Chapter 454
Seeing Wen Wan's figure completely disappear in front of her eyes, Shu Yao finally stood up and straightened her clothes.

Shu Yao took out her phone and sent a message to Ling Heng, and then took a nap in the office.


The mobile phone beside him vibrated, and the caller was Ling Heng.

Shu Yao didn't pick up the phone and hung up the phone directly. She knew that Ling Heng was calling to signal to go downstairs.

She packed up some documents, held them in her hands, and left Jingsheng Entertainment in a hurry.

Shu Yao came downstairs, got into the low-key luxury Bentley, and closed the door.

"Where's Master Jiu?" She couldn't help being a little surprised.

It was clearly agreed to have dinner tonight, if Qin Jiuxiao didn't come, Shen Huaiyuan would definitely not be there.

Ling Heng stepped off the accelerator and started the car just now, as if he was so focused on driving that he didn't hear what Shu Yao said.

Knowing that he was avoiding the question, Shu Yao said again, "Ling Heng, talk."

"The young master is still busy, why don't you go to the hotel and wait for a while, the room has already been opened."

Ling Heng's attitude was obviously tainted, Shu Yao climbed forward, and she unconsciously sat up straight as soon as she approached Ling Heng.

Perhaps Shu Yao and Qin Jiuxiao had been in and out of those big scenes a lot, and there was an inexplicable sense of coercion on his body.

"I don't want to go to the hotel alone, turn around and go to Qin's." Shu Yao ordered word by word.

Ling Heng's words of refusal came to his lips, but he caught a glimpse of the bracelet on Shu Yao's hand, which symbolized the family inheritance.

The words on his lips turned into a respectful, "Yes, ma'am."

After getting this answer, Shu Yao just leaned back to the back seat, she touched her belly unconsciously, the emotions in her eyes were unpredictable.

She wanted to see what shameful things happened to the baby's father.



"Ma'am, here we are."

Ling Heng pressed the car door, and the car door automatically pulled up. After Shu Yao got out, Ling Heng drove the car directly to the underground parking lot.

Shu Yao twisted her wrist, and Fang attracted thousands of attention as soon as she stepped into the Qin family.

Almost all the office staff who come and go in the Qin family can't help but look at Shu Yao's direction once or twice.

She was wearing a pure white long dress, her black hair was casually drooping on her shoulders, and she was smeared with bright red.

In contrast, Shu Yao has both a mature charm and a pure beauty of spring, her clear and beautiful face does not bring any benefits, just like the flowers of Gaoling.

"As expected of the woman Jiuye has his eyes on, she is indeed one in a million!"

"Wow, this is a star, she is so beautiful just with lipstick on."

"But it looks very difficult to provoke, very fierce."

"Isn't that right? Otherwise, how can you call Bai Yueguang that others can't get?"

For a moment, there was a lot of discussion in the lobby on the first floor of Qin's, and countless eyes fell on Shu Yao, straightforward and enthusiastic.

In the past, Shu Yao might feel uncomfortable and become timid.

But Shu Yao is different now, she knows that she deserves to be loved, she is not that bad, and she doesn't need to be brainwashed by scumbags to feel humble and inferior to others.

"Do I still need to make an appointment? I'm the person in charge of an important project of the Qin Corporation, why don't you let me go up!"

"Hello, you can't go up without an appointment."

"I've made an appointment, you can check it in the morning."

"I'm really sorry, Miss, your appointment has been cancelled, you need to make another appointment."

As soon as Shu Yao approached the front desk, she heard a familiar voice.

She took a closer look and found that it was Gu Nanjin, "Miss Gu?"

"Miss Shu, what are you doing here? This is the office." Gu Nanjin frowned when he realized that it was Shu Yao.

She looked Shu Yao up and down, with intense scrutiny in her eyes.

It's a shame for an actor to come to Qin's, but he still has the face to come here.

"I know." Shu Yao nodded, and spoke freely to the staff at the front desk, "Hi, I'm looking for Master Jiu."

"You think this is your home, you can find whoever you want, and you need to make an appointment!"

"Sure enough, he's an actor, and he doesn't understand anything."

Hearing this, Gu Nanjin chuckled, his eyes were full of superiority, and there was a disdainful smile on his lips.

She couldn't even go up, let alone Shu Yao.

"Ah, okay, Xiao Li, take Miss Shu up." The staff at the front desk saw Shu Yao standing up, and nodded respectfully.

This change of attitude from before is completely different to Shu Yao and Gu Nanjin.

Gu Nanjin's eyes widened, angry and impatient, "Why can she go directly to Master Qin Jiu with just one word?"

It's just an actor who can't get on the stage, but he can get in with a casual sentence
"This...Miss Shu is different." The front desk seemed a little embarrassed.

Shu Yao glanced at the document in Gu Nanjin's hand, smiled and said, "Miss Gu, do you want me to pass it on for you?"

"No need!" Gu Nanjin felt as if someone had slapped him hard on the face.

Shu Yao hugged the documents in her hands tightly, and was about to turn around and leave with Xiao Li.

Just as Gu Nanjin was about to leave in anger, the front desk suddenly stopped her.

"Miss Gu, your appointment has just been approved, you can go up by yourself."

Originally, Gu Nanjin wanted to leave with disdain, but if he didn't complete the project well, he would definitely be scolded by his grandfather.

After careful consideration, Gu Nanjin still stayed.

"Wait, why did I go by myself?" Gu Nanjin belatedly noticed something was wrong.

The front desk smiled politely, "Because you are a guest."

As for Shu Yao, almost everyone in the Qin family recognized that she was Jiu Ye's concubine.

Of course they can't afford to neglect!

"That, that—"

"How do I get there? I didn't know my way when I came here for the first time. Can you take responsibility for slowing down the progress of this project?"

It's just a small front desk, Gu Nanjin looks down on it very much.

The lady at the front desk pursed her lips in some embarrassment, and said, "You can go with Ms. Shu."

There is no one on the left and right, and there are only two people at the front desk, and they can't all leave.

What's more, Shu Yao is a special case.

"I don't want to, I want someone to receive it!" Gu Nanjin slapped the document on the desktop.

The receptionist trembled in fright, held his hands crossed stiffly, and bit his lower lip slightly.

Seeing this, Gu Nanjin's sense of superiority as a high-ranking person was fully revealed.

She wrapped her arms around her chest and looked at the embarrassment of the front desk lady very arrogantly.

"I'm the person in charge of Qin's big project. Time is money. If you lose money, the front desk can't afford it!"

"Either you take me there yourself, or I'll complain to Qin's HR department."

Tell the front desk lady to look down on people so much, tell her to give Shu Yao special treatment, and make her look good!
Shu Yao was about to leave, but she couldn't help turning around, "Miss Gu, does bullying others give you a sense of accomplishment?"

"I'm just talking about the facts." Gu Nanjin was still aloof, but put on the appearance of a very intellectual intellectual.

In fact, Shu Ya knew that Gu Nanjin was simply arrogant in his bones.

"A matter of fact? If the time of this project is really as important as you say, isn't it you who wastes time?"

Shu Yao's persecution made Gu Nanjin at a loss for words, unable to refute.

She hesitated for a long time, and retorted unwillingly, "I don't care, the poor reception is her mistake."

The implication is that Gu Nanjin will definitely complain.

The front desk lady was about to cry when she heard that, and looked at Shu Yao nervously.

Qin's good treatment is beyond the reach of other companies, she can't lose this job.

(End of this chapter)

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