Chapter 416 Yaoyao is what she says

The shopping guide left for a while, but failed to find Manager Li, the top manager, and said that he was called away by the boss.

"What can I do?" The shopping guide looked around.

She couldn't decide to pay attention, and suddenly thought that the lower-level leader should still be there, so she contacted the lower-level manager in charge.

Manager Mo, the supervisor at the lower level, received the text message and rushed to deal with it quickly, and asked the ins and outs of the matter as soon as he arrived.

"Oh, you don't know, right? Why are you hesitating?" Manager Mo was in a hurry when he came.

As soon as he saw Shu Murou in the distance, his eyes lit up instantly.

Shu Murou's previous visits were all middle-level consumption class in Banqueting Court who were not so high, and recently they went through the formalities.

Manager Mo watched Shu Murou transfer to top-level consumption, and took a look at Shu Murou's file for a moment.

Shu Murou is the princess who just came back from the Ross family!

"It must have been bought for Miss Shu Muroushu, there is really no reason to hesitate."


"Where are there so many buts!"

Manager Mo immediately walked towards them, stood in front of Shu Murou and bowed obsequiously.

"Miss Shu, Mr. Fu."

"Do you like this one? I'll call someone to fix it for you right away."

Manager Mo showed his kindness to Shu Murou repeatedly.

Shu Murou didn't notice Fu Jingzhen's strangeness, and took his hand, "Yes, I want it for marriage."

Saying that, Shu Murou took out the black gold card given to him by Patriarch Ross in the bag, and at the same time looked at Shu Yao proudly.

When he saw this card, Manager Mo's eyes were about to light up.

"Get out of the way—didn't you see Miss Shu was about to pay?" Manager Mo immediately grabbed the shopping guide's machine.

With this order, Manager Mo can guarantee that his performance will improve.

At the same time, looking at Shu Murou's satisfied look, he must have left a good impression on Manager Mo.

Maybe a promotion is just around the corner!
He thought happily in his heart, and regardless of the eyes of the shopping guide, he handed over the machine for swiping the card to Shu Murou.

Shu Yao raised her lips, took the machine from Manager Mo's hand by surprise, and lifted it up directly.

Shu Murou saw Shu Yao looking at her, and hid behind Fu Jingzhen in fear, "Ah!"

Fu Jingzhen was also very surprised, she didn't expect Shu Yao to do such a thing.

Just when Fu Jingzhen and Ling Heng thought that Shu Yao was just trying to scare people, she picked up the machine and threw it out.

Quick, hard, accurate.

The machine flew over Shu Murou's exposed shoulder, scratched a bloodstain, and then hit the ground.


The machine hit the ground and bounced far away. The lights that were on flickered a few times, and then went completely dark.

This means that the machine is broken.

"What are you doing? Do you know the nature of this?" Manager Mo frowned.

He stared at Shu Yao, seeing how she was so vulgar in her clothes.

Shu Murou was also frightened, and said angrily, "Is this the banquet service?!"

She clutched her arms, tears of pain streaming down her face.

Seeing that his big client was hurt, Manager Mo couldn't stand it.

Saying that Manager Mo was about to step forward, Ling Heng immediately restrained the hand that Manager Mo extended.

"You! You! Let go!" Manager Mo was impatient, and signaled to the security guard next to him.

But the security guards didn't move at all and didn't listen to orders at all.

Just as Ling Heng was about to make a move, he heard the shout of surprise and joy from the shopping guide at the side.

"Manager Li is here, Li—"

I was surprised and happy when I saw the top executive Manager Li come back to guide the shopping, but I was completely stunned when I saw the people around Manager Li.

The person who came was tall and handsome, and just approached, he felt a sense of momentum crushing him, which made people unconsciously terrified.

Well, isn't that the legendary figure that can only be seen in financial magazines, Qin Jiuxiao?

"Jiuye." Ling Heng let go of his hand when he saw the person coming.

Qin Jiuxiao was taken aback at first, but then his eyes were sullen, "What's going on?"

The mess on the ground, Shu Yao, and the person she hates the most.

Just leave for a while—

"Yes, that's how it is. Just now, this young lady took a fancy to this dress, and it turned out that Miss Shu Murou did too."

If the shopping guide is not good, it is clear that Shu Yao is the first to fall in love with it, and Shu Murou clearly wants to buy it first.

"Then I have to pay first. I couldn't make up my mind so I went to see Manager Li. You're not here..."

When Manager Li heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat, "And then?"

"Then Manager Mo came and said that he would not buy it for this lady, and asked Ms. Shu Murou to pay for it."

Hearing this, Manager Li felt his heartbeat stop, and he didn't dare to look at Qin Jiuxiao beside him.

Shu Yao has been here before. Manager Li understands the importance of this lady, so she won't be here for a while.

He gave Manager Mo a hard look, the idiot.

"Li, Brother Li, I'm not wrong, Miss Shu Murou, but..." Manager Mo leaned over to reveal his identity to him.

In the end, he was slapped by Manager Li and said angrily, "Idiot! Open your eyes and see."

"Look, what are you looking at?" Manager Mo was stunned.

Manager Li was interrupted immediately before he had time to teach a lesson.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Yaoyao, come here."

Shu Yao stood so close to Fu Jingzhen, Qin Jiuxiao really felt that it was too much of an eyesore.

Surprisingly, without any hesitation, Shu Yao immediately came to his side and grabbed his hand.

Shu Yao held her head high, her eyes were clear and bright, she grabbed his hand and demanded word by word.

"I want that, Master Jiu."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Heng felt novel.

In Ling Heng's eyes, Shu Yao is not like that, so what's the trouble?
"That, the wedding dress." Shu Yao pointed to the gorgeous wedding dress hanging on the dummy model.

Shu Murou was in a hurry, feeling that she was about to lose that item, "That's what I have to pay first!"

Not caring that her arm was still bleeding, Shu Murou was so nervous that she was about to cry, looking pitiful.

Fu Jingzhen, who was already guilty of his empathy, couldn't bear to see this scene.

He took the initiative to stand up and negotiate with Shu Yao.

"Shu Yao, Mu Rou is about to get married, she finally fell in love with this one after shopping around for so long, you are my sister—"

"Just let her just this once. Okay?"

When Shu Yao heard this, she almost burst out laughing, she suddenly turned her head to look at Fu Jingzhen.

Those eyes were fierce and indifferent, as if they wanted to tear Fu Jingzhen apart!

In her previous life, Shu Yao blindly listened to Fu Jingzhen's words over and over again, yielding again and again, leaving nothing and no place to die.

Even worse, Qin Jiuxiao had the same fate as her in her previous life, but luckily God opened her eyes.

"Master Jiu, don't let me, I won't let you." Shu Yao stared straight at Fu Jingzhen and shook her head.

Qin Jiuxiao felt relieved inexplicably, he thought...

She thought that Shu Yao would listen to Fu Jingzhen and stand by Fu Jingzhen.

"Okay, whatever Yaoyao says is what it is." Qin Jiuxiao's heart softened, and he responded with a warm voice.

Shu Yao's ears turned red, it was the first time she was so willful in front of her man.

She noticed the man's scorching gaze on her body, and she felt even more uncomfortable, and she didn't even dare to look at it.

And this scene fell on Shu Murou's eyes, it was extremely dazzling, and his clenched hands trembled with jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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