Chapter 388 Are you together?
Shu Yao glanced at Ling Lei in a panic, at least she was acquainted with Ling Lei before Qin Jiuxiao came back.

But Ling Lei quickly lowered his head and looked away, as if he couldn't do anything about Shu Yao's situation.

In desperation, Shu Yao had no choice but to get into the car with Qin Jiuxiao and head to Qin's.


The car drove to the towering Qin's building, and from a distance, there were countless media reporters surrounding the car.

Before Qin Jiuxiao disappeared, the Qin family was taken over by Qin Wenyu.

Now that Qin Jiuxiao is back safe and sound, it's time for the Qin family's farce to end and give the public an explanation.

"Here we come! Master Jiu is here, go!"

"Wait, it seems that Master Jiu is not the only one sitting in the car, hurry up!"

"Oh no, the car is about to leave, it's too late."

The media reporters yelled and held their cameras and wanted to move forward, but the car suddenly turned and drove away.

This is to drive to the underground parking lot. The media reporters who have been staying for a long time can't help but be disappointed when they see this scene.

However, media reporters who are good at taking advantage of all kinds of loopholes will never give up.

"Master Jiu and those people..." Shu Yao saw the media swarming in through the rearview mirror.

Qin Jiuxiao grabbed her hand and fiddled with her again and again, "Are you afraid?"

"No!" Shu Yao didn't expect the man to be so dishonest, and wanted to withdraw her hand.

But the man is not allowed, he holds it firmly.

Shu Yao didn't want to try to break free, she had never been able to resist this man, let alone...

The man still has injuries, those injuries, and those videos are not fake.

Although Shu Yao was drunk for the homework, she remembered it clearly in retrospect.

"Master, here we are."

Immediately, someone knocked on the long window outside the window, Shu Yao raised her eyes and her pupils shrank slightly.

Isn't this Ling Heng who came to Beiying to pick up people who disappeared together?
Ling Heng in the previous life——

In order to protect her under Qin Jiuxiao's order, she died without a place to bury her.

Now seeing Ling Heng again, Shu Yao felt an inexplicable sense of excitement, and stared blankly at the person in front of her.

"Miss Shu, long time no see." Ling Heng opened the door and welcomed Shu Yao out of the car.

Qin Jiuxiao glanced at it without any trace, and said lightly, "Lead the way."

"Yes." Ling Heng stared coldly at him, and hurriedly left Shu Yao's side.

Shu Yao wanted to chase after a few more steps, but was slammed into the man's arms by the force from her side.

Leng Xiang's nose was full, and when she raised her head, she saw Qin Jiuxiao's not-so-kind eyes, obviously unhappy.

"Yaoyao cares about Ling Heng?" Qin Jiuxiao asked pointedly.

His voice was still gentle, without any unpleasant emotion, but Shu Yao felt that something was wrong with him.

"No, Master Jiu didn't disappear with you at that time, so..."

"So I have the same status as him in your heart?"

Speaking faster than Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao took over what she hadn't finished speaking and pressed her.

Shu Yao frowned bluntly, and suddenly realized that Qin Jiuxiao was jealous of herself, and was a little taken aback.

He didn't lose his memory, why did he still say such childish things.

"What did you say?" Shu Yao came to her senses and asked again tentatively.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't hesitate at all, and repeated as she wished, "I and he have the same status in your heart?"

Is this really the frightening and overthrowing Qin Jiuye in Yecheng?

Qin Jiuye was supposed to be a noble and unparalleled man, aloof and untouchable.

"Of course not." Shu Yao stared at the man's extremely stern face because of his displeasure, and said in a low voice.

Qin Jiuxiao seemed dissatisfied with such a short answer, put his hand on the woman's waist and squeezed, "Huh?"

"He's different from you..." Shu Yao's waist was sensitive, and her feet softened after being pinched.

If it wasn't for leaning against the man's side and barely standing still, she would have glared at Qin Jiuxiao in embarrassment and annoyance.

Why is this man like this!
Qin Jiuxiao hugged her waist, Wen Sheng whispered, "Say it well, talk again."

"What do you want me to say?" Shu Yao found out why this man was so overbearing.

The people on the side ignored it, bowed their heads and did not dare to listen, but Ling Heng was the only one who didn't want to go or not.

"Do not say?"

"If you don't say anything, I will transfer Ling Heng to Country S."

Qin Jiuxiao said lightly, as if transferring his personal assistant away was nothing more than an insignificant matter.

Hearing this, Ling Heng suddenly raised his head, his warm and beautiful eyes looked at Shu Yao beggingly.

Shu Yao raised her head and looked at the man with anger in her eyes, "You didn't know it was different last night?"

The man didn't shy away from it, and Shu Yao wasn't afraid either.

Her voice was loud and clear, not afraid that others would hear it, and she intentionally annoyed Qin Jiuxiao.

"That's really different." Surprisingly, the man was very satisfied, and he showed a rare smile.

Only then did Qin Jiuxiao take Shu Yao in his arms and strode away from the elevator in the garage to Qin's top-floor conference center.

Ling Heng followed quickly, heaving a sigh of relief.

Others looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to talk about Qin Jiuxiao's private affairs.

When the elevator arrived, there was silence around the floor.

Shu Yao glanced around, and saw that many people were already sitting in the glass conference room, only they were late.

"Miss Shu, please wait here for a while." Ling Heng stood beside Shu Yao and said warmly.

Shu Yao nodded and watched Qin Jiuxiao gradually walk into the meeting room while she waited outside.

Ling Heng didn't follow in to wait on him either, he made a cup of warm milk for Shu Yao.

During the movement, Ling Heng inadvertently caught a glimpse of a little red mark on the edge of Shu Yao's collarbone, and his eyes flashed.

Shu Yao didn't notice Ling Heng's strangeness, and took advantage of Qin Jiuxiao's absence, she asked, "Ling Heng, are you alright?"

"Miss Shu, please worry, I'm fine." Ling Heng smiled warmly.

His smile has always been very formulaic, decent and not alienating.

the end.

Ling Heng hesitated for a moment, then said slowly, "Miss Shu, are you with the young master?"

Shu Yao who asked this question was also taken aback. Shu Yao pursed her lips and met Ling Heng's probing gaze.

She didn't know how to answer for a moment, but——

Can she and Qin Jiuxiao really be counted together? He is the aloof Qin Jiuye.

"I don't know. After all, you have heard the story between me and Fu Jingzhen." Shu Yao laughed at herself.

Ling Heng pondered for a while, and asked, "You are talking about the past."

In the past, Shu Yao liked Fu Jingzhen, and everyone in Ye City knew that she, Shu Yao, was Fu Jingzhen's follower.

It's her, Shu Yao, who can't love her, and she is the one who climbs high.

"The past is also a laughing stock in other people's words, isn't it? I like Fu Jingzhen and my fate..."

Before the words finished, Shu Yao suddenly heard a ding in the elevator room, and Shu Yao subconsciously looked there.

Ling Heng also followed the trend, and saw a large number of media reporters flocking to the entrance, and they all held certificates at different entrances.

There is Qin's work permit, which shows that this group of media reporters is allowed to come up.

"The people over there look familiar, is it Shu Yao?"

"It's Shu Yao, why did she appear in the Qin family?"

"I wanted to interview her at first, but she seems to have publicly confessed to Master Qin Jiu in the previous special interview!"

The crowd didn't know who first discovered Shu Yao who was waiting in the living room, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and all the media reporters turned their eyes from the meeting room to Shu Yao.

(End of this chapter)

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