Chapter 393 Antisocial Personality

"Grandpa, all the things happening in the Qin family are designed by me. I am trying to lure the snake out of the hole, stealing the day and changing the day—"

His eyes were shining brightly in the sunlight, like a black panther locked on its prey, elegant and swift.

"Because only in this way can I justifiably marry her in."

Back then, Qin Siwen was controlled by Mr. Qin and owed Jiang Yunrong a debt.

Back then, when Xiaotuanzi took him home and met Shu Boyan's promise to him——

Qin Jiuxiao made up his mind not to let history repeat itself and not be controlled by anyone.

Qin Siwen is Qin Siwen, and he, Qin Jiuxiao, is Qin Jiuxiao, and he is by no means a template for anyone.

"You, you..." Mr. Shu was so shocked that he could not speak, that he had such a trick.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly, his attitude was still meek and courteous, "Grandpa, you can wait and see."

Time will tell.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Mr. Shu knows that he can't talk to them with his mouth alone.


"You'd better not live up to what you promised Shu Yao's father back then."

Qin Jiuxiao promised back then that he would protect her, at least he would watch until Mr. Shu closed his eyes.

Watching Qin Jiuxiao keep his promise, watching him treat Shu Yao well.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't expect it to be so easy, he was slightly taken aback and said, "I won't forget."

"Protect her well, you will never regret it."

Mr. Shu closed his eyes and waved his hand to signal that he was tired and needed to rest.

Seeing this, Qin Jiuxiao didn't bother too much, and he never thought about what Old Master Shu said after many years.


"Huaiyuan, is Mr. Shu alright?"

Because the Li family was destroyed, people left and scattered, and now Grandma Li Zhilan has nowhere to stay when she comes back.

Shen Huaiyuan missed the old love, so he arranged Li Zhilan to live in an apartment in Yecheng.

He had just arrived, and Li Zhilan couldn't wait to ask.

At that time, Mr. Shu passed out and was rushed to the hospital, but Li Zhilan didn't follow him, she was always thinking about it.

Shen Huaiyuan has been in touch with Wen Wan, so he knows, "Don't worry, grandma, it's fine."

"That's good, that's good." Li Zhilan patted her chest and sat down peacefully.

At this time.

A small shadow rushed out of the bedroom and fell on Shen Huaiyuan's body.

"Brother villain! You are here! When will you pick me up to Yancheng?" Li Zhaoran said childishly.

Li Zhilan hastily pulled Li Zhaoran over, and reproached, "How can Zhaoran talk to brother like that?"

Shen Huaiyuan cared about his old love for his mother-in-law and grandson, and Li Zhilan was already very grateful for what Shen Huaiyuan had done.

When I was young, I told Li Zhaoran a lot about my past at that time, saying that Yancheng was good.

As a result, Li Zhaoran now has a strong longing for that place——

"But grandma, I want to visit your house!" Li Zhaoran pouted.

When it comes to family, Li Zhilan's face is gloomy. If she hadn't lured wolves into the house, why would the Li family be here.

Her granddaughter Li Tangyin was about to recover and was killed!

Hearing this, Shen Huaiyuan was not angry, but rubbed Li Zhaoran's face instead.

"Grandma, do you want to go back to Yancheng too? There..."

"There's nothing there, why don't you stay with me, I can still take care of you."

When Li Zhilan was not down and down, the Li family and the Shen family were considered family friends, and they kept in touch frequently.

Now the Li family has collapsed, but the old love is still there.

Li Zhilan opened her mouth and smiled again, "Of course I want to go back, my house is there, and Yin'er is also there."

Li Tangyin's tombstone is in the cemetery in Yancheng, she has to go back.

I used to think that I would never go back for the rest of my life, but now that Li Zhilan is back, of course she has to visit her granddaughter.

It was her, Li Tangyin who was killed by her own hands.

If he had believed Li Tangyin's words back then, and checked carefully, would Li Tangyin not have died.

Shen Huaiyuan agreed without hesitation, "Okay, when does grandma want to leave?"

"Say goodbye to Lao Shu, just leave, it's useless for me to stay here." Li Zhilan smiled helplessly.

Shen Huaiyuan nodded, hesitated and asked again and again, "Grandma, Aunt Qingya..."

At the beginning, Shen Huaiyuan and Shu Yao disagreed, but Shen Huaiyuan never believed that the gentle mother-like aunt in memory was a bad person.

Mentioning this person, Li Zhilan's expression changed.

"She's not your aunt! Huaiyuan, she's a bad person." Li Zhilan said sternly.

Shen Huaiyuan frowned slightly, trying not to get angry, "Grandma, it was Auntie Qingya who treated me the best."

"She lied to you, she's a liar!" Li Zhilan's eyes turned fierce.


But Shen Huaiyuan's memories of those years are all real.

After the parents' relationship deteriorated, his father would sing and sing every night, and his mother would beat and scold him. Only Li Qingya took care of him.

"Grandma, you obviously know about it, Aunt Qingya..."

"It was Li Qingya who seduced your father, causing your parents to break up, and your mother committed suicide!"

These words were like a heavy hammer, and Shen Huaiyuan couldn't say anything for a while.

He couldn't believe what Li Zhilan said, he said, "Grandma?"

"Do you think Li Qingya is really innocent? If she hadn't seduced your father, how could your mother—"

"But isn't Auntie Qingya ignorant? Didn't she reject my father?"

Hearing this, Li Zhilan almost laughed out loud, so she thought so too.

The scary thing is Li Qingya's way of playing with people's hearts, making people think she is innocent and pure.

Especially Shen Huaiyuan and Li Zhilan's family were forced to die back then, and they didn't even have time to alert the Shen family.

Shen Huaiyuan still didn't believe it, and said, "But my mother and Aunt Qingya's best friend!"

"What does that mean? Your mother is a good person, so is Li Qingya a good person?"

"There is no such reason."

Shen Huaiyuan was stunned, but still couldn't believe what Li Zhilan said.

But no one knew better than Shen Huaiyuan that Li Zhilan was the witness and the person with the most right to speak.

"Your mother has a good life, just like Tang Yin, with a good background and a good marriage—"

"It was Li Qingya's intentional design to seduce your father, pretending to be innocent, and forcing your mother into a dilemma."

"Leave you in the end, and sneak in when you need comfort most and the youngest."

So at that time, it was logical for Li Qingya to become Shen Huaiyuan's childhood savior without a doubt.

There is always a kind of person in the world who is born with an anti-social personality and has a dark heart, and he doesn't see good from others.

Li Tangyin, Shen Huaiyuan's mother, the Shen family, the Li family...

None of these incidents were accidental, and no one except her could prove that Li Qingya did it.

Such a vicious person!

Such a sinister man!

It was precisely because of knowing that Li Zhilan dared to come back only when she knew that Li Qingya was dead.

"No, it won't." Shen Huaiyuan suddenly felt that the world had collapsed, and stepped back with a frown.

The truth is so cruel.

He had always believed in the one who was the savior, but it turned out to be the source of all evil.

It was Shen Huaiyuan who wrongly blamed Shu Yao at the beginning, it turned out that Shu Murou's mother was really exactly the same as Shu Murou.

Shen Huaiyuan reacted and murmured unconsciously.

"So Shu Murou..."

"Shu Murou really deserves to be Li Qingya's child, they are so similar."

Li Zhilan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in a trembling voice, "What did you say? She has a child?"

(End of this chapter)

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