Chapter 379
The video was clicked on, and Shu Yao didn't really see it at first, only a vaguely familiar figure could be seen.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sound of waving a whip was heard in the video, mixed with some mocking sounds from time to time.

Only the occasional flickering light made Shu Yao instantly catch who the familiar figure was.

It was Qin Jiuxiao.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?" Seeing Shu Yao's sudden grip on the phone, Wen Wan's expression changed.

Shu Yao opened her lips and was about to speak when she saw the last flash of the screen, and finally got a glimpse of that familiar face.

The man's stern face was bloodless, and the place where the light could shine was full of scars, not a single one was good.

She squeezed the phone so hard that her trembling hands began to tremble.

Wen Wan quickly grabbed Shu Yao's hand and woke her up, "Yaoyao?"

"It's them, it's them—"

"Master Jiu is in their hands."

While Shu Yao was speaking, the cell phone that had been turned off turned on again, and it was still the strange number.

As if thinking it was fun, he sent a sentence.

"Does it hurt? Is there anything else on my hand?"

Then, the unfamiliar number sent another short video.

Wen Wan saw that Shu Yao was about to press down with trembling fingertips, she quickly grabbed Shu Yao, "Don't look, Shu Yao."

Although Wen Wan hadn't had time to see what the content of the video sent by the phone was, it was definitely not good.

And looking at Shu Yao's face, it must not be a good thing to change Shu Yao's face to this point.

"No, I want to see, what happened to him?" Shu Yao stubbornly withdrew her hand and said in a deep voice.

Wen Wan frowned, unable to stop, "Yaoyao!"

This is obviously a trap, and it was sent to Shu Yao on purpose, and Shu Yao followed their plan after reading it.

Obviously it was Shu Yao, the Shu Yao who rescued her from Tang Meng and the nightmare marriage.

How could she be so disrespectful and irrational at this moment.


Now that Shu Yao saw it, Wen Wan also made up her mind to see what it was, but her eyes froze.

She couldn't help but let out a soft breath, parting her lips slightly, feeling that it was too cruel.

On that screen is a barbed whip, waving!

Every time the whip came down, flesh and blood were connected, and some splashed on the screen, which looked shocking.

The last scene stopped again at a critical moment, at the moment when Qin Jiuxiao was suddenly pulled up by the chains on both sides.

Wen Wan recovered her voice, and couldn't help trembling, "Who are they?"

Bloody enmity, but that's all, it tortured people so embarrassingly.

"The Qin family, Qin Hede." Shu Yao repeatedly chewed those words on her lips, her hatred was about to overflow.


How could they treat Qin Jiuxiao like this?

Her eyes were red, and the screen of the phone was too late to turn off, and a text message from an unknown number came again.

"Miss Shu, if you feel distressed, you have to be obedient."

Wen Wan saw the word on the screen of Shu Yao's phone, and hurriedly shook her head, "No, Shu Yao!"

"Then what can I do?" Shu Yao was at a loss for a moment.

Wen Wan was startled, she didn't know what to say, Shu Yao was the one who stood in front of her before.

"Do I want to watch these videos and send them to me one by one? Do I want to watch him suffer all the time?"

Not knowing whether she was asking Wen Wan or herself, Shu Yao almost whispered.

She lowered her head, became cautious even when she was breathing, and lost her way.

Wen Wan seldom sees Shu Yao in such a dazed state, her eyes are red and her whole body is trembling uncontrollably.

However, not long after, the phone's screen lit up again.

Wen Wan had a bad premonition, she wanted to snatch the phone and tell Shu Yao not to look at it.

However, Shu Yao moved much faster than her, and she passed by in a flash. She stood up and read the new information carefully.

"At ten o'clock tonight at the Huasheng Mansion, someone will introduce you."

"See you soon."

Immediately afterwards, the message stopped for a few seconds, and a smiling face was sent over, which made people shudder.

Wen Wan also followed behind and saw the content on the message, her first reaction was that she couldn't go.

"Shu Yao, you don't know where Huasheng Mansion is, do you?" Wen Wan told Shu Yao to turn around.

Huasheng Mansion.

They are in the entertainment circle, why don't they know, especially Wen Wan, who has been asked by Tang Meng countless times where to accompany her for a drink.

There is absolute power, and the weak prey on the strong.

On the surface, it looks like a five-star hotel, but in fact, it's just a place for those people to have fun.

Shu Yao heard the words and asked back, "I won't go, but what about Master Jiu?"

"In a place like Huasheng Mansion, you know some women go in and—"

"They can't come out, the place is very dirty!"

Wen Wan only knew that she wanted to dispel Shu Yao's idea of ​​going to the Huasheng Mansion. It was past nine o'clock, not far from ten o'clock.

The other party sent a message now, obviously they were well prepared, but it happened that Shu Yao woke up at this time.

She couldn't help thinking that it would be nice if Shu Yao woke up later.

If she wakes up later, maybe she won't let Shu Yao see this.

Shu Yao still shook her head, her eyes gradually lost her focus, she still held the phone tightly in her hand, "Go."

She said, ready to turn around and go.

"Shu Yao!" Wen Wan pulled her back.

Can't go, Wen Wan stayed there and experienced the despair and humiliation.

"Shu Yao, calm down, think about it, if they really would do something, Master Jiu would be gone long ago."

Shu Yao blinked slowly, she finally looked at Wen Wan, "Wan Wan, he will hurt."

Qin Jiuxiao may not die, but he will be in pain. If Shu Yao doesn't listen, the other party will torture him.

It's not a matter of life and death, but Qin Jiuxiao will also be in pain.

He was young and took care of the entire Qin family by himself, and the stories of his ups and downs in the business world are widely circulated in Yecheng.


He is a person, a living person, not a real god.

"But Yaoyao! What will happen if you go, he may be in pain, but what about you?"

Wen Wan hated it for not fighting, and Shu Yao thought about Qin Jiuxiao, but did she ever think about her own end in the Huasheng Mansion.

Now that Yecheng saw Qin Jiuxiao like this, they stood in line one after another, and the situation was clear.

Whether it is a human or a ghost, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it is now clear at a glance——

Shu Yao has no one to rely on, she will be eaten like a sheep if she goes there, and she will definitely be eaten up.

"Yaoyao, don't go." Wen Wan took Shu Yao's hand.

Shu Yao looked at Wen Wan quietly, just when Wen Wan thought Shu Yao agreed, she pulled away a little bit.

Wen Wan's hand was empty, and it was Shu Yao who took her hand away, "Yaoyao! Don't go, please."

"I can't—now that I know, I can't, late night."

She shook her head as if begging, and when she spoke again, her voice was hoarse and full of struggles.

"I can't, I can't..."

Shu Yao knew that what Wen Wan said was reasonable, and she also knew the truth, but how could she sit idly by.

In the previous life, when Shu Yao was about to die in the explosion in the warehouse, it was Qin Jiuxiao who knew it was a trap, but he still came!
He came, lost a pair of legs, lost his right-hand man and his subordinates, and the Qin family was taken away by someone——

Knowing that she couldn't do it, she did it, regardless of life or death, Qin Jiuxiao still came here for her through thick and thin.

She can too.

Shu Yao closed her eyes, then opened them again, as if she had made up her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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