Chapter 429 Calling Mom

Rao Shu Yao knew that Shu Murou was not the real orphan of the family, and she never thought it would be herself.

She was completely stunned, her beautiful eyes widened, and her red lips were slightly parted.

"What, what?"

Qin Jiuxiao combed her black hair, said in a deep voice, "It's true, Yaoyao."

"Who told you?" Shu Yao reacted and calmed down quickly.

There must be a mistake, how could she be the orphan of the Ross family.

Qin Jiuxiao was silent. He is not at home now, and all the materials are at home. He has no way to confirm it to Shu Yao.

"I checked your mother's background."

Shu Yao was shocked all over, and she didn't look at Qin Jiuxiao as if dodging.

Because Shu Yao knew that since Qin Jiuxiao could speak out, it proved that the man had full confidence.

"Is your mother unknown and was brought home by your Uncle Shu?"


"The day your mother died, no relatives came, not because no one came, but because..."

Shu Yao seemed to know the answer, she pursed her lips and asked, "Is it because she concealed her identity?"

Aisa once said that the elder sister of Patriarch Rose left incognito because she wanted to leave the family.

After inheriting the position of her sister, the head of the Rose family became the backbone of the Rose family, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Yes, your mother is very smart, she destroyed all evidence." Qin Jiuxiao nodded and admitted.

But in the end, Shu Yao's mother still missed one thing, which was the visa record of going abroad that year.

This is the only point that Shu Yao's mother came from country S and left with a visa in a fair and reasonable manner.

It's not that she has nothing, and it's not that she is a smuggler with unknown origins.

"But no..." Shu Yao was afraid to face it for a moment.

At this moment, eager footsteps came from the corridor, Shu Yao turned her head and saw that it was Patriarch Rose.

Seeing Patriarch Los's face, Shu Yao was startled.

She immediately grabbed Qin Jiuxiao and said in a low voice, "Don't tell him yet, Brother Jiu."

"Xiao Jiu, Cofilo, she—"

Patriarch Rose came in a hurry, his body was wet with moisture, and it didn't know when it started to rain outside.

However, before he finished speaking, a person came out of the consulting room behind him and interrupted his words.

Seeing this person, Shu Yao pulled Qin Jiuxiao to the side.

"Shen Qingyun, are you sorry for her?" The person who came out was actually Jiang Yunrong, and she took off her mask.

The Patriarch of Rose is Shen Qingyun.

Shen Qingyun seemed a little hesitant, his eyes dodged, "Yunrong, let me see her."

Saying that, Shen Qingyun didn't care about so much, and wanted to pass by Jiang Yunrong.

But Jiang Yunrong directly raised her hand to stop her, she looked at him coldly, exuding Ling Ran's hostility.

"Don't look, the anesthesia hasn't passed yet, she won't wake up."

"That's how you acted as her husband, over and over again, if it wasn't for Xiao Jiu who escorted her over—"

"She and the child can't keep either!"

Shen Qingyun froze, unable to believe, "What?"

"Cofello is not in good health. For your heir, she took a great risk."

Since Cofilo was pregnant, he has never complained or called out pain to him, and has only been in a happy mood.

Jiang Yunrong's words directly awakened Shen Qingyun, and he suddenly realized.

However, Jiang Yunrong's complexion did not improve at all, her charming eyes were piercing and cold.

"There will be no next time, Shen Qingyun, I just gave you advice as a doctor."

"If Xiao Jiu hadn't invited me this time, your lives and deaths have nothing to do with me!"

Shen Qingyun frowned, and said again, "What are you talking about?"

"Literally, Shen Qingyun." Jiang Yunrong looked at him fearlessly.

Shen Qingyun didn't understand why his old friend was so malicious, and he didn't react at all.

Not to mention that he and Jiang Yunrong have been friends for many years, Cofilo is even Jiang Yunrong's best friend.

And this further highlights that what Jiang Yunrong is saying now is so unreasonable, and it doesn't make sense!

"Have you forgotten? Shen Qingyun, we're broke, it's over."

Jiang Yunrong's words brought Shen Qingyun back to the memory of that time, the day when he recognized Shu Murou's identity.

He quarreled with Jiang Yunrong, and Jiang Yunrong left in a fit of anger, and because of his anger, he didn't give Jiang Yunrong the medicine produced.

Pharmacy, XR048.

After that, Qin Siwen died suddenly.

Shen Qingyun's complexion changed, and he explained, "Yunrong, at that time I—"

At that time, I remembered that Cofilo had persuaded Shen Qingyun, but Shen Qingyun hadn't thought about it at all.

If Jiang Yunrong had been given the potion that night, wouldn't Qin Siwen have died?

The world is unpredictable, who would have thought of the present.

"No more! I won't forgive you! I won't!" Jiang Yunrong said harshly.

She said that's all, dropped her mask, took off her white coat and left.

Shen Qingyun looked at Jiang Yunrong's back in a daze, he knew that he was not qualified to keep Jiang Yunrong.

As a good friend, Shen Qingyun knew better than anyone that Jiang Yunrong seemed to hate that man.

In fact, Jiang Yunrong cares about Qin Siwen more than anyone else.

Shen Qingyun's handsome face was stained with a thick layer of pain, he bent down deeply, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Patriarch." Qin Jiuxiao didn't have any emotions, and his tone was flat.

Because Qin Jiuxiao knew that it was irreversible.

Even if Jiang Yunrong got the XR048 that day, the chance of Qin Siwen surviving is very small.

It's just that Jiang Yunrong was immersed in Qin Siwen's death all day long, and she was almost insane.

"I'm sorry, but thank you very much for saving Cofilo." Shen Qingyun said sincerely again.

He occupies a high position, but he is neither humble nor overbearing, and he is able to bend and stretch. As the oldest family that controls the economic lifeline of S country.

This is Shen Qingyun's ability.

As he spoke, Shen Qingyun noticed Shu Yao's gaze, and tilted his head in doubt, "What's wrong with Ms. Shu?"

From the very beginning when he came in, Shen Qingyunjiu noticed that Shu Yao had been looking at him.

It was only because Jiang Yunrong's fury interrupted Shen Qingyun not to ask.

"No, nothing." Shu Yao pushed Qin Jiuxiao forward and fled in a hurry.

She didn't care about the people behind her, and left the corridor as if fleeing.

But not far after going out, Shu Yao heard a faint crying sound from somewhere in the safe passage, which was very faint.

She opened the door and walked in, only to find that the person who saw the dark place was actually Jiang Yunrong.

Jiang Yunrong squatted down against the wall, put her hands around her knees and buried her face deeply, her shoulders were constantly trembling.

It seems that this is completely inconsistent with the arrogant and glamorous Jiang Yunrong in Shu Yao's impression.

The current Jiang Yunrong is so fragile.

Shu Yao said carefully, "Aunt Jiang."

"Shu Yao?" Hearing this, Jiang Yunrong suddenly raised his head and wiped away the tears on his face indiscriminately.

Jiang Yunrong usually wears heavy makeup on weekdays, looking unattainable, cold and stubborn.

But now it looks like, after removing her makeup, she still looks extremely beautiful even after years of baptism.

Jiang Yunrong twitched the corner of her mouth, saw Shu Yao looking at her, and said again, "I'll show you a joke."

"Aunt Jiang, if you're okay, just cry out." Shu Yao looked at the person in the dark and didn't approach.

Jiang Yunrong put away her sadness, and hurried out of the darkness to pull Shu Yao over, "Are you still called Auntie?"

When they met, Qin Jiuxiao told her everything one by one.

"Call me mom." Seeing Shu Yao's astonished eyes, Jiang Yunrong calmed down and said.

Jiang Yunrong looked at Shu Yao with sparkling eyes, the more she looked at her, the more she liked her, and she was about to shine.

(End of this chapter)

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