Chapter 398 Come For Revenge
Sullenness gradually appeared in Qin Jiuxiao's eyes, but his voice remained as calm as ever, "From the very beginning."

From the very beginning, stepping into the Qin family.

Qin Jiuxiao knew that Qin Hede was the initiator of everything, thanks to Ling Yang who was abandoned by Qin Hede.

Back then when Ling Yang was tortured to the point of dying, and half dead was taken away by Qin Siwen, Ling Yang confessed everything.

"then you--"

"When I come back, there will be no place for you."

That's all, Qin Jiuxiao raised a cold smile, which made Shu Yao's heart chill when he looked at him.

This kind of strategizing, Qin Jiuxiao's deep city can often touch the deepest fear in people's hearts.

Shu Yao knew a little bit from Qin Siwen's mouth, but never thought that there was such a deep hatred between them.

Why this is just the position of a Patriarch.

"Send off the guests." Qin Jiuxiao ordered lightly.

Qin Hede sneered, and said again, "Just leave! Even if you keep Qin Wenyu, you only have witnesses."

There are only witnesses, and witnesses can also be falsified.

Qin Jiuxiao didn't have physical evidence in his hands, so there was nothing he could do in a short time.

"Let's go, Old Zhu?"

At this time, Qin Hede was about to leave with his people, but found that Butler Zhu stayed where he was, and he just watched from afar.

Butler Zhu remained motionless, standing where he was, and did not appear to be leaving Qin Hede at all.

"Housekeeper Zhu, what do you mean?" Qin Hede suddenly had a bad premonition.

Shu Yao was also surprised, and looked at Butler Zhu in puzzlement.

Qin Jiuxiao, on the other hand, took the time to rest and squeezed Shu Yao's hand with a look of complete disapproval, "Don't be afraid."

"Jiuye, he is..." A flash of inspiration flashed in Shu Yao's mind.

At that time, there was a secret message sent to him about the defense of Qin Hede's villa.

Is it—

The butler Zhu stood upright, with strange eyes, "Master, my mission is over."

"What, what!" Qin Hede trembled.

Regardless of the dissuasion of the people around him, Qin Hede moved the armrest of the wheelchair to the front of Butler Zhu.

"What did you say?"

Unwillingly, he asked again and again.

Zhu Steward has been by Qin Hede's side since Qin Hede gave up Lingyang, serving as Qin Hede's confidant.

Having stayed by Qin Hede's side for almost decades, he almost became like Qin Hede's family.

Especially Qin Shiya, Qin Shiya likes Butler Zhu so much.

"Master, you are right." Zhu Guanju looked down at Qin Hede and said clearly.

Qin Hede felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his lips trembling and he couldn't speak a word.

"Oh no, it's not time to call me Master, it should be Han you, Mr. Qin Hede."

"Mr. Qin Hede, it's time to make a formal introduction."

Qin Hede's eyes widened, watching Steward Zhu bend down and extend his hand politely towards him.

The old but still energetic face was full of ferocity, his eyes were shining brightly, and there was a triumphant smile on his lips.

Butler Zhu said again, "I'm Zhu Rong, codenamed Spider."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was so quiet that no one spoke, and even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.

Shu Yao's pupils shrunk slightly, and her red lips parted slightly, which was obviously unexpected.

Because although Qin Siwen has three old departments, they have nothing to do with each other and don't know each other.

Butler Zhu is actually——


Qin Hede seemed to be petrified, staring at Butler Zhu in front of him without moving.

It's too scary, Qin Siwen, even if he is dead, the fear is still with him like a shadow.

The heavenly and earthly net he laid trapped Qin Hede to death, permeated everywhere, and it was him.

No wonder--

Why did Qin Jiuxiao break through before Ling Lei's attack started that night!
"You, what did you say?" Qin Hede still didn't want to be sad, so he grabbed Steward Zhu's hand.

I wish the housekeeper struggled but did not break free, "You should wake up."

"Housekeeper, please follow me, follow me, Yaya is still waiting for you at home!" Qin Hede said out of control.

It's not that he wants to keep Steward Zhu, and Steward Zhu has helped Qin Hede deal with too many things.

Zhu Butler is really a spider, so the so-called destroyed evidence in his hand must still exist!
Butler Zhu pulled out his hand ruthlessly, "Mr. Qin Hede, do you really want me to make it so clear?"

He was polite and distant.

"I'm Qin Siwen, Mr. Qin's man."

"I am loyal to the head of the Qin family, and I am loyal to Qin Jiuye."

Butler Zhu took a step back, distanced himself from Qin Hede, and acted like a stranger.

"You—you lied to me for so many years?" Qin Hede was taken aback, then asked loudly.

The housekeeper Zhu raised his lips and said politely, "How do you want me to answer?"

His tone made Qin Hede's blue veins twitch. This tone was obviously exactly the same as coaxing Qin Shiya.

I thought I wish the housekeeper to work hard and help him inside and out.

It never occurred to me that all of this was pretending.

"When did you start, when did you start lurking beside me?" Qin Hede asked.

Zhu Butler felt that the answer was cold and true, "I have never been loyal to you."

In other words, it was Qin Siwen that Butler Zhu came to Qin Hede's side in the first place.

"You killed Mr. Qin when his wife and children were separated, and today—"

"It's your retribution."

His voice was soft and his eyes were contemptuous, just like Qin Siwen's temperament, everyone who followed Qin Siwen was a weirdo.

This kind of butler Zhu is not as respectful and humble as the one around him, and he has completely changed himself.

"Then, why are you willing to do something to Qin Jiuxiao?" Qin Hede asked again, looking at Steward Zhu in a panic.

I wish the housekeeper would not mind showing his last master-servant love, and said lightly, "How can I lie to you otherwise?"

"you you--"

Qin Hede became impatient and felt too scared, so Qin Siwen had been sending people to monitor and control him.

Their father and son played around with Qin Hede from the beginning to the end.

Now Qin Wenyu has witnesses, and Zhu Rong has evidence of Qin Hede's crimes over the years.

"Let's go, let's go." Qin Hede came to his senses suddenly.

At least he wanted to maintain his last dignity. He wanted to leave the Qin family, but Zhu Rong made a move first.

Immediately, Qin Hede watched Zhu Rong walk to Qin Jiuxiao's side helplessly, and he nodded reverently and respectfully.

"I'm back, Master Jiu." He whispered.

Qin Jiuxiao nodded slightly, "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Zhu."

"It's not hard, this is what I should do."

Hearing this, Zhu Rong's elegant and handsome face was moved.

Qin Hede didn't look any more, and told his subordinates, "Go!"

If he doesn't leave, is he going to stay and let Qin Jiuxiao and the others see his jokes? He wants to maintain his last dignity.

Then Qin Hede left the Qin family without looking back, and the Qin family returned to peace.

When she was free, Zhu Rong raised her eyes and glanced at Shu Yao indiscriminately, as if she was sizing up another accomplice of hers.

Seeing this from Zhu Rong, Shu Yao blushed and hurriedly wanted to get off Qin Jiuxiao.

"What are you doing?" Qin Jiuxiao asked after seeing her restless movements.

Shu Yao vigorously signaled that Zhu Rong was watching, but Qin Jiuxiao still had no intention of letting go.

She begged for mercy in a low voice, "Master Jiu, can you..."

"No, unless you beg me." Qin Jiuxiao approached her neck and said softly.

Shu Yao directly pushed the man away, really a little angry, "You!"

Why is this man so wicked? Shu Yao never realized that Qin Jiuxiao would be so unreasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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