After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 465 Don't worry, I will definitely come

Chapter 465 Rest assured, I will definitely come
"Then go get busy."

Aisa dismissed the maid, turned around and was about to leave, but a voice came leisurely from above her head.

The voice was high-spirited, and she looked down on Isa from above, wearing luxurious and expensive clothes.

"How did you come."

Shu Murou's tone was full of disgust, because Aisa was Shu Yao's friend.

Every time she appeared, she spoiled Shu Murou's good deeds.

Aisa snorted and said, "Why can't I come, this is my uncle and aunt's house."

It's just that he is the heir of a branch family, and Aisa dared to talk to her like that, he really took himself seriously.

Shu Murou said coldly, "This is my home, Aisa."

the end.

Before Aisa could speak again, Shu Murou quickly called the butler of the manor.

When the butler came, he was stunned for a moment when he saw Shu Murou and Aisa glaring at each other.

Aisa's position in the family is not low, when there is no Shu Murou, Aisa is the treasure in the hands of the head of the family.


Shen Qingyun ordered the housekeeper to obey Shu Murou's words unconditionally.

"Grandpa housekeeper, drive her out!" Shu Murou ordered.

The housekeeper glanced at Aisa helplessly, not wanting Aisa to be invited out so ugly, and said, "Miss Aisa, you can go back."

With the butler's approval, Shu Murou was extremely proud.

"Did you hear?"

Aisa endured it, and said, "I'm here to pack uncle's clothes. If uncle is hospitalized and can't get the clothes, it's you who will be held accountable."

This is holding the shield, Shu Murou opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

She could only watch Aisa go to Shen Qingyun's bedroom and pack things for Shen Qingyun, as if they were the best relationship.

For a moment, jealousy filled Shu Murou's heart.

Seeing that Aisa was packing up and preparing to leave, Shu Murou hurriedly followed and grabbed her.

"I want to see my uncle too." Shu Murou stopped her.

Aisa twitched the corners of her mouth and said with a sneer, "Go by yourself, I'm just a small offshoot heir who can't move your big Buddha."

Saying that, Aisa shook his face and left.

She directly got into the car and drove away, and Shu Murou stomped her feet on the ground in anger.

Something happened to Shen Qingyun, and she didn't say anything about it.

Not to be outdone, Shu Murou asked the housekeeper for Shen Qingyun's information, and rushed over in a hurry.


Country S, private hospital.

After getting out of the car, Shu Murou almost ran into the hospital, looking very worried.

Fu Jingzhen who came with him was a little scared, so he couldn't help telling him.

"Mu Rou, slow down, be careful not to fall."

Shu Murou turned around and pulled Fu Jingzhen closer, "Hurry up, hurry up."

Can't let Aisa show off in front of Shen Qingyun, then her niece will appear very irresponsible.

He rushed over, grabbed a passing nurse and asked about Shen Qingyun's ward.

After showing his identity certificate to the nurse, Shu Murou was able to enter Shen Qingyun's ward.

"Uncle..." As soon as Shu Murou opened the door, his words were blocked.

Fu Jingzhen came in after him, and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

After taking a closer look, Fu Jingzhen understood the reason for Shu Murou's silence.

Shen Qingyun was not alone in the ward. There was Shu Yao in the ward. Shu Yao fell asleep leaning against the bed, and she seemed to be sleeping with an escort.

This made Shu Murou feel very uncomfortable, and rushed in front of Aisa, but she didn't expect that there was Shu Yao.

"Uncle!" Shu Murou immediately recovered and ran over.

At first, Shu Murou was worried whether Shen Qingyun would still be angry about Kefilo, but she didn't expect that Shen Qingyun was no longer angry.

He smiled and said, "You're here, Mu Rou."

The sound woke Shu Yao up, and Shu Yao woke up in a daze, seeing a change in Shu Murou's eyes.

"Sister, thank you for taking care of my uncle." Shu Murou met Shu Yao's gaze and said obediently.

Thank her for Shen Qingyun, the boundaries of the family are clearly defined.

Shu Yao twitched her lips, "You're welcome."

After the chat just now, Shu Yao was tired and fell asleep in a daze. Unexpectedly, Shen Qingyun didn't wake her up, so she fell asleep.

Fortunately, Shu Murou didn't think too much.

After all, even Shu Yao never thought that the master of Shen Qingyun, a wealthy and powerful family, was actually her uncle.

"Now I'm here to take care of my uncle, my sister can go back."

"Ah, that's right!"

Shu Murou spoke continuously, as if she couldn't wait to show off.

"Tomorrow is my wedding with Brother Jing Zhen, sister, you must come to attend."

As she spoke, she came to Shu Yao and grabbed Shu Yao's hand.

Where they couldn't see, Shu Murou clenched her hands tightly, her round and lovely eyes were full of sinister calculations.

But unexpectedly, Shu Yao smiled and held it instead. "Don't worry, I will definitely come."

"Ah!" Shu Murou's expression changed suddenly.

very painful!
Shu Yao's hands were inexplicably strong, as if they were pinched by pliers, and Shu Murou cried out unconsciously in pain.

Shu Yao preemptively let go of her hands and asked in concern, "What's the matter, are you okay?"

"You!" Just when Shu Murou was about to complain, Shu Yao let go of her hand first.

This was simply irrefutable, and Shu Murou hated it.

"I'm fine, ah, yes, the invitation card, the invitation card." Shu Murou touched her body in a panic.

Shen Qingyun looked at it, and said helplessly, "You are so big, you forgot to bring the invitation card with you, you are about to get married."

"Ah, I asked my aunt to give it to my sister before. I don't know if I have given it, so..."

Seeing this, Fu Jingzhen hesitantly took out an invitation card.

The gold lettering on the red background of the wedding invitation looks low-key and luxurious, and the shading is printed with dragons and phoenixes entangled with each other, symbolizing auspiciousness and happiness.

The inner page of the invitation was open, and the names of Fu Jingzhen and Shu Murou were written on it, implying that they were about to become husband and wife.

"Sister, what's the matter?" Shu Murou took Fu Jingzhen's hand, and put both hands in front of Shu Yao.

She looked very respectful, holding the hand of her fiancé, the two folded their hands, and presented it to Shu Yao.

So polite, so educated.

If Shu Murou is not her sister, and her fiancé is not her ex-boyfriend——

"Thank you, we will definitely go."

Just when Shu Yao still had no results, a deep and hoarse voice broke the deadlock.

It was Qin Jiuxiao.

"Ninth Master..."

Her soft body fell into the firm and warm embrace behind her, and a white hand with knuckles stretched out, and he took the wedding invitation.

Fu Jingzhen frowned slightly, and said lightly, "We just invited Shu Yao."

He didn't welcome Qin Jiuxiao. In every sense, he didn't want to see Qin Jiuxiao.

Even if, Fu Jingzhen already knew that there was no hope for him and Shu Yao.

"I'm coming, no one dares to stop me." Qin Jiuxiao smiled, as if mocking Fu Jingzhen's ignorance.

Fu Jingzhen's face turned pale, and he didn't refute, because he knew what Qin Jiuxiao said was the truth.

Where Qin Jiuxiao wanted to go, no one dared to stop him.

Qin Jiuxiao's eyes were dark, and his voice was cold and arrogant, "Master Fu, I advise you to be more honest, you already have a fiancée."

Hearing this, Fu Jingzhen realized that he had been staring at Shu Yao in Qin Jiuxiao's arms.

He has been peeping at the things in other people's arms.

"I, I don't." Fu Jingzhen retorted awkwardly.

Shu Murou suddenly felt the gap between men, her sister's men were always looking for so good, incomparable.

Why does Shu Yao always have the best!


For a moment, she felt that she didn't love Fu Jingzhen that much.

(End of this chapter)

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