Chapter 371 Hospitalization
But Li Zhilan didn't have time to speak, so Mr. Shu stood up and picked up the few wedding invitations.

"You still have the guts to send it here!" He slammed on Shu Yawen's body and scolded angrily.

Shu Yawen didn't expect that Mr. Shu would dare to treat her like this, and touched the face hit by the invitation in disbelief.

She immediately retorted unconvinced, "Why can't I give it away, isn't Shu Murou your granddaughter?"

Great joy, why can't I send it away.

Mr. Shu was forced by Shu Yawen's righteousness, and he couldn't speak clearly, he said tremblingly.

"You, don't you know what Fu Jingzhen means to Shu Yao? Do you have the heart to do this!"

What's more, Shu Murou is still Shu Yao's younger sister, how did Shu Yao treat Shu Murou well before?

They are really wolf-hearted, just like Li Qingya.

"Is it because Shu Yao doesn't have the ability to not allow Mu Rou to be happy?" Shu Yawen raised her voice.

She was trembling with anger and was about to speak when she saw someone coming down the stairs.

It's Shu Yao.

"You came just in time." Shu Yawen seemed to have been prepared, and took out a wedding invitation from her bag.

Mr. Shu became anxious, "You, you come back!"

But Shu Yawen turned a deaf ear to it, walked straight towards the stairs, and handed it forward like a bravado.

"Shu Yao, you came just in time. I hope you can attend the wedding of Jing Zhen and Mu Rou."

The invitation is bright red, and the cover is embroidered with a soaring phoenix and a dragon intertwined, the implication is obvious.

All the people present held their breath and concentrated, not daring to show their breath.

Everyone knows what this means to Shu Yao, everyone in Yecheng knows Shu Yao's love.


She finally made it to today, the best on-screen couple in the past, the man who accompanied her when she debuted and married another man.

"Take it." Shu Yawen smiled cruelly, shaking the invitation to signal Shu Yao to take it.

Just when everyone thought that Shu Yao would not make a move, Shu Yao moved.

Shu Yao raised her hand and gently took away the invitation card from Shu Yawen's hand, and said lightly, "I will go."

"You!" Shu Yawen didn't expect Shu Yao to accept it so calmly.

In the past, when Shu Yao faced Fu Jingzhen's affairs, most of them were hysterical, showing serious emotions.

Now, it seems to be painless.

Mr. Shu didn't know that Shu Yao cared a lot about Fu Jingzhen before, seeing Shu Yao being bullied by Shu Yawen like this.

He was so angry that he could no longer care about others, let alone himself.

Old man Shu staggered forward and grabbed Shu Yawen's hair.

"Have you had enough trouble? Get out!"

He grabbed Shu Yawen and was about to drag her out. He really thought that he was young, but it was actually very difficult to drag.

There were bursts of blackness in front of my eyes, but Mr. Shu held on tightly and didn't let go.

Li Zhilan was terrified, and rushed forward to ask, "Old Shu, what are you doing?"

"Ah, it hurts! Dad! Let go!" Shu Yawen couldn't help but yelled as she felt her scalp being pulled in pain.

She didn't expect Mr. Shu to react so strongly, even Shu Yao didn't react at all.

"Grandpa!" Shu Yao also hurried forward.

With Mr. Shu's body, he shouldn't do such a thing at all.

The painful Shu Yawen struggled subconsciously, she grinned in pain, but Mr. Shu's hands were like pliers.


This old bastard used to protect his younger brother Shu Boyan, but now he favors Shu Yao——

Anyway, this old thing will never see the meaning of her existence, Shu Yawen.

With new and old grudges, Shu Yawen didn't care too much, and directly grabbed Mr. Shu's hand and pulled it violently!

"Old Shu!"

Everyone didn't realize that Shu Yawen would do this, and there was no time to stop her.

I saw old man Shu staggered by this brute force, and then fell to the ground carelessly.

Shu Yao was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Mr. Shu up, "Grandpa, grandpa, are you alright?"

"Get out - get out!" Old Master Shu stared open, tremblingly raised his hand and pointed at Shu Yawen.

Shu Yawen didn't expect to overthrow Mr. Shu, so she panicked and left as if showing off with Shu Yao.

As soon as she left, the family finally calmed down again.

Mr. Shu was very angry, he clutched his heart and panted heavily, as if every breath was very difficult.

"Wanwan, call the hospital quickly." Shu Yao frowned and squeezed Mr. Shu's hand.

Wen Wan immediately dialed the emergency number of the hospital.

Not long after, the hospital rushed to pick up Mr. Shu.


"Doctor, how are you?"

Shu Yao followed the doctor to the consultation room and sat down. The doctor was silent for a moment at first, and then flipped through the medical records in hand.

The doctor hesitated for a moment, and then said, "This situation is very complicated, I can only take a rough look."


Before Shu Yao asked, the doctor seemed to be hesitating, and finally made up his mind to speak.

"In this case, it's best to go to Dean He, he is an expert in this field, very powerful." The doctor said in a low voice.

When he spoke, the doctor's eyes sparkled, and he obviously admired and yearned for the person in his mouth.

That almost adoring expression made Shu Yao a little curious.

"Then how can we find the dean?" Wen Wan, who came to accompany her, was more anxious than Shu Yao, and asked first.

The doctor sighed, and said again: "That's why I hesitated to say it, because he was almost impossible to find."

"It doesn't make any difference if you say it or not." Wen Wan became anxious.

Shu Yao held down the restless Wen Wan, and said softly, "Why?"

"Dean He is a celebrity, a rookie in the medical field, he..."

The doctor was about to talk eloquently about love, but Shu Yao saw the door to the consulting room behind him opened.

"Where is it so powerful."

A man walked up to the doctor from behind, and said Yan Yan with a smile, showing two small canine teeth.

Fengshen is handsome, youthful and energetic, and this is probably the kind of person he describes.

Even Wen Wan's eyes lit up, such a person would have a good face even in the entertainment industry.

"He, Dean He!" The doctor stood up from the chair in awe.

Wen Wan's eyes widened, and she said in a low voice, "What? He's Dean He?"

Shu Yao was also surprised, she thought that Dean He should be an experienced old man from what the doctor said.

It never occurred to her that Dean He was actually a very young man.

Looking at the white coat on Dean He's body, it was like a child learning to wear adult clothes.

"The dean doesn't need to call."

The man looked very shy, he touched his nose coyly, and extended his hand to introduce himself.

"My surname is He, He Yunzhou." The man stretched out his hand towards Shu Yao.

Shu Yao was slightly taken aback, and held the man's hand, "Hello."

"Oh, by the way, Dean He, this is the list of patients accepted today, he..." The doctor was about to introduce.

He Yunzhou gestured and said, "I know, I came here because I knew."

Mr. Shu's case is very special, which attracted He Yunzhou's interest, otherwise he wouldn't have come here specially.

This is a good challenge for He Yunzhou.

"Are you the family member of this patient, Shu Yao?"

"Then from today onwards, I will be the attending physician of this patient, please give me your advice."

(End of this chapter)

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