Chapter 441 It's Not Your Turn To Talk
"And you!"

Aisa is not only targeting Shu Murou, she is also staring at Fu Jingzhen.

"You villain, you still have the face to marry someone else, you are a phoenix man!"

Fu Jingzhen felt embarrassed, Fu's mother couldn't see that Fu Jingzhen was being said, and immediately said, "What did you say, the dead girl?"

Aisa has not forgotten what Fu Jingzhen did to his best friend, and now he is disgusting.

"Calm down, okay? Are you educated?" Shu Murou asked coldly.

The other maids didn't dare to show their anger, and all of them lowered their heads, not daring to participate in the dispute between the two.

Fu Jingzhen's mother and son did not plan to get involved, after all, this is an internal matter of the Ross family.

Aisa is Shen Qingyun's most promising side heir, and Shu Murou is the orphan Shen Qingyun cares about most.

"Who is uneducated?" Aisa's eyes were about to burst into flames.

Shu Murou sneered, wearing a loose princess dress, very lazy, just like the attitude of the host.

"Of course it's you, this is my home."

"You came to my house to scold me, and said that I am uneducated and presumptuous!"

If it wasn't for his good upbringing, Aisa really wanted to rush up and beat Shu Murou up.

Her straightforward temper is not like others, she couldn't bear it, and immediately cursed, "Who do you think you are?"

Seeing that Aisa was about to expose that secret, Cofilo quickly walked out of the dark.

"Okay." Cofilo stopped Aisa and pulled him to his side.

Aisa pointed at Shu Murou anxiously, and said angrily, "Auntie, haven't you figured it out yet? She clearly did it on purpose."

How can someone have accidents one after another in such a short period of time, this is clearly intentional.

Seeing that Cofilo is still weak and weak, Isa is very anxious because he doesn't care.

"Auntie, why don't you come and live at my house during this time." Aisa said with concern.

Shu Murou immediately became nervous when she heard this, "Auntie, I really didn't mean it, what should uncle do if you leave?"

If she really went to Aisa's house, Shu Murou would be beyond her reach.

"Yeah, I'm gone, what should your uncle do? You're messing around." Cofilo smiled, as if he didn't listen.

Aisa gritted her teeth and said, "Why don't you believe me!"

Be it Shen Qingyun or Cofilo, the danger is in front of them, and what happened to Shu Yao will be repeated.

They didn't believe it, and Aisa was so anxious that he almost cursed.

Seeing Aisa's anxiety and hostility, Shu Murou was sure that Shu Yao was behind the scenes again.

"Why do you think I did it on purpose? Did you hear it from Shu Yao again?"

Aisa glared at her, "So what?"

"Aisa, you trust Shu Yao so much, you don't know?" Shu Yao twitched the corners of her mouth and laughed.

Aisa was taken aback for a moment, then said again, "What do you know?"

"Qin Wenyu was arrested on suspicion of manipulating the stock market and framing Qin Jiuye!" Shu Yao snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Aisa froze all over.

No wonder Qin Wenyu couldn't be contacted recently. It turned out that something happened, but why didn't Shu Yao tell her.

"What about good friends, your boyfriend won't tell you if something happens to you!"

"Isn't it because it was Qin Jiuye who sent your boyfriend in?"

Shu Murou talked more and more vigorously, thinking that by doing so, he could provoke the relationship between Aisa and Shu Yao.

But I didn't expect Aisa to be unmoved at all, she just listened without much change on her face.

"It's none of your business. It's not your turn to talk about the matter between me and Shu Yao." Aisa said sharply.

Shu Murou's face revealed a bit of embarrassment, and she pinched her own palm.

"Okay, don't say a few words to each other, Aisa, what are you doing here?" Cofilo smoothed things over when he saw this.

Aisa curled her lips, "Aren't you worried about you?"

"Come and see, what's the fight?" Cofilo seemed to be blaming her, but his tone was very kind.

Shu Murou looked unhappy, this was clearly protecting Aisa.

Sure enough, women don't get along with women, and she doesn't like Cofilo either, so Shu Murou was ready to leave immediately.

But when he was about to turn around and leave, he saw Shen Qingyun returning from the outside in the moonlight.

Seeing Shen Qingyun's return, Shu Murou was as happy as a bird, her eyes lit up and she ran over quickly.

"Uncle!" Shu Murou ran over quickly.

Shen Qingyun still didn't let go of the grudge in his heart, and avoided it with extreme distance, "Speak as you speak."


Shu Murou withdrew her hand in disappointment. Originally, her extremely handsome uncle would hug her to comfort her every time he came back.

It's because of Cofilo and the baby in her belly——

Now Shen Qingyun visibly dislikes her with the naked eye, which makes Shu Murou very angry.

"Why don't you take someone to rest?" Shen Qingyun asked when he saw Fu Jingzhen's mother and son on the stairs.

Just as Shu Murou was about to say that it was Aisa's fault, she saw that they had already quietly left at some point.

"It's Aisa, uncle, Aisa came over to scold me." Shu Murou complained unhappily.

Hearing this, Fu's mother on the stairs also hurried down, in line with Shu Murou, "Yes, yes, it's too much."

"Is that so?" Shen Qingyun ignored them and asked Fu Jingzhen instead.

Fu Jingzhen thought of Aisa pointing at him and scolding him just now, so he sneered and nodded, "Yes, Patriarch."

Seeing Fu Jingzhen speaking for herself like this, Shu Murou felt extremely sweet in her heart.

"Oh, by the way, Mom, I'll ask the maid to get you medicine for your injury." Seeing Shen Qingyun, Shu Murou suddenly said.


Shen Qingyun also glanced at Fu's mother curiously, but saw that there were indeed a few small cuts on Fu's mother's face.

Shen Qingyun frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on?"

"Ah, I can't tell, I'd better let my mother tell." Shu Murou pretended to be embarrassed and said.

Fu's mother didn't doubt that there was him, she was angry and wronged in her heart, and felt that she was bullied for no reason.

As soon as Shu Murou said, Fu's mother immediately told Shen Qingyun everything that happened in the private hospital.

Watching Fu's mother perform, Shu Murou knew that his purpose of keeping her here had been achieved.

"There is such a thing?" Shen Qingyun felt incredible.

Regardless of Shu Yao, Shen Qingyun felt that Shu Nanxun was not such an emotional person just by contacting Shu Nanxun.

He will not give up a patient because of Fu's mother's few words.


It is indeed too much.

"Brother Nan Xun is really wrong to do this. As a doctor, it is immoral." Shu Murou chimed in.

Fu's mother said repeatedly, "Isn't that right? She also said that she is a doctor and has no medical ethics!"

"Mom can't stay like this forever."

"Uncle, can you help my mother find another doctor, or ask Dr. Shu if there is room for this matter."

Shu Murou stepped forward to act like a baby with Shen Qingyun, but Shen Qingyun avoided it with a cold face.

He just felt exhausted and didn't want to deal with these things, but it hindered Fu Jingzhen's upcoming marriage to Shu Murou.

"Get some rest, I'll take care of it."

That's all, Shen Qingyun left the living room without nostalgia.

When I returned to the master bedroom on the third floor, I saw that the door was not completely closed, and a warm yellow light leaked out from inside.

Shen Qingyun approached, and through the crack of the door, he saw Cofilo under the warm light in the room, a beautiful and unreal existence.

She touched her abdomen, and the scattered blond hair looked even more gentle and beautiful, like an elf who didn't eat fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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