After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 368 The Fire Was Not an Accident

Chapter 368 The Fire Was Not an Accident
Seeing Shu Yao's reaction like this, Mr. Shu felt a pain in his heart, he squeezed the armrest and wanted to stand up.

Seeing that Wen Wan was half as fast as him, chasing Shu Yao's figure and disappearing into the winding stairwell, she let go of her hand.

Grandma Li didn't expect Mr. Shu's reaction to be so great, and to bring about this series of reactions.

"Huaiyuan..." Seeing this, Grandma Li signaled to Shen Huaiyuan.

Grandma Li didn't expect it to be so ugly.

Shen Huaiyuan immediately knelt down knowingly, "Zhaoran, are you hungry, why don't you go out to eat something with your brother?"

"Yeah." Li Zhaoran nodded his head.

Although Li Zhaoran was young, she was sensible early on, and she understood that the current situation got into Shen Huaiyuan's arms.

Shen Huaiyuan pinched Li Zhaoran's fleshless little face, and smiled, "This will make you so obedient."

"Brother big bad guy." If it wasn't for Grandma Li, Li Zhaoran would ignore him.

Seeing Shen Huaiyuan walking away with Li Zhaoran in his arms, there was no one else in the hall, only the two elders were left.

She felt uneasy, and muttered, "Why do you do this, let the child ask."

How can Mr. Shu not be heartbroken, that is Shu Yao, his only granddaughter, his only hope.

His face was ugly.

"Just after you came back, she only cared about herself and wanted to know this, let alone—"

"Let them get over the grievances of the previous life, and don't affect the next generation. Look at the Qin family."

The current chairman, Qin Wenyu, is the son of Qin Hede, who was expelled from the family tree of the Qin family. This wolfish ambition is clearly revealed.

This is an old matter for Qin Hede, and it should have been resolved clearly in Qin Hede's lifetime.

"Old Shu." Grandma Li interrupted him, shaking her head and brows pityingly, "Some things can't be broken at will."

Master Shu pursed his lips vigorously, and said in a deep voice, "I only have Shu Yao left!"

"I can understand your feelings, otherwise I wouldn't have that child Zhaoran." Grandma Li sighed.

Li Zhaoran was picked up by Grandma Li when she was picking up waste. The child was lost without father or mother. He was weak and sick since he was a child.

It's pitiful to look at, she is also alone and living in a foreign country, so she picked up a child to rely on.

More in fact, Grandma Li had an idea to pretend that her real granddaughter was still alive.

Only then did Mr. Shu wake up belatedly, "So..."

"So I tried my best to be nice to that child, just to make up for my mistakes." Grandma Li murmured.

Old Master Shu was startled, and frowned again, "What was your mistake?"

"Back then, the Li family was on fire..."

"Isn't this an accident?"

Hearing this, Mr. Shu became more and more incomprehensible, his old eyes were full of astonishment.

Since Grandma Li would say that, it must have been an accident back then, but Mr. Shu couldn't imagine it.

So many members of the Li family died, such a big family was destroyed in one fell swoop.

It wasn't an accident, why didn't Grandma Li pursue it?

"Of course not!" Grandma Li's voice suddenly rose, her eyes widened.

Recalling the past, Grandma Li's hands were clenched tightly, and the skinny and dry veins under the skin were bulging, and she was very disturbed.

"I mistrusted Li Qingya, it was I who killed my granddaughter, it was me..."

"Zhilan, calm down, it's all over." Mr. Shu watched and pressed Grandma Li's hand.

Grandma Li seemed to wake up from a nightmare, with cold sweat dripping from her forehead, her lips trembling uncontrollably, and she looked terribly frightened.

Mr. Shu and Grandma Li are old classmates and old acquaintances. They have never seen Grandma Li like this.

Grandma Li's name is Li Zhilan, and she is a strong woman. She was a well-known figure in Yancheng back then, and even her husband stepped in backwards.

In Yancheng, the original Li family was the leader, followed by other families.

The Li family is run by women. Grandma Li is strong and domineering. Mr. Shu has never seen her bow her head.

When they saw each other again, Mr. Shu could hardly recognize this down-and-out and humble Li Zhilan.

Where is the slightest trace of the strong woman back then?
She shook her head, muttering, "It's all my fault, it's my fault."

Li Zhilan grabbed old master Shu's hand with his backhand, and it hurt so much that he was about to pinch into his flesh and blood.

Her eyes were full of tears, full of regret.

"Zhilan, calm down, what happened back then?" Old Master Shu tried to wake Li Zhilan.

Li Zhilan shed two lines of tears from her skinny face in a daze, "I, I..."

Recalling what happened back then, Li Zhilan still has lingering fears in her heart, and feels like she is about to suffocate when she thinks about it.

The fire that year almost burned her to death.

But Li Zhilan doesn't want to die, she doesn't want to die yet——

"I'm a sinner." Li Zhilan closed her eyes in pain.

Mr. Shu was afraid that Li Zhilan's mood would be unstable, so he hurriedly said, "I won't ask, I won't talk anymore."

"Do not--"

"I want to say that what happened back then was not an accident, it was Li Qingya who set it on fire!"

It's all for Mr. Shu to say, Li Zhilan shook her head violently, she said in a hoarse voice, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The skinny and shriveled face became more ferocious and terrifying, which showed that Li Zhilan had a bad year.

When Mr. Shu saw Li Zhilan for the last time, she was still beautiful, not the same as the skeleton man now.

"Old Shu, you must also ask why I didn't pursue it at the beginning."

Mr. Shu nodded, and said, "I've forgotten about the investigation now, it was the best opportunity back then."

"I dare not, I escaped from the sea of ​​fire and escaped from death—"


Li Zhilan desperately pulled up her sleeves, revealing horrifying scars.

"Ah, you..." Mr. Shu raised his hand and touched the wound on his arm tremblingly.

The entangled pieces of flesh looked abnormal, they were severe burns, ugly and disgusting.

"The burns all over my body alone are enough for me to lie in the hospital for several years. I am afraid, I am afraid."

Who can understand the pain of being burned by a fire, even if she survives, Li Zhilan wants to die in pain when she is changing skin and raw meat.

No one who has ever been so close to death will understand her fear and helplessness.

"If it weren't for some kind-hearted people, I'm afraid I'd be dead by now."

Old man Shu's old eyes gradually filled with tears, he shook his head, "Why don't you come to me?"

They are good friends, old classmates.

It's not that old man Shu didn't look for Li Zhilan back then, but to no avail, he thought Li Zhilan was dead.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhilan didn't die, she lived such a desolate and desolate life, like this in her later years.

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that Li Qingya will kill me if she finds out that I'm still alive." Li Zhilan said tremblingly.

The fire that year was disguised as an accident and killed so many Li family members.

What's more, it's just Li Zhilan, how can she not be afraid, she doesn't even dare to show up.

Mr. Shu understood, and suddenly everything could be explained, "That's why you hid abroad?"

"Yes, only abroad. I hid far away and don't plan to come back."

After all, Li Qingya is young, she is still so powerful, so capable, Li Zhilan is already old, not as good as before.

It was Li Zhilan who died of old age first, not Li Qingya.

If she didn't know that Li Qingya was really dead, how would Li Zhilan dare to come here.

"Whatever you like, what you do, what you do, she's dead!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that boy Boan..."

(End of this chapter)

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