Chapter 341

Hearing this, Fu Jingzhen hadn't reacted yet.

Shu Yao had already laughed out loud, her clear and beautiful face showed a bit of coldness.

"As a mentor, you need me to pay attention to your basic skills, and correct it for you?"

"I'm not your parents, and I have no need or obligation to teach you everywhere."

This hit the sore spot where Shu Murou came out of the orphanage.

In an instant, Shu Murou didn't care about her image in front of Fu Jingzhen, and immediately stepped forward and raised her hand——


Shu Murou's hand was slammed open, and the place where Shu Yao slapped it away was red with time.

The strength of this can be imagined.

"You're going too far, Shu Yao!" Shu Murou said sharply, not caring about the pain.

Her parents!
How dare Shu Yao talk about her parents, her mother fell to her death with Shu Boyan.

No father and no mother, living in an orphanage, isn't this a gift from Shu Yao?
When Shu Yao was the eldest lady, she lived such a miserable life in the orphanage.

Now Shu Yao has all of these, no matter what it is, it should belong to her, Shu Murou.

It was Shu Yao who stole Shu Murou's life from her!
"Calm down, Mu Rou." Fu Jingzhen also turned cold, and stopped Shu Murou who still wanted to move forward.

Shu Murou stared at Shu Yao fiercely, "Brother Jing Zhen, let me go, look what she said about me!"

Here is school.

Shu Murou's crazy behavior immediately attracted the attention of many people, not to mention that Fu Jingzhen was the focus.

Just now I was saying that Shu Yao was always messing around, I thought Shu Murou wouldn't know it, but now she really slapped her in the face.

"It's at school!"

"Mu Rou."

Fu Jingzhen held Shu Murou and made her unable to move.

"But she hit me, and she still said that about me, Brother Jing Zhen!" Shu Murou stomped her feet anxiously.

Shu Yao clapped her hands and blew in disgust, she even got her hands dirty.

With that being said, she turned and left.

Before leaving, Shu Yao heard Fu Jingzhen's sighing and helpless voice from behind, with a trace of exhaustion.

He said.

"She really has no reason to remind you that she has already brought you out."

"Mu Rou, this is indeed your mistake, isn't it?"


Finally, there was one time when Fu Jingzhen was willing to admit it and stand by her side.

The day came too late, and it was too late.



Shu Yao had just returned to the apartment, and not long after she closed the door, her cell phone rang.

She glanced at the caller number, and found that it was actually a foreign number, an unfamiliar number.


"Is it Sister Shu Yao?"

As soon as he picked it up, a lively and childlike voice rang from the other end of the phone.

At first Shu Yao was still taken aback, she didn't realize who it was and how could a child call her.

After that, a figure gradually became clear in her mind, it was Li Zhaoran, the granddaughter of Grandma Li.

"Is it Zhaoran?" Shu Yao asked warmly.

The one over there was obviously very excited, and said happily, "Yes, look! Let me tell you that Sister Shu Yao still remembers me."

"What's the matter? How are you living with grandma over there?" Shu Yao asked again with a warm heart.

Li Zhaoran hummed a few times, and said coquettishly, "When will Sister Shu Yao come back?"

During the time he left, Li Zhaoran's life improved a lot.

Because Grandma Li works in Manston Manor, the money is much, much more than before, and the quality of life has also improved.

Just such a big estate—

"My sister's place is so big, but there's no one there, so it's so deserted." Li Zhaoran complained with her mouth pouted.

Shu Yao's thoughts flickered when she heard this, "Is there no one there?"

It is true that Manston Park is deserted.

Qin Siwen is dead, Jiang Yunrong doesn't know where he is now?
When Qin Jiuxiao returned to Yecheng, she also left. The huge Manston Manor was not robbing people, but it was deserted.

When I first came to Country S, Manston Manor was considered a home, but now it is empty.

"Yes, but sister Shu Yao's friend came here!"

"It's Brother Shen~ He also brought along a beautiful older sister who they said was your friend."

Li Zhaoran shared with Shu Yao what happened in Zhuangyuan recently.

Immediately, Shu Yao heard Grandma Li's helpless voice from the other end of the phone, mixed with Li Zhaoran's voice.

"Okay, stop making trouble with my sister, and see you again."

"No, no, no!"

"Obviously listen to grandma—!"

"No, grandma, grandma, I want to ask my sister something, the last sentence!"


As a last resort, Grandma Li called Li Zhaoran, and Li Zhaoran grabbed the phone to ask.

"Sister, are you in country C?" Li Zhaoran spoke in a low voice.

Shu Yao was taken aback, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Sister Yancheng is pretty..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard Grandma Li yell, and the phone was snatched away.

After a while of noise, it was Grandma Li who answered the phone.

"I'm sorry, Miss Shu is making a fuss about calling you, so I'm really sorry to bother you."

Shu Yao lowered her eyes slightly, and she felt inexplicably sad when mentioning Manston Manor.

I always feel that in the blink of an eye, things have changed there.

Even Qin Siwen, who was the best proof that she existed in country S and took care of her everywhere while studying abroad, was gone.

"It's okay, please take care of it for me." Shu Yao sighed softly and said in a hoarse voice.

Grandma Li said repeatedly, "Hey, okay."

Hang up.

Shu Yao always felt uneasy in her heart, and in retrospect, something was not right.

"Sister Yancheng is pretty..."

She suddenly realized what was wrong, why did Li Zhaoran suddenly ask such a sentence.

What's even more strange is that Grandma Li, who has always loved and cherished Li Zhaoran, scolded Li Zhaoran at that time.

What's wrong with that?
The inexhaustible connection, Shu Yao's brain hurts uncontrollably as soon as she thinks about it.

It seemed that the more recent events flashed in her mind, the more she had headaches.


Where's the medicine?

In a panic, Shu Yao accidentally pressed the remote control at hand.

The indicator light on the remote control flickered, and the big TV screen in front of him instantly lit up.

"It is reported that the Qin Group is conducting an emergency personnel transfer—"

Hearing this, Shu Yao was taken aback and looked at the TV screen.

The TV screen is broadcasting the evening news, which is the latest current news under the Four Seas Group.

"The old chairman of Qin's suffered a stroke and was paralyzed half of his body. He was admitted to the hospital for emergency treatment."

On the TV, the host was broadcasting the script in an orderly manner, with pictures on the side.

On the picture is the flashing picture of Mr. Qin being sent to the hospital, paralyzed on the bed and being escorted to the hospital.

Immediately afterwards, the host changed the subject.

"Qin Jiuxiao, director and CEO of the Qin Corporation, accidentally fell into the river on his way back, and his whereabouts are unknown today."

"It is estimated that there will be a major change in personnel under the Qin Corporation, and the post of chairman will be temporarily held by the nephew of the chairman."

Finally, what appeared on the screen was Qin Wenyu's warm and smiling face.

Seeing this, Shu Yao's pupils shrank slightly, and she froze in place in disbelief.

It was fine before, how could it be like this...

Yesterday's nightmare seemed to approach Shu Yao again, but this time the man was not by her side.

"No." She shook her head.

After reacting, Shu Yao touched the mobile phone she had just put down, trying to call Qin Jiuxiao's mobile phone.


"The number you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please try again later."

No one answered the phone, followed by a long blind tone.

(End of this chapter)

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