 The Lover's Bridge

The man on the other end of the phone was silent, Shu Murou unconsciously squeezed the phone tightly, terrified.

Could it be that he was looking for that damned cat?

That female cat obviously gave birth to a litter, so what if one cat is missing, Patriarch Rose cares so much.

"Uncle?" Shu Murou shouted again.

Patriarch Rose sighed slightly, still holding on to a little smile, "It's okay, it's uncle's cat that disappeared."

It's that little seven.

Remembering that she almost suffocated the cat that day, Shu Murou didn't feel scared when she did it, but now she is.

The cat must have died, anyway, Nana was so angry when she took it away.

Otherwise, she would get a credit for picking it up.

Unexpectedly, the Ross family is so big that they care about a cat.

Just buy another one!
She comforted, "Uncle, it's all right, maybe I got lost."

"Will not."

"Unless—forget it, Mu Rou, this is not something you should worry about."

Patriarch Rose hesitated to speak, and stopped the topic just in time.

After all, he just called to care about Yi Er's newly recognized niece, and he didn't want her to worry with him.

Shu Murou tactfully did not pursue the matter further, and still played the role of ignorance.

"Don't worry, uncle, Xiao Qi will definitely come back."

Of course I can't come back, such a kitten, covered under her pillow, is weak even struggling.

Thinking of the way the cat flaunted its claws to hurt her, but went to cling to Shu Yao, Shu Murou changed her approach at that time.

Thinking about how kind I really am, that cat died too easily.

"Don't talk about these unhappy things, right."

"Murou has good news, uncle wants to share it with you."

"Your aunt is pregnant with my child, and uncle can be regarded as a successor."

Shu Murou's whole body froze when she heard this, her eyes suddenly enlarged a little, she couldn't believe the news.

Didn't it mean that Cofilo was in poor health and had difficulty getting pregnant?

According to Shu Yawen, there is no need to worry about having an heir at all, and she, Shu Murou, is the only heir.


She was actually pregnant with a child, and she was pregnant with the child of Patriarch Ross not long after she recognized her relatives.

Shu Murou was stunned for a while, "..."

"Mu Rou?" There was a strange silence on the other side, and Patriarch Rose called her.

This made Shu Murou wake up abruptly, and she realized, "That's really great!"

"Cofello wants a baby, finally..."

Shu Murou couldn't listen to what Patriarch Rose said later, until Patriarch Rose hung up on something.

Shu Murou sat blankly for a while, thinking over and over what Patriarch Ross said.

"Your aunt is pregnant with my child, and uncle can be regarded as a successor."

There are successors.

At this point in time, Cofilo was pregnant with the child of Patriarch Ross.

The head of the Ross family said that he has successors, so the Ross family no longer belongs to her alone, Shu Murou.

No matter what the future of this child is, that child is the flesh and blood of the head of the family.

My own flesh and blood, I will definitely be like that bitch Shu Yao when I grow up.

When she grows up, she will definitely take away her uncle's favor, the family's honor and favor, and everything that belongs to her now!
Shu Murou's eyes were clouded, how could she allow things to develop like that.

No, she has to go back.


Beiying, the north gate of the school.

Every university has such a snack street full of food, drink and fun, and Beiying is no exception.

The north gate of Beiying's school is the snack street, and once you go out, there is a lot of traffic, especially at night, the lights are bright like a city that never sleeps.

This place is bustling, noisy, and full of human fireworks.

"Sister, do you want to drink?"

"Hehehe, you can't drink it, whoever drinks too much will look at the senior brother."

"That's right, senior brother is a celebrity now."

Li Huayu saw that the members were gradually letting go, no big or small, so he hurried over to make things right.

"What are you talking about, go, go!"

Turning to face Qin Jiuxiao and the others, Li Huayu was afraid of being grateful. Thanks to Qin Jiuxiao playing today, he won.

Otherwise, based on their literature and art department, this game will definitely lose.

"Senior Sister, is there anything you want to revisit when you come back?" Li Huayu chose someone who was easy to talk to.

Seeing him like that, Shu Yao couldn't help laughing secretly, and said: "I can do anything."


Li Huayu had made up his mind to take them to the bar to play, but when he saw Qin Jiuxiao, he was afraid that he would not agree.

"He has no objection." Shu Yao glanced at the man and smiled lowly.

The man nodded and followed, just looking around curiously, as if he was very interested in things around the school.

Those roadside vendors, lights, and many more, caught Qin Jiuxiao's eyes with novelty and puzzlement.

Seeing this, Shu Yao jokingly said as she walked, "Have you never been here? Young Master."

"Come here."

Qin Jiuxiao also had memories of these city life.

From the beginning of the memory, Qin Jiuxiao lived with Jiang Yunrong, and it was not all smooth sailing, and it could even be said that he was hiding from XZ.

"Don't be discovered, you will be arrested if you are discovered." Jiang Yunrong warned him that way.

He moved once in a few days and left once. He didn't have too much contact with a place.

The world he lives in is black and white until someone breaks in unexpectedly.

Shu Yao is the color in his life.

"Senior sister, why don't you go, I heard that there is a lover's bridge over there!"

Seeing that they were all falling behind, Li Huayu turned around and waited for them for a while.

Shu Yao was taken aback, then repeated, "Lover's Bridge?"

"Yeah, I heard it's very effective. Senior sister doesn't know about it, does she? It happened a long time ago."

Many couples in Beiying have tried and passed there.

A lot of good stories have been left behind, and those who have graduated and returned to restore it are better than praying to God and worshiping Buddha in Turin.

"I've heard of Lover's Bridge, walk towards each other, and this relationship will be complete."

It was rare for Qin Jiuxiao to speak first, and there was eager light in his eyes, obviously curious.

"Yaoyao, let's go."

A curious big kid, if it were Qin Jiuye, he would definitely not be so childish.

Before she opened her mouth, Li Huayu scratched her head again and said in confusion, "I don't need to introduce you, Senior Sister should know."

Lover's Bridge has existed since a long time ago, and it's not that they only appeared in recent sessions.

This is a well-known Internet celebrity attraction in Beijing Film Academy, let alone the students of the school, it is also well-known on the Internet.

"Senior sister, don't you know?" Li Huayu didn't believe it.

The smile on Shu Yao's lips gradually faded, "I know, how could I not know?"

"Then..." Li Huayu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

It's not that lovers like to go for a walk, why does Senior Sister Shu Yao not want to be with——

Could it be with senior brother Fu Jingzhen?
Li Huayu reacted slowly, look at his mouth.

Qin Jiuxiao sensed something was wrong, his eyes were extremely gentle, "It's okay for Yaoyao not to go there."

Even the voice was very gentle, without any blame or blame.

It's just that he is not Qin Jiuye, and he doesn't know how to hide his disappointment well, which makes Shu Yao feel sad and bitter.

"Go, why not go?"

"If it were you, we would definitely reach consummation."

(End of this chapter)

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