Chapter 395: Being a father in vain!

This person really always likes to take advantage of her words, she bit her lower lip slightly, feeling annoyed and helpless.

The moment the man pushed forward, Shu Yao's hand that was pushing in front of him gradually softened.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across her eyes, and she grabbed Qin Jiuxiao's neck and pulled him down, not to be outdone.

As if he didn't expect Shu Yao to be so proactive, Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback.

Shu Yao pulled the man back, turned over and rode on him, threatening, "I'll do it this time."

"Are you coming?" The man smiled lowly, but relaxed his body without any resistance.

Qin Jiuxiao's clothes were a little loose in the previous movement, and they were opened a little, revealing a piece of skin.

The normally stern and abstinent man looked very seductive at the moment, and even a man could be seduced to this point.

Seeing that Shu Yao's ears were hot, she touched them as if attracted, and grabbed the open collar.

Qin Jiuxiao thought she was interesting, and the ending sound rose slightly, "Huh?"

She also saw Shu Yao raised her hand and slid down to his button, opening it little by little.

"While I belong to you, you can only belong to me." After Shu Yao said that, she pressed the car door with ease.

The man smiled lowly, and penetrated into her underwear, as she promised.

"I belong to you, Shu Yao."

As soon as the button on the side of the door was pressed, the windows were cast in a deep blackness, blocking out all the light from the sky.

Only the room full of spring love is left.


"Wait a minute, how long has it been!"

Qin Hede's blue veins bulged out of anger, and the knuckles of his hands holding the wheelchair were so tight that they turned slightly white.

He has been waiting for several hours since he came to Qin's house, but Ling Heng did not see Qin Jiuxiao when he was there, so he just asked him to wait.

"Master, please be safe and don't be impatient." Butler Zhu followed, and he leaned slightly to comfort him.

Qin Hede couldn't restrain his temper, and shouted angrily, "Ling Heng, you are too arrogant!"

Even if Qin Jiuxiao is back now, and the Qin family hasn't made the latest personnel transfer, the Qin family still belongs to his family.

What is Qin Jiuxiao's attitude now? It's too arrogant.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, this is what the young master meant, and I can't control it." Ling Heng smiled as warmly as jade.

He was still calm and very polite.

This made Qin Hede seem to have punched the cotton, and the air pressure in his body was so low that no one around him could speak.

The other people brought by Qin Hede lowered their heads and kept silent, completely different from before.

Maybe it was Qin Jiuxiao who came back, and that invisible sense of oppression made them feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

"What does Qin Jiuxiao mean? Does he know what this is? Where is my son? Where are my people?"

"This is house arrest! I can call the police!"

Qin Hede yelled at God Ling Heng, trying to make Ling Heng understand the seriousness of the matter.

But Ling Heng turned a deaf ear to it, and still had a decent smile on his face, "Maybe Master Wen Yu is willing?"

"How is it possible!" Qin Hede retorted loudly.

Thinking of the two important evidences of Qin Wenyu and Hu Zheng, the living witnesses fell into Qin Jiuxiao's hands.

Qin Hede felt that all his secrets were being grasped by others, and he couldn't sleep at night.

If Qin Wenyu and Hu Zhengfan reveal something——

He's done.

So Qin Hede couldn't wait to bring Butler Zhu to squat here as soon as the day dawned, and unexpectedly asked him to wait.

"I'm really sorry, I can't control what the young master wants." Ling Heng smiled gently.

Looking at the faces of the Qin family, Qin Hede almost jumped up with hatred, but his leg was broken.

The butler Zhu comforted in a low voice, "Master, don't worry, the young master and Mr. Hu will definitely not betray you."

"Hmph." Qin Hede didn't speak, but his face was uncertain.

the end.

Qin Hede thought of something again, knocked on the armrest, and wished the steward immediately bent down and pressed his lips to listen.

"Those things are all destroyed, no evidence left?" He asked in a low voice.

The housekeeper Zhu nodded, and said in a gentle voice, "It's all cleaned up, master."

In this way, Qin Hede finally felt a little relieved, and wished the housekeeper Qin Hede peace of mind in handling his affairs.

Since the housekeeper came to Qin Hede many years ago, he has saved him a lot of worry. He is Qin Hede's confidant.

It was precisely because of the presence of Butler Zhu that Qin Hede was not so flustered when something happened.

"Master, he's here." That's it, butler Zhu said again.

Following Steward Zhu's line of sight, Qin Jiuxiao walked in slowly, still noble and arrogant, calm and unhurried.

Shu Yao followed behind him, seeing Shu Yao, Qin Hede's eyes changed.

That's what the butler Zhu said, it was this person who hacked into the monitoring system of the home and the hospital!

Qin Jiuxiao calmly sat down on the main seat in the hall, and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Shu Yao casually found a softer sofa and sat down, and arranged her clothes without any trace.

She didn't notice Qin Hede's man-eating gaze, because she knew that no one could hurt her here.

"What's the matter! What are you asking me? Where did you imprison Qin Wenyu?" Qin Hede said anxiously.

Qin Wenyu knew too much, the more days he was in Qin Jiuxiao's hands, the more dangerous he was.

"You don't know about your son, but I can?" Qin Jiuxiao asked coldly.

Qin Hede was furious, "Wen Yu was taken away in the Huasheng mansion that night, who wasn't you?"

Qin Jiuxiao took Ling Heng's tea and took a sip, cleared his throat, "It was me, but he voluntarily followed me."


"What's impossible, just a father like you?"

What Qin Jiuxiao said made Qin Hede froze, and he was speechless for a while.

Because Qin Jiuxiao was right, Qin Hede was indeed a father in vain.

When the kidnapping case was planned back then, Qin Hede never considered Qin Wenyu, and mostly used him.

Until now, Qin Hede was not worried about Qin Wenyu's safety.

He was just worried that Qin Wenyu knew too much, and if he was in the hands of others, sooner or later he would be involved in an accident.

Qin Hede couldn't bear to be deflated like this, instead he began to target Shu Yao.

"What about you? Qin Jiuxiao, how good are you? Do you know who is next to your pillow?"

Hearing this, Ling Lei, who was in the dark at the side, glanced at Shu Yao indiscriminately.

This young lady of a family is indeed a big deal, otherwise she wouldn't be so amazing in the study room of the main console that day.

She doesn't look like an ordinary lady from a family, she looks like a well-trained... hacker.

"I know." Qin Jiuxiao raised his lips unsurprisingly, and responded indifferently.

Qin Hede was startled, and asked with certainty, "You know?"

Not only Qin Hede, but even Shu Yao looked at Qin Jiuxiao suddenly when he heard Qin Jiuxiao's answer.

he knows?
She found it incredible that no one except Qin Siwen knew about it.

But Qin Siwen is dead, and this secret identity should be lost forever.

"She is the person your father placed beside you to control you, you know?" Qin Hede asked again.

Shu Yao's eyes froze, and she was about to get angry suddenly, "You're talking nonsense, I don't, and neither does Mr. Qin."

Qin Siwen has never had such nasty thoughts as Qin Hede said. Qin Siwen is Qin Jiuxiao's father.

Tiger poison does not eat its offspring, but Qin Hede is an exception!
(End of this chapter)

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