Chapter 450 Obey, My Husband
Aisa ran to the computer almost immediately and clicked on the inbox, and brought up the repaired monitor.

"Uncle, come and see!" Aisa greeted.

Shen Qingyun came to the computer and saw the repaired video, but the video could not be displayed directly.

In the video, there are many people coming and going in and out of Los Manor, and none of them has a cat in their hands.

In this way, it is impossible to find out who harmed Xiao Qi.

Shen Qingyun was silent for a while, stroked the cat in his hand, "Turn it off."

"But uncle, is this the way to go?" Aisa asked a little unwillingly.

"I have a way."

Shen Qingyun's eyes darkened, and he handed over Xiaoqi in his hand and sent it to Aisa's arms.

Since it was Shen Qingyun who changed hands, Xiaoqi looked unusually obedient and didn't struggle, it just watched with wide eyes.

"Send this back to Shu Nan Xun, please trouble him to take care of it." Shen Qingyun said again.

After saying that, Shen Qingyun strode away.

"Meow!" Xiaoqi pulled Aisa's clothes, as if urging her to leave quickly.

Shen Qingyun left, but Aisa was left holding Xiaoqi in his arms, not knowing what was wrong.



Shu Yao closed her laptop, and turned her head carefully to look at the sleeping man.

She carefully wiped off her shoes, climbed to the edge of the bed, and raised her hand to describe the man's facial features in detail, stroke by stroke.

"Ninth brother." Shu Yao looked at the man's peaceful sleeping face, and her heart beat.

past life.

She has never been favored and pitied, but how can she get all the love from Qin Jiuxiao.

Shu Yao leaned carefully in front of the man, and crawled on Qin Jiuxiao's body.

Suddenly, Shu Yao felt the man's movement, and the moment she raised her eyes, the man suddenly woke up.

"Yaoyao!" Qin Jiuxiao pulled Shu Yao up, his handsome face was full of worry.

Shu Yao was confused for a moment, but saw the man's gaze rest on her shoulder.

it was last night—

Qin Jiuxiao looked at Shu Yao, with a harsh tone, and reprimanded, "Why are you disobedient?"

"You don't like me if I'm disobedient?" Shu Yao pushed away the man's hand, and got into his arms to hold her.

Qin Jiuxiao's body froze suddenly, he didn't expect that Shu Yao would still show no shyness to him after last night, and was as intimacy as before.

Shu Yao leaned in front of the man, and simply straddled the man's body, clinging tightly.

"You're hurt, get up." Qin Jiuxiao said in a deep voice, trying to pull Shu Yao away.

On Shu Yao's shoulder, there were obvious scars visible to the naked eye, which looked not shallow, and Shu Yao hadn't dealt with it.

On the other hand, Qin Jiuxiao himself was much better than before, without any injuries at all.

Shu Yao tightened her hands, "No."

"Yaoyao, you are obedient." Qin Jiuxiao did not dare to use force, so he could only dissuade in a gentle voice.

Shu Yao stuck in front of the man, her voice was muffled, and she looked unhappy.

"I can let go, I can be obedient, but you have to answer my questions."

Qin Jiuxiao paused, he knew that Shu Yao was not that simple, "You ask."

"Do you want me to remember the past?" Shu Yao pursed her lips and said.

Left alone in the memories of the past, Shu Yao has peeped into the struggling and disappointed eyes of men countless times.

But because of her illness, Qin Jiuxiao never mentioned a single thing, and the only memory was when she had a headache.

Qin Jiuxiao sighed slightly, stroked her black hair, "It doesn't matter whether you remember or not."

In essence, Shu Yao is still Shu Yao, she has never changed.

Forever, always his little sun.

"But if you don't remember, am I still the person you liked before?" Shu Yao was a little concerned.

Qin Jiuxiao's cold eyes gradually became gentle, and he suddenly realized that he straightened Shu Yao's messy hair.

He lifted the person up so that Shu Yao could ride on him completely.

"Why are you still jealous of yourself, huh?" The man lowered his head and kissed her red ears.

Shu Yao's nose was a little sore, but she still shook her head and said, "There is one more question, don't make trouble."

"You said."

Facing Shu Yao, Qin Jiuxiao has no lower limit.

Shu Yao calmed down a little, and said again, "If I hadn't left Fu Jingzhen, you—"

While speaking, Shu Yao finally withdrew from the man's arms, and she stared at Qin Jiuxiao seriously.

The words were not finished yet, but when it came to Fu Jingzhen, Shu Yao still saw a trace of hostility in Qin Jiuxiao's eyes.

"You don't remind me of those things for fear that I will get sick, so you would rather let me misunderstand you forever?"

"I, I hated you in the first place because you—"

Because Qin Jiuxiao was nice and close for no reason.

Shu Yao was a down-and-out daughter. Although her family background was not bad at that time, it was not at a good level.

The famous Qin Jiuye in Yecheng suddenly became interested in her, Shu Yao never thought of this possibility.

In a panic, Shu Yao felt that she couldn't even speak clearly, "Are you an idiot!"

"Yaoyao, as long as you are happy and you like it, I don't care if you are..."

Because I have seen Shu Nanxun who suppressed his second personality, he almost turned himself into a medicine jar.

Therefore, Qin Jiuxiao would rather let Shu Yao misunderstand him, and he didn't want that one in ten thousand possibility to happen.

"Are you serious?"

Shu Yao pushed the man onto the bed, rode on him forcefully, and looked down at Qin Jiuxiao.

She leaned over slightly, and her nightgown was slightly exposed, revealing her white and delicate collarbone, and the spring was faintly visible.

"It doesn't matter to you or not, Master Jiu, can you really be so magnanimous?" Shu Yao asked forcefully.

The color of Qin Jiuxiao's eyes changed, and he stroked Shu Yao's exposed half of her smooth legs.

"You are playing with fire, Shu Yao."

Shu Yao flicked the broken hair around her ears, a smile of triumph appeared on her clear face.

She knows her charm, and she doesn't intend to hide her charm, "Answer my question, are you generous?"

"of course not."

"Shu Yao, you are forcing me."

Hearing this, the man suddenly jumped up and turned over and pressed Shu Yao under him, but Shu Yao didn't resist at all.

She hooked the man's neck very obediently, her eyes were water-colored, seeming to be shimmering, charming and moving.

"Don't mention that person in front of me." Qin Jiuxiao said coldly.

"Okay, follow my—"

She elongated her tone and spoke softly.


Sensing the man's overbearing, Shu Yao showed a sweet smile instead, she blinked mischievously and smartly.

The man bowed his head and kissed, leaving only a happy room.


Country S, private hospital.

Da da da, the sound of the nurse running was very clear in the corridor, attracting the attention of people who were just about to leave.

"Why are you in such a hurry to run?" Jiang Yunrong stopped the nurse.

When the nurse saw that it was Jiang Yunrong, she was extremely respectful, "Ah, it's an urgent report from President Shu."

"Urgent report?"

Jiang Yunrong couldn't figure out if there was something that Shu Nanxun needed to worry about, so he stretched out his hand.

Regarding Jiang Yunrong, the nurse did not dare to neglect her.

Everyone in this hospital knows the identity of Jiang Yunrong, who is Qin Siwen's wife and Shu Nanxun's mentor.

"DNA firm report." Jiang Yunrong flipped through the report at hand and murmured.

She flipped through it quickly, and turned to the last page——

The matching rate of DNA paternity test results is as high as 90.00% [-], which is a mother-daughter relationship.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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