Chapter 456 Who dares to help me?
Seeing that Shu Yao was indulged by Qin Jiuxiao, Gu Nanjin was helpless.

She pursed her lips, squeezed the document in her hand and left the sofa.

Shu Yao covered the man's coat, stroking her abdomen with her hands, and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

It may be because of the pregnancy, the body is more prone to fatigue than before, gradually, Shu Yao slowly fell into a coma.

After an unknown amount of time, she felt the warmth around her, and couldn't help but crawl beside Nuan Yuan to absorb the warmth.


A chuckle came from above her head, and Shu Yao opened her eyes in bewilderment, only to find that she was actually sleeping on the man's lap.

She got up in a hurry and rubbed her eyes, "What time is it?"

After agreeing to help Wen Wan, Shu Yao couldn't oversleep, she almost woke up in fright.

In front of the person she likes, Shu Yao's emotions are undefended, and she looks ignorant, which makes people feel cute and smart.

"Don't worry, there is still half an hour before the appointment." Qin Jiuxiao stretched out his hand to circle her.

Shu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I thought I overslept."

"No, I'm here."

Shu Yao didn't refute, since Qin Jiuxiao is indeed there, she can rest assured about everything.

The man put his chin on Shu Yao's shoulder, he turned his face and kissed Shu Yao's black hair, and then his hand slipped down on his abdomen.

Shu Yao's abdomen was warm, rising and falling rhythmically.

The man touched it, and there was a tenderness in his eyes that he couldn't even imagine, "Is the baby tired of you?"

"You're so young, get up and get ready to go." Shu Yao laughed.

Shu Yao stood up hastily, her ears were dyed a layer of deep red, she forgot that the man's coat was still in her hand in her haste.

She stuffed the coat into the man's arms and left without looking back.


Yecheng, Shengge.

The night is dark, and the singing is just like the real name of the hotel, singing every night.

The Shengge is brilliant and magnificent, the lit lights seem to pierce the night, and the breath of money is permeating inside and out.

Wen Wan came a little earlier because she couldn't wait to see Shen Huaiyuan.

She didn't go in, but stood by the door of the hotel, looking at the phone over and over again hesitantly, staring at the changing time.

"Wen Wan? Oh no, it should be Wen Daxingxing now."

Suddenly, hearing a familiar voice, Wen Wan froze all over.

Wen Wan raised her eyes, saw Tang Meng who was hugging left and right, and unconsciously took a step back.

The scene of domestic violence was still in front of her eyes, Wen Wan really wanted to run away immediately and leave Shengge now.

"Hey, why don't you talk?" Tang Meng leaned over with a smile, carefully watching Wen Wan's embarrassed expression.

Wen Wan bit her lower lip and said angrily, "Go away, I don't know you well."

Saying that, Wen Wan couldn't bear it anymore, she could go anywhere, anyway, she didn't want to meet Tang Meng.

"Ouch, now that Shu Yao is popular, you will turn your face and deny anyone, what a one-night couple and a hundred days of kindness!"

Seeing that Wen Wan is getting more and more glamorous and looks more and more outstanding and beautiful, this is a big celebrity on TV.

Shen Huaiyuan had always protected him very well before, and Tang Meng finally ran into him, so how could he let him go easily.

He immediately stood in front of Wen Wan, "Hey, don't run."

"You, you go away—!" Wen Wansheng was afraid of being caught by Tang Meng, and hid back.

She didn't see the person behind her clearly at all, and unexpectedly ran into the embrace of the longing man.

It was Shen Huaiyuan.

"Are you okay?"

After being stunned for a moment, Wen Wan found out that there was someone else beside Shen Huaiyuan.

Next to him is Shao Yuanyuan, the heroine of the new drama "Fate is You" who recently partnered with Shen Huaiyuan.

Their CP is a newly promoted couple file on the screen, and they are very popular.

"It's okay." Wen Wan's heart ached, she didn't dare to look any further, "Don't worry about me."

Shen Huaiyuan didn't know that Wen Wan was among the people who made an appointment tonight, because if he knew, he would definitely not come.

Therefore, seeing that Wen Wan was fine and seemed so distant, a trace of disappointment appeared on Shen Huaiyuanmei's indistinguishable face, and he left by mistake.

Shao Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed, "Wait for me!"

Seeing them go away, Wen Wan's heart cooled down a little.

Is it too late?
No, there must be time!
"Look at your old lover who doesn't seem to care much about you now, Wen Wan?" Seeing this scene, Tang Meng all said sarcastically.

Wen Wan's eyes were red, but she was still smiling, "That's not your turn."

Shu Yao taught her to feel self-pity and self-love, and she is no longer the submissive little white rabbit who was at the mercy of others.

"What did you say?!" Tang Meng was enraged.

There are two beauties by his side. Although he is a little-known celebrity outside the [-]th line in the entertainment industry, he still wants to save face.

Now that Wen Wan dared to talk to herself like that, she really deserved it.

"I remember that Shu Yao cleaned up the Tang family pretty much, right?"

At the mention of that name, Tang Meng gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Stop underestimating the Tang family!"

"But isn't what I said the truth?"

"Today's Globe Newspapers are exposed to the cost of news, controlling public opinion, and the stock market value is falling again and again, which is not as good as before."

"Even your sister was counted and punished and sent to the police. She hasn't come out yet. This is the retribution of your Tang family!"

Wen Wan's words are weak and not forceful, but her words are very weighty.

Tang Meng was so blocked that he couldn't say a word, because the facts were just as Wen Wan said, and he couldn't refute them.

There were many people coming and going in Shengge, and as soon as Wen Wan's words came out, there was a lot of discussion immediately.

"You bitch! What are you talking about!" Tang Meng felt ashamed when he heard those discussions.

He immediately stepped forward and raised his palms high.

Wen Wan was isolated and helpless, she closed her eyes subconsciously, and tightened her hands.


There was a loud noise, and a figure flew out with lightning speed, so fast that only a shadow of Tang Meng could be seen.

Tang Meng was almost lifted up directly by someone, and he fell into the water tank in a panic, and the water tank was torn apart and shattered immediately.

"Huaiyuan." Wen Wan's voice trembled unconsciously when she saw the person coming through her teary eyes.

It's him.

As expected, he was worried, as expected, he still loved himself.

Shen Huaiyuan's eyes were almost swollen when he watched Wen Wan cry, his slender and thin body couldn't help shaking, as if he was about to die of sadness.

It seemed that she could not catch her breath until Shen Huaiyuan appeared.

"Why are you crying, it doesn't look good when a beauty cries." Shen Huaiyuan pretended to be relaxed, and wiped her tears lazily.

Wen Wan couldn't stop at all, she wanted Shen Huaiyuan to hug her, but so many people—

She was afraid of being pushed away.

Those other people were watching the excitement, and the two of them were so affectionate, Tang Meng was so angry that he was thumping in the broken water tank.

"You fucking—"

"Help me, come, help me up!"

He gestured to the two beauties he had just caught not far away, telling them to come over.

The expressions of the two beauties just now had changed, looking at Tang Meng's expression with some disgust, but Tang Meng didn't notice.

These people are hopeless, everyone is watching a joke!
Tang Meng struggled to get up. At this time, the servants of the Tang family, who had arrived late, were about to go up to help Tang Meng.

"Damn it's so late, you're having fun!" Tang Meng was relieved to see them coming.

Unexpectedly, a voice came from the door.

"I see who dares to help?"

(End of this chapter)

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