Chapter 381
Almost instantly, all eyes in the box were focused on Shu Yao.

From the moment she entered the Huasheng Mansion and stepped into this box, she immediately became the focus of the audience.

The box, which was full of gongs and drums, fell silent for Shu Yao's arrival.

Qin Wenyu raised his wine glass and calmly observed everyone's reactions, with a slight smile on his lips.

Sure enough, you still have to be really stunning to hold back this group of old people who are used to seeing Vanity Fair.

"Shu Yao, come, sit here." Qin Wenyu raised his hand and greeted her.

Hu Zheng's eyes were almost staring at Shu Yao, he couldn't take his eyes off, and only moved a bit when he was reminded.

"Oh, good." Hu Zheng got up, still staring at her.

Her elegant and light make-up looks cold and dusty, revealing the stubborn arrogance in her bones, making people want to conquer more and more.

Moreover, Shu Yao's skill is so good that Hu Zheng didn't have time to watch it before, but now it's really...

She really deserved to be the woman Qin Jiuye had his eye on, she was quite interesting.

Hu Zheng drove together, and Shu Yao then took a seat.

She lifted the broken hair beside her ears, her tone was indifferent and calm, "It really is you, Qin Wenyu."

"It's not me, who can still sit firmly in the position of chairman of the Qin Corporation?" Qin Wenyu raised his hand and put it on hers.

The feeling of loathing filled Shu Yao's heart in an instant, she wanted to pull it out,
However, Qin Wenyu used all his strength to hold down Shu Yao's hand, "Don't move around, don't forget..."

Qin Wenyu was reminding Qin Jiuxiao that he was still in their hands.

Then this move was effective, Shu Yao's strength was gradually released, and Qin Wenyu was allowed to cover her hand.

"Qin Wenyu, does Aisa know what you're like?" Shu Yao lowered her voice and sarcastically said.

How ridiculous, Qin Wenyu actually has a girlfriend, Shu Yao's close friend Aisa.

And Qin Jiuxiao is his uncle——

Thinking about it left and right, Qin Wenyu is simply shameless.

He raised his lips indifferently, "It doesn't matter, she's just a pawn of mine."

Just as he was about to continue speaking, Qin Wenyu suddenly felt those hot eyes falling on him.

In particular, Mr. Li, who held shares in the board of directors and was relatively hidden, stared in Qin Wenyu's direction brightly.

"Young Master Qin, don't you want to introduce this one?" Elder Li couldn't wait, so he spoke first.

Qin Wenyu smiled lowly, feeling that his face was extraordinarily bright.

This is Shu Yao, the actress who has won three consecutive championships in the entertainment industry, and the white moonlight in others' hearts.

"Shu Yao, don't introduce yourself to Mr. Li yet." Qin Wenyu pinched Shu Yao's palm and urged.

Hearing this, Shu Yao subconsciously tightened her other hand.

all of these--

All this seemed to bring Shu Yao back to the days when she was drinking with Fu Jingzhen in country S in order to make money for her.

"Serve wine." Qin Wenyu reminded her.

Shu Yao still didn't move, her eyes were indifferent, like a piece of wood.

She knew that it was wrong for her to do so, but she really couldn't do it, she couldn't do a toast with a smiling face.

Mr. Li felt that Shu Yao looked down on him for being old, so he deliberately said, "Young Master Qin, it seems that what you said..."

This is not obedient at all, Qin Wenyu said it so nicely before coming here.

"Hey, by the way, Miss Shu, take a look here."

Seeing this, Hu Zheng suddenly leaned over and posted it a little closer so that Shu Yao could clearly see the mobile phone video in Hu Zheng's hand.

There is a video on the screen, which is muted, and others don't know what they are watching.

In fact, what was displayed on the screen was the continuation of the last video sent to Shu Yao——

Qin Jiuxiao was pulled up by the iron chain, and Hu Zheng gradually stepped out of the screen, whipping his legs.

his legs...

A layer of water mist gradually covered Shu Yao's eyes, and she almost couldn't see the screen in front of her clearly.

"Miss Shu, will you do it?" Hu Zheng smiled and put away his phone.

Shu Yao raised her hand to grab the goblet on the table, but Qin Wenyu stopped her first.

"Wait, how can you be so casual in toasting Mr. Li?" Qin Wenyu stopped Shu Yao.

As he spoke, Qin Wenyu picked up several bottles of wine beside him, and blended a glass in front of his face.

Seeing this scene, the others couldn't help booing for a good show, and it might be hard to drink down a glass of wine.

All eyes fell on Shu Yao, wanting to see how she handles herself.

"Okay." Shu Yao took the glass of blended wine and walked in front of Mr. Li.

Mr. Li pushed away the woman beside him, stood up, picked up the wine, "Miss Shu?"

"Old Li, I..."

Shu Yao felt her stomach writhe and gag when she saw this glass of wine, her allergy-prone constitution was doomed to be sensitive to alcohol.

However, Shu Yao had to drink.

In the previous life, Qin Jiuxiao lost her legs because of Shu Yao, which was Shu Yao's taboo, she had to drink.

"I respect you." Shu Yao said this sentence completely.

She raised her hand and handed out the wine glass, and Mr. Li also reached out his hand to fish it forward, actually wanting to have a drink with her!
"Wow, Mr. Li really knows it."

"You are always strong and strong, but you really know how to play. I didn't expect to be able to toast like this."

"I've dived before, but she still doesn't accept it, and she has to be obedient. I thought it was arrogant."

"It's because you don't stand high enough, hahaha!"

When those obscenities came, Shu Yao felt that she was about to lose her breath, and she couldn't bear it any longer.

But no, she had to hold on until Ling Lei rescued Qin Jiuxiao, as long as he came out everything would be fine.

"This is not good, sir." Shu Yao quickly changed hands when she was about to clink glasses.

Before Mr. Li could speak, Shu Yao quickly raised her wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

Shu Yao turned the empty wine glass upside down, and said in a lukewarm tone, "It's empty."

Now, Mr. Li's plan to exchange glasses of wine failed to materialize.

Mr. Li consciously had a dull face, as if he was posing for Shu Yao for no reason, he snorted and didn't drink.

No matter how high his status in the entertainment industry is, he is still not an actor!
"Miss Shu, don't be so ignorant, come on, let's have a good talk." Mr. Li didn't give up.

He raised his hand to grab Shu Yao's wrist, Shu Yao subconsciously wanted to dodge, but after hearing Hu Zhengqing cough.

She endured it, let go of her strength, and let Old General Li pull her to sit down.

An inexplicable sense of humiliation instantly permeated Shu Yao's whole body, and she unconsciously bit her lower lip.

"It's so pretty, don't bite it." Mr. Li noticed Shu Yao's movement, and he raised his hand to touch it.

Shu Yao slapped his hand away almost reflexively, "Take it away!"

Oops, she's going to screw it up.

"How fierce, how dare you hit Mr. Li in the face like that?"

"Maybe I don't know that Mr. Li is the elder of the Qin family, tsk tsk tsk."

"It was fine just now, it seems that Young Master Qin didn't take care of it."

There were crackling sounds in my ears, loud music, and ridicule.

Those hot and arrogant eyes fell on her body, looking at Shu Yao was like looking at a plaything.

Shu Yao really couldn't control that feeling of disgust, not Qin Jiuxiao, she couldn't take it anymore.

I really want to run away, I really want to leave——

But she was also afraid that Qin Jiuxiao would be hurt, and under all kinds of emotions, she couldn't calm down and deal with the matter.

"Shu Yao, you are not feeling well." Qin Wenyu said leisurely.

Finally, he saw Shu Yao who was pushed to the limit, and he felt a sense of joy in his heart.

But that's not enough, far from enough.

(End of this chapter)

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