Chapter 431 Recording Exposure
"Okay, uncle, I'll do it now."

Aisa immediately contacted the people at Los Manor and asked them to contact Shu Murou.

Not long after, the servants in the manor went to notify Shu Murou after receiving the call.

Shu Murou was invited to the study of Los Manor, and she was still picking out accessories when she was called.

These expensive and precious ornaments are valuables that have never been touched in the Shu family before.

Shu Murou was very upset when she was interrupted and called over.

The maid saw Shu Murou's impatience, "Miss, please wait a little longer, the master will be back soon."

"What's the matter, really." Shu Murou pursed her lips unhappily.

Is there anything more important than her wedding? Shu Murou is restless.

Suddenly, the door of the study was slammed open.

The two people in the study were startled, especially Shu Murou, she almost jumped up.

"Uncle, you are back." Shu Murou hurriedly stood up to meet her.

But this time, Shen Qingyun didn't catch her intimately as usual, but avoided her without a trace.

This made Shu Murou feel slightly embarrassed, especially when she found that Aisa was still following her.

Shu Murou seemed to welcome her very warmly, just like the host's attitude.

"Aisa, you're here too, sit down quickly."

As she said that, Shu Murou glared at the stunned maid beside her, and said calmly, "Why don't you hurry up and make some tea?"

Hearing this, the maid did not dare to be negligent, and hurried forward to prepare.

"Go out." Aisa looked at the maid and ordered.

The maid knew that Aisa's status in the Ross family was also very important, and she was a very important existence.

The maid immediately responded, nodded slightly, turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Shu Murou felt unhappy, why would Aisa be able to command them even if she wasn't from this family.

"Hmph." Aisa took in the change of Shu Murou's face.

After seeing the maid go out, Shen Qingyun, who was sitting in front of the desk, had a gloomy expression, and his eyes were indifferent like never before.

He knocked on the table, and Shu Murou hurried over obediently.

"Mu Rou, what happened to Kefilo in Qin's house?" Shen Qingyun didn't look at her, but stared at the pen in his hand.

Shu Murou was taken aback, it turned out it was because of this, no wonder she was so anxious.

"Auntie, she was injured because of me, because she accompanied me to the Qin family to ask for an explanation for me—"

"We had a quarrel at the time, and I accidentally pushed it to my aunt in a moment of excitement."

When Shu Murou said this, she had already prepared a draft, just like what she said when she confronted Shu Yao.

Anyway, as long as all the culprits are directed to the Qin family, Shen Qingyun is not afraid that she will be blamed.

She is the orphan of sister Shen Qingyun, Shen Qingyun will not blame her!
Shen Qingyun stopped playing with the pen in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "Is this really the case?"

Shu Murou was startled when asked, the former Shen Qingyun would not speak to him in this tone.

Because of her status, Shen Qingyun has always been very gentle and intimate, just like her imaginary father.


It seems a little different today.

Shu Murou suddenly looked at Aisa aside, and said, "Uncle, did someone tell you something?"

It must be Aisa, Aisa is Shu Yao's friend, maybe she said something bad to Shen Qingyun behind her back.

She just said, why didn't Shen Qingyun get close to her today, it really was someone playing tricks behind her back.

"I didn't say anything, don't look at me." Aisa raised her eyebrows and said loudly.

Shu Murou's heart tightened, and she quickly said to Shen Qingyun, "Uncle, Aisa must have told me about me, right?"

Shen Qingyun didn't say a word, but looked at Shu Murou with anxiety.

"Uncle, what are you talking about, are you listening to something..." Shu Murou wanted to grab Shen Qingyun's shoulder.

Only this time, as soon as Shu Murou touched Shen Qingyun's shoulder, she was swung away abruptly.

This force was so strong that Shu Murou didn't expect it, and she took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

She shouted in disbelief, "Uncle, are you pushing me?"

"Don't you want to see what you have done?" Shen Qingyun stood up and pressed the play button on his hand.

The phone he smashed on the table made a loud bang, and then the conversation between her and Shu Yao was clearly played on the phone.

Listening, Shu Murou became flustered.

With a fever in her head, she rushed up to grab the phone and threw it on the ground, smashing it!
"Uncle, don't listen, this is what Shu Yao deliberately told me." Shu Murou stepped forward to pull Shen Qingyun again.

Shen Qingyun dodged away, his face that had not changed over the years was covered with haze.

"If it wasn't for Shu Yao, how long would you lie to me? I always thought you were a good boy."

And from the beginning of Shen Qingyun's questioning, Shu Murou was dishonest!

Shu Murou hurriedly explained, "Uncle, Shu Yao did it on purpose, and I didn't deal with her originally."

It was Shu Yao again, and it was her again.

It's so despicable, even recording, Shu Murou really wants to cut Shu Yao into pieces.

"You still don't know how to repent and rely on others?" Shen Qingyun was very disappointed.

Thinking about it this way, it probably wasn't a coincidence that Cofilo fell down the stairs.

Shen Qingyun is pampering Shu Murou, but it doesn't mean that he will turn a blind eye to those who hurt his family.

Cofilo is Shen Qingyun's wife and his family.

Shu Murou really panicked and cried, "Uncle, don't you want me?"

"Yes." Shen Qingyun said a word coldly.

Shu Murou couldn't believe that the uncle who loved her so much before said such cold words, she still tried to step forward.

But the coldness on Shen Qingyun's body made Shu Murou feel scared.

Her eyes turned red, and tears fell down, "Uncle, can you listen to my explanation?"

"Tell me." Shen Qingyun didn't move.

But Aisa was a little anxious. Given how well she knew Shen Qingyun, it was probably because Shen Qingyun still couldn't bear it.

"Uncle, don't listen to her, she is the best at lying." Aisa stood up and walked over.

Shu Mu shrank his shoulders weakly, looking very afraid of her, then looked at Shen Qingyun, "Uncle."

"Okay, let her talk, just a few words." Shen Qingyun signaled Aisa to stop.

Aisa was so anxious knowing what happened to Shu Yao, and Shu Murou has a special identity.

Shen Qingyun's elder sister, Yu Shen Qingyun, has the grace of rebuilding, his elder sister is gone now, and Shu Murou is the only orphan.

The orphan, that is simply a demon of Shen Qingyun.

Before Aisa could stop her, Shu Murou spoke again.

"Uncle, I, I'm just afraid that I will lose you, because if uncle has a child."

"I don't think I belong to this family anymore, maybe my uncle won't love me so much, so, so..."

As Shu Murou said, she lowered her head deeply, as if she was really ashamed of what she had done.

"That's why I couldn't think about it for a while."

As she spoke, she couldn't help sobbing, looking very pitiful.

Aisa was so angry that she could say such green tea's remarks, "You are full of nonsense!"

"I didn't! What I said is true!" Shu Murou's eyes flashed a smug look.

But soon, she concealed the calculation in her eyes, and looked at Shen Qingyun pitifully.

She knew that Shen Qingyun cared a lot about blood, especially about her identity as his sister's orphan.

Shu Murou simply smashed the jar and said half-truths, at least she should not be driven away this time.

(End of this chapter)

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