Chapter 339 She Was Not Wrong
Shu Yao changed into her dance clothes, which were all black and tight-fitting.

The dance clothes well outline the woman's exquisite and graceful body, just looking at the curvature is mesmerizing.

She casually bundled her long hair up, and the fragmented long hair fell on both sides of her cheeks, making her cold face extraordinarily soft.

There were small low voices from the students.

so beautiful.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and reminded slowly, "Pay attention."

Then the music started.

Shu Yao stretched her body along with the music, her body was like a tough willow, so soft it was unbelievable.

Every frown and every movement reflects the grandeur and dignity of ancient rituals, and even the demeanor is matched to the extreme.

The strength of the dance, where it should be soft, has the full gentleness of a woman, and where it should be strong, it is strong and violent.

It gives people a visual impact, and it is a kind of enjoyment just to look at it.

Her figure almost overlapped with the teaching shadow on the screen, even more than it.



Shu Murou turned her head and saw that it was the students in front of her who were applauding.

This group of guys who eat inside and outside.

"Papa papa—!"

The applause came from Shu Murou's student group first, those boys couldn't help applauding first.

Immediately after the reaction, the applause grew louder and louder, and everyone cheered for this dance.

"I used to think this dance was ugly."

"So it's not the dancing clown, it's me, the clown is me."

"This is the powerful faction?"

Shu Yao and the students in front of her were sweating after reading it, and they had nothing to say.

This level of people!
Not only because of Shu Yao's excellent dancing, but also because of themselves.

Shu Yao is so outstanding, she will definitely demand them more strictly, to what extent does this have to be practiced.

"Let's go to class too, let's not talk about it."

Seeing that her students' attention was being attracted, Shu Murou stood up unwillingly.

I don't appreciate them well, so I can only practice hard.

"hurry up!"

"Come on, why are you so stupid?"

"Tsk, will it work?"

It was only after practicing that Shu Murou realized that it is difficult to lead students, even if it is so simple, she couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Are they really students from Beijing Film Academy so stupid?

Shu Murou clicked her tongue in disgust, "Forget it, just watch mine!"

"Okay, let's take a break and watch Teacher Shu Murou." Shu Yao saw that the time was almost up.

Shu Murou suddenly turned her head to look at Shu Yao.

She wants to watch her dance?
Shu Yao lazily raised her eyes to look at Shu Murou, and sat on the floor.

Next, Shu Murou showed it in front of them, took a deep breath, and thought that she must be no worse than Shu Yao.

Neat and clean, with neat and standardized movements, it is not twice as good as the students.


"Teacher!" Someone in the student group raised his hand.

Shu Murou just took a breath, and had to ask impatiently, "What's the matter?"

"Teacher, you seemed to have made a wrong move just now. That gesture was..."

The student gestured to Shu Murou.

Shu Murou didn't even look at it, she just felt funny when she heard that the student was saying that she was wrong.

This group of idiots actually started pointing at themselves, where did they get their confidence.

"Jingle bell -!"

Just at this time the get out of class bell rang.

Shu Murou breathed a sigh of relief, finally she didn't have to get entangled with these idiots anymore.

"Teacher, I was really wrong." The student wanted to say something more.

Shu Murou pretended not to hear indifferently, and said softly to everyone, "get out of class is over, see you next time."

That student stood up in the crowd like a clown, standing alone and awkwardly.

"Actually pointing out the teacher, you really are hated."

"It's so embarrassing, I feel embarrassed for her."

"What a big face, who do you think you are?"

Shu Murou didn't ask her to sit down, nor did she answer her, but simply ignored the girl.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that she was hated by the teacher!
Seeing Shu Murou like this, no one dared to speak, and he had to shut up if he didn't want to be in the same situation as the girls.

The head shot was shot, and only the girls were left standing.

The eyes of the surrounding classmates made the girl's face flush with embarrassment, and some unpleasant voices made her eyes red.


Until a pair of hands pressed on the girl's shoulder, very light, not very strong.But at least let girls dare to look up.

"Teacher Shu, Shu Yao." The girl's voice was aggrieved and crying.

Shu Yao touched the girl's shoulder and said slowly, "It's okay, you're right."

Hearing the comforting words, the girl's eyes turned redder.

"But Teacher Shu Murou, she..."

She doesn't recognize it.

When Shu Murou saw that Shu Yao was still coming, she immediately became angry, and she had been like this since the morning.

"This is my student, Shu Yao, you must be too lenient." She reminded her unkindly.

Shu Yao looked at Shu Murou calmly, "This is not your student, this is a student of Beijing Film Academy."

"But I taught her!" Shu Murou couldn't help but shouted a little louder.

Since the morning, Shu Yao has targeted her everywhere, causing her to lose face in front of the old principal.

Now I have to accuse myself of making a wrong move in front of so many people!

There was nothing wrong with it at all, it was just that Shu Yao deliberately made things difficult for herself when she saw the excitement.

"Oh my God, there was a fight."

"But Teacher Shu Murou did something wrong. Teacher Shu Yao is just discussing the matter."

"Stop talking, the teacher will hate what we say, and we still have to teach her!"

"That girl is an example, don't offend the teacher, the teacher is terrible."

"Stop talking! We haven't graduated yet, so we don't want to be hated by Shu Murou as soon as we graduate..."

Seeing Shu Murou and Shu Yao like this, the students who were about to leave after class did not dare to leave the classroom without authorization.

They all looked at Shu Yao and Shu Murou, and looked more pitifully at the student who made an opinion.

This girl is too straightforward and too stupid.

Shu Yao said again, "Whether she's your student or not, she's right, you're treating her unfairly."

"I did nothing wrong, who said I did something wrong?"

"It's because she said something wrong that I punished her like this. It's already very face-saving."

Shu Murou had had enough of pretending to be weak all the time, and now her face was torn apart and she looked extraordinarily mean.

It must be because I have been used to pretending to be weak, like a little white rabbit, that gave Shu Yao courage.

Now even Shu Yao dared to step on her head repeatedly!

"Teacher, stop arguing, it's me—" The girl felt guilty when she saw this situation.

Forget it, it's not a big deal, it's better to admit it.

Shu Yao raised her hand and made a stop gesture to the girl, then stood in front of Shu Murou.

She stated sharply, "She was not wrong, why should she pay for your mistakes?"

The girl was said to her heart, and she couldn't help crying anymore.

Instead of running around, she squatted down, wrapped her arms around herself and cried softly.

Girls also feel that they are not wrong, so why should they be treated like this by the teacher?
"She's not wrong, do it again and see if it's the same as the video teaching behind you."

Shu Murou couldn't help but panic when she was told by Shu Yao's sharp tone.

Did she really do something wrong?
Shu Murou opened her mouth, "I..."

(End of this chapter)

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